• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Selling addon in the shop geisor

For add container on Shop.

When you add new CONTAINER offer you must set in offer table in database:
id - empty (auto_increment)
points - how many points cost this offer
itemid1 - ID of created items in container
count1 - "count"/"type" of items in container, like SD with 15 shots has count "15", normal item (bag, crossbow, golden armor...) has count "1", count 3 will not create 3 golden armors, use "count2" to give more items
itemid2 - ID of created container (like bag: 1987, ITEM MUST BE CONTAINER AND MUST BE WEARABLE!)
count2 - number of items in container, if you use "bag" (id 1987) as a container you can put 1-8 items, if backpack 1-20, dont set more than max. number of items in container!
offer_type = "container"
offer_description - description of container offer like: "Buy 8 Golden Armors in bag and become rich player! Fight stonger mosters and lose less HP or sell it for much cash!"
offer_name - name of new pacc offer like: "8x Golden Armor"