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[Poland][Cerberia.com 8.5 RL MAP]


Banned User
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score
Cerberia.com v2

Global Information
*99% no lags - the server is on dedicated server with fast uplink connection to handle up to 1000 players at once without lags!
*Balanced Vocations for a perfect PvP-Experience
Detailed Spells
*All 15 Tibia Cities (including Yalahar!)
*PvP/RPG .
*Guild War system.
*Newest engine
*RL addon npc system (collecting items for addons).
*A huge real tibia map always growing.
*Loads of hunting spots(35k monsters).
*Many houses(around 1100)!
*A Good and an Active Crew.
*A sea full of quests.
*Regular updates.
*Balanced vocations for a perfect PVP.
*Real Tibia Quests: Annihlator, Demon Helmet, Demon Oak, Inquisition, Pits of Inferno, Blue Legs and a lot of more!


* Experience Rate: Stages
* Skill Rate: x20
* Magic Rate: x10
* Loot Rate: x3
* Spawn Rate: x2

*The Experience stage;
* Level 1->25: x80
* Level 26->50: x60
* Level 51->75: x40
* Level 76->100: x25
* Level 101->125: x20
* Level 126->150: x15
* Level 151->175: x8
* Level 176+: x5

Hardware Information

# CPU: Quad Q6600 4x 3.00GHz

# HDD: 1 TB

# RAM: 8 GB

# Internet: 1 GB/S

# OS: Debian Stable 5.0

More info u can find in serverinfo and changelog on the site.
Intro: CerberiaRPG - Intro
Website: CerberiaRPG v0.2 - Latest News

Ip: cerberia.com
port: 7171
Would be good if the intro was in english...