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Site for Shadowcore Gold & Inactive Accounts


Tibia since 1998'
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
United States

--Shadowcore Gold--

Hello im wondering if there is a legit site possibly for shadowcore to buy gold, possibly a site that you just go through paypal and send them money, then they transfer your money when money is recieved? im only wondering if there are sites like it. so it makes it safe & easy to buy shadowcore gold!

--Inactive Accounts--
Ive noticed quite a few inactive accounts on shadowcores, Most of them are level 170-250+ and i think there should be a thing so inactive accounts for more then 2-4 months old should be sold on auction (for real cash or shadowcore coins) would possibly bring more players to the server and would possibly help the server in every way.

More ideas to come!
NO, are people not allowed to take a break from tibia without getting their accounts sold off? Earn gold and levels the same way everybody else does. All this allows is for spoilt 14 year old kids parents buying them power they can't handle and fucking up the server.

More players? Why in the world do we want more players? Everyplace you go is crowded! And I took a break of 9 months of this server, and what happens if I come back? They sell my character and stay with the money? I know you rooked yourself and now you're just crying to get to the level you were, but you just got to deal with it.