• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[POLAND] [13.32] | IglaOTS | Real Map with Custom cities and spawns | Retro Open PVP | Start 30th August 19:00 CET

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Client Protocol

Dear Players,​

With the latest release, we have introduced:

Optimization & Technical Improvements
[Feature] In order to ensure game stability and reduce lag adjustments to Market have been introduced.
[Feature] Several improvements and fixes for recent game crash.

[Feature] Introduced management options to the Boss Teleport Cube. Players will now be able to remove and add Bosses to the main list. Some additional improvements are planned in the next release.
[Feature] Changed Boss Teleport Cube text color to make it more accessible for people to read.
[Feature] Improved collect all message for skipped items.
[Feature] Increased Feru Way bosses Mazoran, Ragiaz Shulgrax and Tarbaz weakness to ice by 10%.[Feature] Added bonus for Exori gran ico -2s cooldown per gem.
[Feature] Critical Damage gems buff[
Feature] Increased white floor timer by 2s on Goshnar's Megalomania.

[Fix] Removed several typos in item names.
[Fix] Sap strength area fix.

Best Regards,
IglaOTS Team

Dear Players,​

With the latest release, we have introduced:

  • [Feature] Increased Soul Catcher summon chance.
  • [Feature] decrease fuse/transfer cost by 75% with interim tokens.
  • [Feature] Interface improvements in the Boss Teleport Cube.
  • [Feature] Increased Brokul exp.
  • [Feature] Increased Cults of Tibia bosses exp.
  • [Feature] Improved message in the Server Log when player dies without bless.
  • [Fix] Fill up HP and MP to max including wheel/gem bonus on lvlup
  • [Fix] Unable to wrap/unwrap when subowner buys own house.
  • [Fix] Frozen horror fight
  • [Fix] Mazzinor transform fight
Best Regards,
IglaOTS Team