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Please fix Lunarforce


Sep 10, 2010
Reaction score
I beg you please fix this OT, Idk how but fix it. TBH it is the best Ot i've played on for long, the only thing it needs is about 500-600 players active daily and teams for war! ;ssss I dont wanna see it die
how do you suggest they "fix it", its not a button for them to press and baam 600 players

ye exactly LOL. how did u know?

no but seriously man there's hundreds of threads and suggestions how to fix the server for instance the transfer idea and plenty of others. I didnt want to make another suggestion thread or something cuz I think talaturen knows how to fix it or atleast got alot of good suggestions

I just want to see change, not the amount of players online to reduce while the time goes...
Make it possible to transfer from Shadowcores to Lunarforce with a maximum of 5kk gold for example and a maxium of level 250. Nobody will cry about that.
And if your character is higher then level 250 you will start on level 250 with magic level reduced skill reduced ect.
Why not transfer with the level u have? there is tons of lvls 300+ in lunarforce? so why should i not be able to transer my 300 ed then?
Why not transfer with the level u have? there is tons of lvls 300+ in lunarforce? so why should i not be able to transer my 300 ed then?

Becouse its lower exp rates :<

But u should be able to transfer any char but lose some level that matches the exp rate
Becouse its lower exp rates :<

But u should be able to transfer any char but lose some level that matches the exp rate

No it's only lower exp below 200. In 200+ you will have the same experience stage as on shadowcores you stupid fuck.

And it's even harder to experience on shadowcores because the spawns are actually being used 24/7 and there's alot of pk and you loose alot more exp from dying by players on shadowcores. Peace.
No it's only lower exp below 200. In 200+ you will have the same experience stage as on shadowcores you stupid fuck.

And it's even harder to experience on shadowcores because the spawns are actually being used 24/7 and there's alot of pk and you loose alot more exp from dying by players on shadowcores. Peace.

tbh, u should be able to transfer any level to lunarforce imo.. same stages i guess after 200 anyhow.
the most important thing that they have to remove from the players that will transfer to lunarforce is the skills/magic lvl
yep if u want to transfer here your magic level should be considerably less than top magic lvl of the server, no matter what it is on shadowcore.