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Server Website/AAC


Advanced OT User
Mar 10, 2017
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Welcome to CHAMPSBATTLE! A 2D game server with MOBA & BATTLE ROYALE. MOBA contains more than 20 champions and Two different game modes! A really easy game to get into with intense battles with Balanced PvP.

Discord -> Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Client -> custom client
Hosted -> West Europe
Uptime -> 24/7 with lots of serverupdates in the open-beta phase.

Latest news:
> We are planning to open the server 19th December.

> 2018-12-19 server online!

All points you bought in the shop will never be removed and are bound to your account.

We are announcing matches and posting development of this project on our public Discord

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I'm really excited for this
waiting for a long time to someone put a server like this online
but i already saw some projects... will yours be online?

(liked even more than previous projects because seems like you like dota rathan than others)
Good luck with that, I'm waiting for release date.
There will be a DPS role?

Hope you will get a lot of players for this first MOBA Tibia server :)
I'm really excited for this
waiting for a long time to someone put a server like this online
but i already saw some projects... will yours be online?

(liked even more than previous projects because seems like you like dota rathan than others)

Thank you, I am excited aswell and the opportunities are endless. I work very hard to bring this project alive. I am going to coding school but normally it takes only 2-3 days a week and I spend the other days on this. I am also getting alot of help, I couldn't do this all by myself. So thanks to all contributors!

Good luck with that, I'm waiting for release date.
There will be a DPS role?

Hope you will get a lot of players for this first MOBA Tibia server :)
Yes, right now we have 3 roles and they are TANK, CARRY & SUPPORT. CARRY is DPS. Their main item focus will be walking speed, regeneration and attackspeed.
You can see a spoiler below with some of the gear for a carry champ. There will also be items for all champs no mather what role you are.

TIER 1 (Early Game)
helmet: armor 2, HP/MP regen gain 5 every 3 seconds
armor: armor 3, attack speed +10%
legs: armor 2, protection death +5%
boots: armor 1, haste +16

TIER 2 (Mid Game)
helmet: armor 4, HP/MP regen gain 15 every 3 seconds
armor: armor 6, attack speed +20%
legs: armor 4, protection death +5%, protection holy +5%
boots: armor 2, haste +30

TIER 3 (Late Game)
helmet: armor 7, HP/MP regen gain 25 every 3 seconds
armor: armor 10, attack speed +30%
legs: armor 6, protection death +5%, protection holy +5%, protection fire +5%
boots: armor 3, haste +50

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Heyy, been working hard as always to get things in place. Alot of tasks are born during the process, therefore its hard to say when we will release the game.
If you haven't joined the discord yet, you should do it in this link -> Discord.

SPELL CONIDITIONS ADDED & TESTED: silence, paralyze, stun & elements protection spell.
The spells damage and manacost will scale with level. You wont need to upgrade your spells as they scale with level aswell.

Team are seperated by their names: Green/Red. A green skull & red skull will indicate what teamside you belong to.

You will have a chatchannel, one for each team for communication.
Every time you die you will notify both teams in what direction you died.
15:08 Sajgon was killed by a tower south west from you.
15:09 Sajgon was killed by Bubble south west from you.

When a tower was destroyed message:
15:09 Team reds bottom tower was destroyed!
They have 8 towers left.

First game done of the game will be rewarded with 3 extra game tokens. The game tokens will automatically be added to your depot.
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We added all items & stats to our website, if you would like to take a look to review the stats please give me a PM on discord, Discord.

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very excited for this to be released. will be keeping an eye on this for sure. keep it up!

For 5vs5 games atleast 3 champs must have voted yes. This is an on/off statement with a talkaction. You can anytime again set your vote to yes/now with a 1 minute cooldown. When 3 champs at the same time have voted yes, the match ends and your team looses.

AFK Penatly
If you haven't moved for 10 minutes you will be kicked out of the match and it will be recorded for you as a loss even if your team won in the end. You will be notified with a message 2 minutes before you will get kicked.
We will most likely until next patchnotes have added a leave match command or simply have a teleport, what do you think? This is nothing we encourage players to do but for some people something unespected happens IRL and they have to go.
We are working on a MMR algorytm based on many thnings but the MMR loss might be ruffer if you decide to leave the match or went AFK.

KD talkaction implemented
Example talkaction: !kd
Example return: 15:50 Kills/Deaths/Assists - 5/3/10
This is kinda self explained and can only be casted during a match.

We added decoration items for blue case(winning loot case) - 50% chance to loot any low amount of pearls, blood herbs, cocunuts to decorate your house with. All skin items have some kind of decorative look. There are NPCs selling furniture, flowers and statues. With these items we hope houses will be in demand. Oh ye, all houses will comes with a sofa! As said in the main post you will are required premium account to purchase a house with gold tokens. No monthly fee, just keep your account premmed else you will loose your account.

Your guild will now gain experience uppon match end when you are playing with guildmates.
Matchmaking with 2 guildmates earn 20 experience, 5 guildmates and earn 100 experience for example.
The actual level have no function yet and is only a showoff to attract players to your guild.
Top 5 guilds on website will be based on the guilds level.

Example on look below.
15:50 You see Testchar (MMR 1825). He is Dr Doom (Level 25). He is the Leader of [ROM] Riders of Morag (Level 6).

We got an awesome freelancing sprite artist to work with CHAMPSBATTLE for more fun game interaction. All match items is first on the list to be implemented. For this we require a custom client to be downloaded on our website.

We face two major problems I can't do by myself.
First is the client. We would like to replace CipSoft's client and use a custom one so we can edit and remove unnessesary stuff, add custom sprites and you will not need to use an IP charger. This will have to wait until server has been established.

Second is a targeting bug in the TFS source code. I offered myself to troubleshoot & testing to a well known TFS contributor and hopefully he will find time anytime soon so he can push it to master or share with the community.

Alot of skins have been added to the game. Below you can see a snapshot from our website for the champ Colosso, a TANK with stun, AOE damage, shielding bonuses and slow abilities. A skin price has an average price of 5.3€ and gives no bonuses.
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Hey guys, in this development post I will talk about containers(bag, backpacks) & match items.

That is, bags and backpacks. You will start with an equipped 4 slot bag. Later on you will be able to afford colored containers & containers with more slots with the game tokens from your match reward & premium tokens. Keep in mind you CANNOT put a container in another container except the depot chest. When you buy bag/backpacks by the NPC they will be sent to your depot chest in order to reduce stackable containers.

You can throw out items on the ground you bought in the Match Shop System. Have in mind only champs of the same role, i.e TANK/CARRY/SUPPORT can carry the items you can buy. You can sell back items to the Match Shop for 50% of the buyprice. This should not make it very abuseable because you loose half of the value giving other teammates your items.

When the Match ends the map will be cleaned from any items in the shops on the ground and players inventory. This functionality have already been implemented and tested successfully.
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This is looking awesome, great work guys!

Thanks man, I apprechiate the pep. We should soon be ready for some test games. I want to polish the lane creep pathwalking and targeting before that.
Alot of general improvements & testing been happening for the past week unlisted below..

Buff runes in progress
Every even minute (at the second exactly, 30 runes in an hour) there will be a rune spawning either top or bottom water location. This is to reduce lane hugging and encourage ganking. The first champ to walk on the rune will gain a bonus for 60 seconds. The bonuses on the table right now are Double Autoattack Damage, Health & Mana Regeneration & Speed boost. We will most likely add opponent invisibility before release.

New support champ
We been working on the latest champ "Shaman" the last week. He will have the support role and is a range wand shooter of type Fire.
His spells should be as follow:

F1: A singletarget stun spell, no damage done.
F2: An area around champ spell doing fire curse.
F3: A totem healing surrounding allies by % of max HP and MP (exura gran mas res alike). The totem will have HP and can be killed by enemy team autoattacks.
F4: A totem doing singletarget fire damage. The totem will automatically target opponent champs.

Above is the current skins for the champ 'Shaman'.Top left is the STANDARD skin available for everyone. Second image, top line is the first skin addon and next one is second skin addon. Orc Shaman & Ogre Shaman is also available upon purchase.
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Hello - Last week has been pretty essential for champsbattle, we fixed tons of bugs and adjustments. Also got creep pathwalking working today(finally!!) - lured creeps will find their ways back to the lane and continue their path to the opponents base. The targeting is still litlebit buggy but feels like its just a line somewhere spooking around. When this is done the game should be playable, but probably alot of bugs will appear that we're not aware of yet. Hopefully it wont be too much so we can start working on gameplay balancing soon.

When a matchmaking game is full you will get the message "Write !ready if you are ready to play.". If you don't answer in a certain amount of time you will be kicked of the matchmaking process.

An early example after you choosed a champ in matchmaking.
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