• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[POLAND] [13.32] | IglaOTS | Real Map with Custom cities and spawns | Retro Open PVP | Start 30th August 19:00 CET

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Dear Players,​

We would like to take this occasion to wish all of you Happy Easter, eat and rest a lot but play even more!

To Celebrate this special time, we are running a +20% Coins on purchase!​

With today's update, we have introduced:

  • [Fix] Resolved the issue that caused yesterday's game crash.
  • [Fix] Goshnar's Cruealty - Eye beam not killing the monster.
  • [Feature] Added Podium mechanic in game, presenting the top 3 players.
  • [Feature] Increased kill bonus for Lady Tenebris from 2 to 5 kills.
  • [Feature] Increased wheel scrolls drop chances for bosses (list bellow), if the changes are well welcome, we will expand the list

Grand Master Oberon,
Scarlett Etzel,
Ferumbras Mortal Shell, Razzagorn, Ragiaz, Mazoran, Tarbax, Shulgrax, Plagirath, Zamulosh,
King Zelos,
Urmahlullu the Weakened,
Timira the Many-Headed,
Goshnar's Malice, Goshnar's Cruelty, Goshnar's Hatred, Goshnar's Spite, Goshnar's Megalomania,
The Monster,
The Nightmare Beast,
The Pale Worm, The Fear Feaster, The Dread Maiden, The Uwelcome,
The Brainstealer

Best Regards and Happy Hunting!

IglaOTS Team.

Dear Players​

With today's update, we have introduced:

  • [Feature] PVP changes: introducing an 1 sec exhaust for equipping: might ring, energy ring, or ssa, to prevent perfect script behavior.
  • [Fix] Shield will now correctly grow when exit training.
  • [Feature] Lowered Forging Prices: Regular Forging, Convergence Forging, and Tier Transfer.
  • [Feature] Introducing kick player from boss after boss is killed after 3 minutes to prevent boss blocking. The mechanism is in its test phase and was introduced to Scarlett Etzel. If it's well received, it will be introduced to the rest of the bosses.
  • [Fix] Reduced Pirat Alterist spawn time. (Ratmiral Boss).
  • [Fix] Avatar from Legs will now correctly display the Crit animation. Attention, the animation is not displayed for fist fighting. The game requires the player to equip a weapon.
  • [Fix] Changes to SoulWar Taints: Completing the Final reset taints. Failing the Final substract 2 taints. Repeating a boss does not add taint.

Best Regards and Happy Hunting!

IglaOTS Team​

Dear Players​

with today's update, we have introduced:

  • [Feature] Make clear to a player what items were boosted by bosstiary bonus equipment. Example below from the Scarlett Etzel boss:
( Extra items from the Boss Bonus: terra rod, magma coat, terra legs, cobra crossbow, terra rod, magma coat, terra mantle, terra rod, magma coat, terra legs, terra mantle )
  • [Feature] Rework ultimate strike spells formula for both Sorcerer and Druid. Ultimate strike will deal 80% damage of the UE spell e.g the ultimate fire strike will deal 80% damage of the hell's core spell and the ultimate terra strike will deal 80% damage of the wrath of the nature spell
  • [Feature] Buff Sorcerer energy and fire UE spells damage by 10%
  • [Fix] Money will land in the gold pouch if player has one when selling items to the NPC
  • [Fix] WZ 4-6 bosses will correctly display boss cooldown
  • [Fix] Death beam will correctly reduce cooldown for the UE spells
  • [Fix] AB boss will no longer kick players in the middle of the fight
  • [Fix] Ratmiral - fixed bug where a ladder did not spawn correctly

Best Regards and Happy Hunting!

IglaOTS Team
Dear Players!

We are pleased to announce a new system - Headhunter, which comes with today's server save. From now on, each of you can order the assassination of any player above lvl 50, to do that visit the npc called "Ravenor" to the left of the thais depot.

1. Minimum price is set to 2kk
2. Reward is splitted on players with top 5 dmg
3. Party or guild members will not get a reward after killing a player
4. Npc ravenor collects 5% tax on each completed order


Players with an open bounty on their head will have a badge displayed next to their nick. The number represents how many bounties are open.


Dear Players​

with today's update, we have introduced:

  • [Fix] Introduced a fix for yesterday's crash.
  • [Fix] Issue with one-shooting The Monster.
  • [Fix] Players will be able to use spells while standing inside Bazir Seal Walls.
  • [Feature] Added missing Bakragore Figurine to Yasir.
  • [Feature] Added items to Rich Collector:
Music box, Menacing egg, Crackling egg, Darklight Geode, Cursed Wood, Spiritual Horseshoe, Ferumbras' hat, Necromancer shield, Nightmare shield, Shiny blade, Scorpion sceptre, Bamboo leaves, Ghost claw, Spooky Hood, Spectral scrap of cloth, Shadow cowl, Final judgement, Tagralt-inlaid scabbard, Eye-embroidered veil, Foxtail, Four-leaf clover, Mage's Cap, Elemental Spikes

Best Regards and Happy Hunting!

IglaOTS Team

Dear Players,​

With today's update, we have introduced:

  • [Feature] Removed soil requirement to enter Yalahar Demons, in future the map will be updated to make it a viable hunting ground,
  • [Feature] Replaced some of the Falcon Paladins with Falcon Knights to balance the hunting grounds.
  • [Feature] Added !drome-potions command, when used it will display players current cooldown.
  • [Feature] Buff Transcendence chance by 25% (Forge Tier Legs).
  • [Feature] Added save player after kill boss in order to correctly save boss loot.
  • [Feature] Increased Promotion Scroll drop chance to the next boss batch.
Realityquake, Anomaly, Rupture, Eradicator, Outburst, World Devourer,
Count Vlarkorth, Sir Baeloc, Lord Azaram, Earl Osam, Duke Krule,
Brain Head,
Malofur Mangrinder, Maxxenius, Alptramun, Plageurooth, Izcandar,
Dragonking Zyrtarch, Time Guardian, Thorn Knight, Lady Tenebris, Frozen Horror, Lloyd,
Emperor Talwir, Forsaken King, Ruler of The Castle,
Orshaabal, Morgaroth, Ghazbaran, Gaz'Haragoth, Zulazza, Pale Count,
  • [Fix] Magma Bubble cooldown is now correctly displayed.
  • [Fix] Brainstealer not droping reward bag after death when killed with reflect damage.

Devlog, currently in works:​

  • Rework Gem Atelier drop chance.
  • Review Gem effects.
  • Review Wheel perks.
  • Secret (will be announced in a separate post).

Best Regards and Happy Hunting!
IglaOTS Team
Last edited:

Dear Players​

With today's update, we have introduced:
  • [Feature] Added Wheel Scroll drop to ALL Custom Daily Bosses.
  • [Feature] Added Greater Gem drop to ALL Custom Daily Bosses.
  • [Feature] Added All type Gem drop to Lever Bosses.
Vemiath, Murcion, Ichgahal, Chagorz, Bakragore,
Goshnar's Malice, Goshnar's Cruelty, Goshnar's Spite, Goshnar's Hatred, Goshnar's Greed, Goshnar's Megalomania,
Magma Bubble, The Brainstealer, Timira The Many-Headed, Scarlett Etzel, Grand Master Oberon, Drume, Urmahlullu the Weakened, The Monster, Tentugly's Head,
Count Vlarkorth, Duke Krule, Earl Osam, Lord Azaram, Sir Baeloc, King Zelos,
Faceless Bane, Alptramun, Izcandar, Malofur Mangrinder, Maxenius, Plagueroot, Nightmare Beast,
Brain Head, Dread Maiden, Fear Feaster, Unwelcome, Pale Worm,
  • [Feature] Covet Upgrade will now update your Tiered Sanguine Item to Tiered Grand Sanguine Item.
  • [Feature] Added SteamBoat passage from Thais to Gnomprona and back.
  • [Change] Reduced Infernal Demon, Infernal Phantom and Brachiodemon experience by 18%.
  • [Fix] Bag you covet now correctly triggers Boss Bonus Loot.
  • [Fix] Augments not being correctly triggered.
  • [Fix] Auto Loot mechanics improvements.
  • [Fix] Added lock for non owners or subowners to rotate, trade items in the house.
  • [Fix] Werelion mini-bosses removed error allowing more than one player to enter.

Devlog, currently in works:​

  • Reduce Gem reveal price,
  • Rotten Blood hunting grounds improvements,
Best Regards and Happy Hunting!
IglaOTS Team
Auto Loot FAQ

  • Autoloot is available for everyone and does not require players to spend any money.
  • Players will enable or disable auto-looting with the use of the command !loot on / !loot off.
  • Items will be collected instantly from the assigned backpacks in Manage Containers.
  • Autoloot will collect items from monsters to which the character has access on the map.
  • Players do not need to run toward the body; the loot will be collected directly.
  • In the case of multiple players hinting at a monster, autoloot will be triggered for the person who did most damage.
  • In the case of parties, autoloot will be triggered for the party leader.
  • Autoloot will be not triggered for bosses.


Dear Players​

With today's update, we have introduced:

  • [Feature] Added new Nemesis spawns on the map:
The Manhunter, The Mean Masher, The Hungerer, 
Elvira Hammerthrust, Jesse The Wicked, Mornenion, Robby The Reckless, 
Arthom The Hunter, Oodok Witchmaster, 
Cublarc The Plunderer
  • [Fix] Brainstealer disable fight mechanic below 20% boss health.
  • [Fix] Soulwar Taints, Monster being able to spawn/teleport on/to teleport tiles.
  • [Fix] Soulwar Final Taint icon not being correctly displayed.
  • [Fix] Unlocking Hazard lvl 12 not giving primal bag as a reward.
  • [Feature] Buff stone shower rune damage, now is the same as avalanche.

Devlog, currently in works:​

  • Reduce Gem reveal price,
  • Rotten Blood hunting grounds improvements,
  • Soul War taints improvements,

Best Regards and Happy Hunting!

IglaOTS Team
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Dear Players!

We are more than happy to announce events which gonna take place this weekend:

Friday 19th: Increased Exp Stages to level 700
Saturday 20th: Double Bestiary & Double Skill
Sunday 21st: Double Bestiary & Double Skill

Quick reminder about our events, including increased exp stages to level 700:

1 - 50 level: x30 from x20
51 - 100 level: level: x18 from x12
101 - 250 level level: x12 from x8
251 - 300 level: x8 from x6
301 - 700 level: x6 from x4
701+ level: x4 (no change)

Dear Players​

With today's update, we have introduced:
  • [Feature] Increased Rotten Blood monsters EXP by 15%.
  • [Feature] Increased Bulltaurs EXP by 15%.
  • [Feature] Increased Nimmersatt Dragons EXP by 15%.
  • [Feature] Increased Gnomprona monster HP to RL values.
  • [Feature] Reduce Gem reveal price, please note that currently the Client requires the player to have 6kk, but it will reduce it by 2kk only.
  • [Fix] Reduce Covet Upgrade drop chance.
Best Regards and Happy Hunting!
IglaOTS Team

Dear Players​

With today's update, we have introduced:
  • [Feature] Introduced Brokul Boss to the game (Fight with mechanics).
  • [Feature] Introduced First Dragon Boss to the game (Fight with mechanics).
  • [Feature] Introduced Dragon Pack Boss to the game (Fight with mechanics).
    Please note that, due to the fact that the majority of the players use one set order, Only one was implemented.
    The fight order: Crultor (6) > Maliz (1) > Vengar (2) > Despor (7) > Vilear (5) > Greedok (4) > Bruton (3)
  • [Fix] Dragolisk elements resistances.
  • [Fix] Terra / Frigo Ulus - double damage when monster has on health change event scripted.
GEM Fixes:
  • [Fix] Critical Damage bonus not being triggered.
  • [Fix] Critical Chance bonus not being triggered.
  • [Fix] Dodge bonus not being triggered.

Devlog, currently in works:​

  • Continue Greater Gems bonuses review and fixes.
Best Regards and Happy Hunting!
IglaOTS Team

Dear Players​

With today's update, we have introduced:
  • [Feature] Reduced Exalted Core Buy price from NPC Nishat.
  • [Feature] Added Exalted Core Drop chance to Custom Lever Bosses, with a drop chance for the whole team:
  • [Feature] Added Exalted Core Drop chance to Custom Daily Bosses, with a drop chance for a single player:

Best Regards and Happy Hunting!
IglaOTS Team

Dear Players​

With today's update, we have introduced:
  • [Fix] Items with Augments boosting spells bypassing mana shield.
  • [Fix] Char Bazar listings, issue with char relog.
Best Regards and Happy Hunting!
IglaOTS Team

Dear Players​

With today's update, we have introduced:
  • [Fix] Sanguine and Grand Sanguine Items not boosting spells.
  • [Feature] Added Wheel Gem selling to Yasir to reflect RL Tibia.
  • [Fix] Bow of Cataclysm incorrect item values.
Best Regards and Happy Hunting!
IglaOTS Team

Dear Players​

With today's update, we have introduced:
  • [Fix] Drume Arena error, allowing multiple boss kills.
  • [Fix] Gem Atelier - Avatar Cooldown.
  • [Fix] Gem Atelier - Divine Empowerment Cooldown
  • [Fix] Gem Atelier - Divine Grenade Cooldown
  • [Fix] Gem Atelier - Executioners Throw Cooldown
We would like to announce that, thanks to our Discord Member Gerax , our wiki is now being rewritten to get up-to-date content.Examples of updated pages:
Planned pages to added:
  • Nemesis Boss List
  • Quick Bestiary List
  • Custom items / foods / trinkets etc
  • Promotion Scrolls Drop Chances
We seek your help, please provide us with proposal what articles would be helpful for the players and should be included.

Devlog, currently in works:
  • Continue Geater Gems bonuses review and fixes.
  • Improve handling Forge chests receiving.
  • Improve handling Bank Transfers between players.
Best Regards and Happy Hunting!
IglaOTS Team