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Softcores page


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
I was just woundering, Let's say that 10 ppls comes to kill you.. and you die, then search on your name at the page and it says for exampel "Killed at Level 179 by Faly" i just think it would be better nd funnier if it would be like the real tibia page there it says for exampel " Slain at Level 229 by Czolgerek, Dalerius, Esca, Lord Pally Smurf, Marica Keraer, Qara Nyder, Sir Kamux, Tiray Cath and Vetel. "

So GMs could you change that? :p thats just what i think and i think alot of people would like that to..
Gm's Ponteen got right You just need put on page , anihhlated by: slain by: etc etc But not all ppls to get frags :p
Nice, looks like alot of people likes this idea! :) and Feloth i mean only on the website ^^
id say max 2 ppl getting the frag in the site not a unjust etc xD