Dear Players,
With the latest release, we have introduced:
Wheel of destiny gems
- add hp/cap gem.
- add hp/mana gem.
- add death resistance gem that was missing.
- remove cap/resistance and mana/resistance gems from the pool.
- remove mitigation multiplier gem from the pool.
- remove mana drain resistance gem from the pool.
- remove mana gem from the pool.
Lesser gems - first bonus
- Added physical resistance to first bonus pool.
- Added death resistance to first bonus pool.
- Added holy resistance to first bonus pool.
- Added life drain resistance to first bonus pool.
Regular gems - second bonus
- Added health/cap/mixed hp-cap and mixed hp-mana gems to the second bonus pool.
- Removed contradictory resistance gems from the pool like: 1% fire + 1% ice / 1% earth + 1% energy.
[Feature] - Knight 2h elemental weapons received 3rd imbuing slot.
[Feature] - Burning book ice weakness is now 15% (up from 10%).
[Feature] - Reduce "Exori Gran Ico" cooldown to 20s (down from 30s).
[Feature] - Reworked the Icicle Rune. It is now an ice equivalent of the sudden death rune. To avoid huge change in the PVP while focusing on the PVE, we decided to nerf the Icicle Rune PVP damage to approx. 40-50% of the damage delt by sudden death rune.
[Feature] - Added the Divine Radiance and the Necrotic Vortex runes (Holy and Death Great Ball Rune).
Hunting Ground Balances
[Change] Plague seal has been slightly rebalanced. Grimeleech health and exp has been increased by 1000. Grimeleech and Hellflayer are now 15% weak to energy (up from 5%). Plaguesmith yield 20% more experience points.
[Change] Bulltaur Hunting grounds - Reduced Bulltaurs damage by 10% for all of their attacks. Increased their health by 3000 and experience by 2000.
[Fix] Root and Bloodjaw rotten blood tains - party check has been removed, from now on if the party member has active root taint it won't affect other players that doesn't have this taint similar to how the soulwar taints work.
[Fix] Tentugly boss fight fixes.
[Fix] Lokathmor boss fight fixes.
[Fix] Missing damage dealer in the impact analyzer (marked as other) on some monster's chain attack
Best Regards,
IglaOTS Team