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Shop System


New Member
Oct 3, 2010
Reaction score
Dear Support.
Can somebody help me with script,it is very important fr me...

How should work this script?
If player send sms,then he must be loged in game and when he giving back kod for sms He must write in game: /item[SPACE]Kod SMS and he giving item to backpack.
This komand in game " "/item[SPACE]Kod SMS" is active for 1 ip during 9 h.
When character die or relog he may use this komand during 9 h.
ehm.... why don't you just use normal shop system? this would just be abused and players who buys this will give other players items, for free or in-game money... kind of stupid idea tbh.

I also think this is quite hard to do this script, and if someone would like to do such of script, I think he/she would want to get paid for it.

Anyways, I recommend to use the shop scripts that already exists.
man sry but u dont understand.
i want make ots with characters 1/1: master sorcerer,elder druid etc
script should work for ip not for name character
no, becuase you didn't tell us about that information. How am I suppose to know that you have a such of server?....

Anyways, I still think that noone will post such of script, because either it's impossible or too hard to make.