• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

New Scammer !!


Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Egypt - Cairo
Heya Otland
There is a guy in otland called Fidgitz444 and his skype called fidgetz123 and his name is Umit Kay From Tukry

Btw !!
this guys asked me to do few jobs for money
but he scammed me
skype pictures approve

--For Mods :- Don't delete my fucken thread
--Note :- when he pay money this thread will removed
You forgot to remove the link from mediafire in the screenshots.
Next time, money first. If he doesn't like it, tell him to learn2program.
As I told you in the pm, I failed with not taking the payment at first, but I felt something was wrong with him, but looks as he won't be using the exe I sent him ;)
I did hide some stuff in it to make sure that he paid, and if he paid id send him the real one.

The thing is that its a real easy fix to add that walk thru players in pz ~.
About the cast system the only one id say is around is summs, workes okay I guess. Haven't really tried it out.
Then you can buy elfs cast system for like 100 eurs, but thats not even from elf, so its probbly summs system just changed abit to look more like elfs.

BTW, even tho OTLand dosen't support scripts / people who wants to pay for support, they should make some type of thread where users can post names etc when they have had truobles like this.

But if a mod is looking for edvidence I have some, he DDoSed my FTP server for like 2 days, and got alot of skype conv. aswell for that.
Sucks that there a people in this world who do not have any problem with scamming/tricking people who are even trying to help them. :'(

Specially to nice guys like @EvilSkillz :( who gives free programming lessons :D


no, BUt do we want to wait until he does ? Kick this fag out. if someone is fuckin people up for 25~ bucks they deserve to get the balls chewed up
Otland staff does not take any responsibility for users selling products on their forums. This thread will be locked or deleted.

Complain as much as you like. This is the internet. Trust no one :)
Otland staff does not take any responsibility for users selling products on their forums. This thread will be locked or deleted.

Complain as much as you like. This is the internet. Trust no one :)
I have already locked his threads if you haven't noticed
Otland staff does not take any responsibility for users selling products on their forums. This thread will be locked or deleted.

Complain as much as you like. This is the internet. Trust no one :)

I have already locked his threads if you haven't noticed

you don't get my point
idc. if this thread locked or deleted i just tell people about new scammer :p
He contacted me to host my servers, my feeling was that he simply was a kid and kinda a moron.
Once I told him I wouldn't pick him he simply said "Was only intressted in your war servers/scripts anyway".

Kind Regards,
Sad people that acts that way, 19 years old and still not grown up.
If his profile is right.
Otland staff does not take any responsibility for users selling products on their forums. This thread will be locked or deleted.

Complain as much as you like. This is the internet. Trust no one :)
It may be the case, but it doesn't stop us taking action on scammers. Obviously we can't stop people buying or selling on OtLand.
But we can still get rid of scammers <3

My words to anyone here looking at buying or selling something.
DON'T TRUST ANYONE, This is the Internets.