• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[Sweden/Germany] 8.5 World of Roxxor RPGPVPE Dedi 24 7


Reality OT Staff
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
~ World of Roxxor ~

Connection Info:
IP: worldofroxxor.mine.nu
Homepage: World of Roxxor - Latest News
Tibia Client: 8.50
Port: 7171

Server Info:


* Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX330 with Serverworks HT2100 plus HT1000 Chipset
* 1x AMD Opteron 2344 HE, 1x Quad-Core
* 2x 250 GB SATA II HDDs, 7.2k rpm
* Hardware RAID 1
* 5,000 GB data transfer included
* Server location: Germany
* 100/100 mbit connection

Roxor map, cuztomized ALOT

1 to 20 4200x
21 to 30 2200x
31 to 50 2000x
51 to 80 1000x
81 to 100 800x
101 to 120 550x
121 to 130 500x
131 to 150 400x
151 to 170 300x
171 to 220 200x
221 to 250 100x
251 to 299 50x
300 to 449 25x
449 to 500 13x
501 to 99999 5x
PvP-E Rate: 6.5x
Magic: 32
Skill:: 450
Loot: 6
Spawn: 3

#Demon Oak Quest
#Demon Helmet Quest
#Orshabaal Annihilator
#Orshabaal DHQ
#Demona Maze Quest
#300+ Advanced Quest
#200+ Custom Quest
#150+ Mixed Quests (Mod. DHQ, ANNIH, BEHE++)
#80+ Modded PoI Quest
#Ferumbras Tower Quest
#Custom Ferumbras Quest
#Knowledge Quest (Questions and Teleports)
#Maze Quest with Questions, Last room
#Railway quest
#Make Your Spawn Quest (Morga Heart)
#+ A lot of small quests

Under Development:
Capture The Flag System and Map







Enjoy your stay!
Regards, World of Roxxor Staff
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BuuumP, we need more players. So the War Zone can be full ;)
ok, please steal some more of my map! F*king faker! steal more! MAP TRack it more!, keep stealing my ideas, i hope your ot will die
change map or you wont be happy dont fu**ing make me more angry will soon fu**ing kill my computer -.-
ok, please steal some more of my map! F*king faker! steal more! MAP TRack it more!, keep stealing my ideas, i hope your ot will die

Me and my team, we can do what the f**k we want. Your OT only has corrupt fu**ing gms, this is an option for those who f**king hate ur OT. There's no map tracking involved, 100% made of us.

F**k you and ur OT.

change map or you wont be happy dont fu**ing make me more angry will soon fu**ing kill my computer -.-

Ooo I wont be happy ooo, please STFU and please kill your computer so OTLand can get rid of you and ur so called "Haxx" once and for all. You wanted 300USD for a custom Roxor OT ? LOOOOL
F*ck you, I created one myself
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Me and my team, we can do what the f**k we want. Your OT only has corrupt fu**ing gms, this is an option for those who f**king hate ur OT. There's no map tracking involved, 100% made of us.

F**k you and ur OT.

F**k you and ur OT.
= fuck yours you use same script (you try) Gonna call you Wanna bi insted of Kiman the Ge*ek

Ooo I wont be happy ooo, please STFU and please kill your computer so OTLand can get rid of you and ur so called "Haxx" once and for all. You wanted 300USD for a custom Roxor OT ? LOOOOL
F*ck you, I created one myself

I created one myself
HAHAHA ok i gonna be nice, You remapped 3 % of the map the other is dalales map and kernkraft, And no we dont have f*uki*g gms. And Who is Haxx and Why i wanna custom roxor? i script and map my self dont need youre teams help the only they can is track others and then you pay em ..

In Max you have 23,

Roxxor 111
Kern 382 and you have a goal?
LoL, maybe there's something wrong with your eyes. Added: October 8, 2009, 4:11 pm CET
On OTservlist, this is just the beginning.

My goal was having more players online than your crappy OT, and I consider that as an achievement. Please STFU and keep yourself to your own OT you punk.
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Sometimes, it feels good to achieve a goal.

ok man, play cool, im tired atm, got much to do in school thats why the ot is as it is, and im fixing tfs 0,3,5pl.1 so i can fix guild war etc, so dont talk shit here..

Remember my name you will recongnize it later ;):p
Kiman, jesus man calm down, im sure people has more respect for Dalale then they do you.
Okay, I will calm down. And yes, haven't said that people respect me more than Dalale. Jesus I'm a new member, Anyways I'm tired of all the hating and flaming.

Thread closed for commenting
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