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AAC Support in configuring the sending of e-mails confirming the account registration in MyACC


Jul 19, 2019
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Hey, I am asking for support in configuring the sending of e-mails confirming the account registration in MyACC. For configuration, I have:

    // mail
    'mail_enabled' => false, // is aac maker configured to send e-mails?
    'mail_address' => '[email protected]', // server e-mail address (from:)
    'mail_admin' => '[email protected]', // admin email address, where mails from contact form will be sent
    'mail_signature' => array( // signature that will be included at the end of every message sent using _mail function
        'plain' => ''/[I]'--\nMy Server,\nhttp://www.myserver.com'[/I]/,
        'html' => ''/[I]'<br/>My Server,\n<a href="http://www.myserver.com">myserver.com</a>'[/I]/
    'smtp_enabled' => false, // send by smtp or mail function (set false if use mail function)
    'smtp_host' => '', // mail host
    'smtp_port' => 25, // 25 (default) / 465 (ssl, e.g. gmail)
    'smtp_auth' => true, // need authorization?
    'smtp_user' => '[email protected]',
    'smtp_pass' => '',
    'smtp_secure' => '', // What kind of encryption to use on the SMTP connection. Options: '', 'ssl' or 'tls', use 'ssl' for gmail

I have a VPS server with a connected domain, ssl certificate (let us use https://dupa.pl) and the SquirrelMail 1.4.22 mail system where I have created the account "[email protected]" and the password "dupa123".
Sending mails from the SquirrelMail panel is possible.

How do I configure the properties of the attached .php?

SquirrelMail is just a front end for SMTP Server.

In config.php you need to set settings for your SMTP server.

I suppose you use Postfix.

smtp_enabled set to true

smtp_host to your domain

user and pass to your credentials
smtp_secure try all 3 options- empty, ssl or tls
SquirrelMail is just a front end for SMTP Server.

In config.php you need to set settings for your SMTP server.

I suppose you use Postfix.

smtp_enabled set to true

smtp_host to your domain

user and pass to your credentials
smtp_secure try all 3 options- empty, ssl or tls
SquirrelMail is just a front end for SMTP Server.

In config.php you need to set settings for your SMTP server.

I suppose you use Postfix.

smtp_enabled set to true

smtp_host to your domain

user and pass to your credentials
smtp_secure try all 3 options- empty, ssl or tls

Thank you for your response. Yes, i use posfix, sorry. And what to set in mail_enabled? False?