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Ramurika BETA is Online!


Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Welcome to Ramurika BETA!​

Ramurika is a project which has been going on since december, 2009. Started as a soloproject by Yuvbeen(OtFans) / Samuro(OtLand), but has been accepting mapping pieces by Mackan(OtFans), Clonas(OtFans), Aeternum(OtLand) and Ecration(OtFans), and with Ragheed(OtFans) as a scripter.
Server is still developing, with time the continent will grow bigger and bigger, just like real tibia.

The server has had plenty of teasers which you can find here and comment on here.

Server IP: Ramurika.no-ip.org
In-Game Account Manager: 111111/tibia


About BETA
The point in this beta is that I want to see how many players my hosting computer can hold without lags and freezes. I also want to see if everything works the way it should. Not only that though, the server opens becuase I want you to get your first taste of Ramurika before it goes online for real.
It would be great to hear the players opinion and feedback on the server too. What can I improve? How can the server be the right one for you? etc..
We're also accepting suggestions/opinions from players considering the rates or other features.

I don't know for how long the server will be online, but I will be sure to tell you in good time before I close it (both in-game and here on the forum).

  • Custom Map.
  • Great ideas put into scripts and mapping.
  • Starting at level 10 with magic level 2.
  • A city with over 75 buyable houses.
  • You can have up to 2 houses per account, and they will be yours until you sell them, no need to pay for rent.
  • Many quests, spawns, secrets and a lot of places to explore.
  • Free premium, for an unlimited time.
  • Normal PvP with skulls. Protected until level 20.
  • Promotion at level 20 for 20.000 gold coins, ask the king.

  • 5x Exp.
  • 3x Skill and Magic Level.
  • 1.1x Loot.

GM Samuro (Yuvbeen / Samuro)
GM Ragheed (Ragheed)
GM Dreyfus (Mackan)

BETA Contest!
It's a fun event I'm gonna hold while the beta is open, fine and rare prizes will be awarded to the winners when the server is online for real.

What do I have to do?
Nothing hard really; All you need to do it to look for bugs and report it to one of the staffmembers to fix. If you don't want to look for bugs, that's okay, but keeping an extra eye open for it would be great. A bug can be anything from a tiny spelling error in a book or from an npc to a big mapping bug somewhere. For every bug you find you get one point, you need 10 points to get your reward. You wont get points for bugs which has already been reported once. When you have 10 points you will be given a code with some random numbers and letters (for example "e4g78r").

Why do I need a code?
Because else anyone could just use your name you had on the BETA to steal your reward. With the code he will not be able to do so, so sharing the code with a friend is not a great idea unless you want him to get the reward instead of you.
Or if you wish to change your name on the real server you wouldn't be able to get it since I only had your BETA name.

What prices will there be?
There wont be a rare equipment price as reward. Most likely will the player be able to choose the price between a teddy bear, or a panda bear and then also golden goblet with your name on and a thank you text for participating on the BETA server on the goblet.

Do I have to participate?
Of course not, this is just a fun event which will only take place on the BETA. But we would appreciate if you could keep an extra eye open (as mentioned above).

How do I report a bug?
If no staff member is online you can screenshot and post it right here in this thread, otherwise just contact a staffmember in-game by PMing him.

How do I know what bugs has been reported?
I'll have a list here of "already known bugs".

Already known bugs:
  • "An item of type <id>, please report it to a gamemaster." - This can be easily fixed by just adding the items to items.xml.
  • Missing NPCs.
  • Elf Village NPCs does not give out the hunter addon quest as they're suppose to do.
  • Antidote potions not working all the time. - But you were given "exana pox", use it until this issue is fixed.
  • Quests are not being put into the questlog.
  • Level 90 quest not fully mapped. - I doubt you will get level 90 fast enough with a party to notice this until it's fixed.
  • Houses not buyable. - This is not a bug, I just haven't been arsed to fix this yet, this can be fixed in a matter of minutes.
  • One box on the tutorial island is not walkable.
  • The queen walks into(/inside) the king.
Note: There may be some more known bugs which I can't think of right now, but I will give you a point of you find it.

I guess that's pretty much everything I had to say right now, hopefully I didn't forget anything. And if you want to test the server I say welcome and I hope you enjoy it.

Sidenote: I know this "Server Save" message is really annoying, it WILL be removed as soon as possible.
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^ 8.54

Maybe not really a bug, but still it's a bit annoying.
When completing the tutorial tower, the prizes are too heavy, I had to leave my goblet and the spellbook behind, because my cap wasn't enough. I am a paladin, so I think it will be even harder for mages. I could have left my rope/shovel behind, but I think those are important. Maybe you can decrease the oz needed to take the items.


It is not possible to go up that ladder. It's at the west gate.

About the NPC Frank:
He can't stand still, he is doing one step after another, other NPCs stand for some seconds after they made a step, but Frank seems to love running around.

Loot from bat:
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Both bugs has already been reported by players, but I'll add 2 points to you anyways since you didn't know.

Thanks for the report!

Also, yeah I will change the prizes in the tower
I'm trapped at a stair, tell me to login when your logged in so you can teleport to me.
small bug


monster can walk over the quest and i cant so its blocking the way:p
Another bug, even though i did more damage , the one with the last hit gets the loot :(

21:20 Guia: I have a quest for you, can you please clean out the horrible spider hole next to my home. ...
21:20 Guia: ... I had another hero trying to do that but he never returned.

she wont do anything else :p
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small bug


monster can walk over the quest and i cant so its blocking the way:p

That's not a bug if you're referring to the carrion worm ontop of the box.

Another bug, even though i did more damage , the one with the last hit gets the loot :(

21:20 Guia: I have a quest for you, can you please clean out the horrible spider hole next to my home. ...
21:20 Guia: ... I had another hero trying to do that but he never returned.

she wont do anything else :p

Ask her for "trade" or "job" or anything else, try your way there :)
That's not a bug if you're referring to the carrion worm ontop of the box.

Well i cant walk over it to thats kinda weird xD, i though that was a bug but i guess its just normal

Ask her for "trade" or "job" or anything else, try your way there :)

kk i will try that

she trade's food nd stuff , with job she says that she is a farmer and with quest she says 22:00 Guia: I have a quest for you, can you please clean out the horrible spider hole next to my home. ...
22:00 Guia: ... I had another hero trying to do that but he never returned., but if you did kill the tarantula + looted a light shovel out of a dead body, nothing willhappen
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I know, someone on OtFans has already reported that, but I'll add 1 point to you since you never knew.
Today I'm thinking of highering the exp gain to 7x and start level to 13 to see if it's better.

And let me remind you that this is BETA so the server will not be up til forever so if you wanna try it before it goes online for real you should :)
The locked room is indeed a bug, I will get you out of there if you get online and PM me
Server restarted, some bugs has been fixed (not all reported ones, since I need Ragheed).

Exp increased to 7x and starting level to 13
The server has been updated again.
* 6x exp rate, 5x skills and 4x ML.
* New spawn and lots of new quests.
* Cyclops spawn has been fixed too
* Bugfixes
* The mountain to the north has been completely redone with custom monsters.