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talkaction mana train tfs 0.4


Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
hello i wanted for a script to train mana in my ot to make it work u need an spell an mana to say it example:
!train exura vita,400 >> it will use exura vita when has 400 of mana thanks for all !! <3
Can use the spell name or spell words.
Will auto-eat food.

Line 52 has the 'anti-idle' feature, however is disabled by default. Un-greentext this line to enable it.
I have it disabled by default, because I have no idea if the ot-serv-list sites will ban you for using it.
Use the anti-idle at your own risk.

Example ways to use the talkaction.
!train exevo gran mas vis, 800
!train Ultimate Explosion, 800
!train list -- shows list of all spells you own

local players = {}

local FOODS, MAX_FOOD = {
    [2328] = {84, "Gulp."},  [2362] = {48, "Yum."}, [2666] = {180, "Munch."}, [2667] = {144, "Munch."},
    [2668] = {120, "Mmmm."}, [2669] = {204, "Munch."}, [2670] = {48, "Gulp."}, [2671] = {360, "Chomp."},
    [2672] = {720, "Chomp."}, [2673] = {60, "Yum."}, [2674] = {72, "Yum."}, [2675] = {156, "Yum."},
    [2676] = {96, "Yum."}, [2677] = {12, "Yum."}, [2678] = {216, "Slurp."}, [2679] = {12, "Yum."},
    [2680] = {24, "Yum."}, [2681] = {108, "Yum."}, [2682] = {240, "Yum."}, [2683] = {204, "Munch."},
    [2684] = {60, "Crunch."}, [2685] = {72, "Munch."}, [2686] = {108, "Crunch."}, [2687] = {24, "Crunch."},
    [2688] = {24, "Mmmm."}, [2689] = {120, "Crunch."}, [2690] = {72, "Crunch."}, [2691] = {96, "Crunch."},
    [2695] = {72, "Gulp."}, [2696] = {108, "Smack."}, [8112] = {108, "Urgh."}, [2787] = {108, "Crunch."},
    [2788] = {48, "Munch."}, [2789] = {264, "Munch."}, [2790] = {360, "Crunch."}, [2791] = {108, "Crunch."},
    [2792] = {72, "Crunch."}, [2793] = {144, "Crunch."}, [2794] = {36, "Crunch."}, [2795] = {432, "Crunch."},
    [2796] = {300, "Crunch."}
}, 1200

local function autoEat(cid)
    for food, foodinfo in pairs(FOODS) do
        if getPlayerItemCount(cid, food) > 0 then
            if getPlayerFood(cid) + foodinfo[1] * 3 < MAX_FOOD then
                doPlayerFeed(cid, foodinfo[1])
                doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, food, 1)
                doCreatureSay(cid, foodinfo[2], TALKTYPE_MONSTER)

local function trainMana(cid, startTime)
    if not isPlayer(cid) then
        players[cid] = nil
    if not players[cid] or players[cid][3] ~= startTime then
    if getCreatureMana(cid) >= players[cid][2] then
        if not doCreatureCastSpell(cid, players[cid][1]) then
            doCreatureSay(cid, "Cannot cast spell.")
            players[cid] = nil
        local mana = getInstantSpellInfo(cid, players[cid][1]).mana
        doCreatureAddMana(cid, -(mana), false)
        doPlayerAddSpentMana(cid, mana, true)
        doCreatureSay(cid, getInstantSpellInfo(cid, players[cid][1]).words, TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
    if getPlayerFood(cid) < 10 then -- if less then 10 seconds of food time left
    --doPlayerSetIdleTime(cid, 0)
    addEvent(trainMana, 1000, cid, startTime)

local function showSpellList(cid)
    local t = {}
    for i = 0, getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) - 1 do
        local spell = getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, i)
        if(spell.mlevel ~= 0) then
            if(spell.manapercent > 0) then
                spell.mana = spell.manapercent .. "%"
            table.insert(t, spell)
    table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a.mlevel < b.mlevel end)
    local text, prevLevel = "", -1
    for i, spell in ipairs(t) do
        local line = ""
        if(prevLevel ~= spell.mlevel) then
            if(i ~= 1) then
                line = "\n"
            line = line .. "Spells for Magic Level " .. spell.mlevel .. "\n"
            prevLevel = spell.mlevel
        text = text .. line .. "  " .. spell.words .. " - " .. spell.name .. " : " .. spell.mana .. "\n"
    doShowTextDialog(cid, 2175, text)

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
    if players[cid] then
        if players[cid][3] == os.time() then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training cannot be stopped this quickly. Please wait a few seconds.")
            return true
        players[cid] = nil
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training has been stopped.")
        return true
    if param == "" then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spell name and mana threshold required. Ex: !train Light Healing, 400 | !train list -> will show list of owned spells")
        return true
    elseif param == "list" then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Here is a list of your current spells.")
        return true
    local t = string.explode(param, ",")
    if t[1] == nil or t[2] == nil then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spell name and mana threshold required. Ex: !train Light Healing, 400")
        return true
    t[1] = t[1]:lower()
    local spell
    for i = 0, getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) - 1 do
        spell = getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, i)
        if spell.name:lower() == t[1] or spell.words:lower() == t[1] then
            t[1] = spell.name:lower()
            spell = true
    if spell ~= true then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The spell (" .. t[1] .. ") does not exist.")
        return true
    local manaThreshold = tonumber(t[2])
    if manaThreshold == nil then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is not a known number. Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
        manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    manaThreshold = math.floor(manaThreshold) -- to get rid of any decimals player might have thrown in
    if manaThreshold < 0 or manaThreshold < getInstantSpellInfo(cid, t[1]).mana then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is lower then the spell cost of the spell (" .. t[1] .. "). Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
        manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    elseif manaThreshold > getCreatureMaxMana(cid) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is higher then your maxmimum mana. Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
        manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    players[cid] = {getInstantSpellInfo(cid, t[1]).name, manaThreshold, os.time()}   
    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training has started! Spell: (" .. t[1] .. "), Mana Threshold: " .. manaThreshold .. "")
    trainMana(cid, os.time())
    return true
Last edited:
This is my best attempt.. but have no way to test.
I also have no idea if forcing the player to say the spell words will trigger the spell or not.

doPlayerCastSpell(cid, words) might be an alternative.. but it's hit or miss whether or not a distribution has the function.

Anyway, good luck.

!train list
!train Light Healing, 400
<talkaction words="!train;/train" event="script" value="train.lua"/>
local players = {}

local function trainMana(cid, startTime)
    if not isPlayer(cid) then
        players[cid] = nil
    if not players[cid] or players[cid][3] ~= startTime then
    if getCreatureMana(cid) >= players[cid][2] then
        doCreatureSay(cid, players[cid][1])
    addEvent(trainMana, 1000, cid, startTime)

local function showSpellList(cid)
    local t = {}
    for i = 0, getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) - 1 do
        local spell = getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, i)
        if(spell.level ~= 0) then
            if(spell.manapercent > 0) then
                spell.mana = spell.manapercent .. "%"

            table.insert(t, spell)

    table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a.level < b.level end)
    local text, prevLevel = "", -1
    for i, spell in ipairs(t) do
        local line = ""
        if(prevLevel ~= spell.level) then
            if(i ~= 1) then
                line = "\n"

            line = line .. "Spells for Level " .. spell.level .. "\n"
            prevLevel = spell.level

        text = text .. line .. "  " .. spell.words .. " - " .. spell.name .. " : " .. spell.mana .. "\n"

    doShowTextDialog(cid, 2175, text)

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
    if players[cid] then
        if players[cid][3] == os.time() then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training cannot be stopped this quickly. Please wait a few seconds.")
            return true
        players[cid] = nil
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training has been stopped.")
        return true
    if param == "" then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spell name and mana threshold required. Ex: !train Light Healing, 400 | !train list -> will show list of owned spells")
        return true
    elseif param == "list" then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Here is a list of your current spells.")
        return true

    local t = string.explode(param, ",")
    if t[1] == nil or t[2] == nil then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spell name and mana threshold required. Ex: !train Light Healing, 400")
        return true
    t[1] = t[1]:lower()
    if not getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell(cid, t[1]) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The spell name (" .. t[1] .. ") either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.")
        return true
    local manaThreshold = tonumber(t[2])
    if manaThreshold == nil then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is not a known number. Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
        manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    manaThreshold = math.floor(manaThreshold) -- to get rid of any decimals player might have thrown in
    if manaThreshold < 0 or manaThreshold < getInstantSpellInfo(cid, t[1]).mana then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is lower then the spell cost of the spell (" .. t[1] .. "). Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
        manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    elseif manaThreshold > getCreatureMaxMana(cid) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is higher then your maxmimum mana. Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
        manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    players[cid] = {getInstantSpellInfo(cid, t[1]).words, manaThreshold, os.time()}   
    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training has started! Spell: (" .. t[1] .. "), Mana Threshold: " .. manaThreshold .. "")
    trainMana(cid, os.time())
    return true
Hello Xikini thanks for the contribution

I tested it here and it's not releasing the magic, it says:
The spell name (utevo lux) either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.

I was asked to create a new topic with this request... if you can continue there and close this I would be grateful

Hello Xikini thanks for the contribution

I tested it here and it's not releasing the magic, it says:
The spell name (utevo lux) either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.

I was asked to create a new topic with this request... if you can continue there and close this I would be grateful

You don't use the words of the spell, you use the Name of the spell.

So instead of utevo lux you would use light
instead of exura you would use light healing
I was doing this test now, but with no result... when I pull the !train list, the spells don't appear... I was looking for if this function was correct

Could you help me add this function eating and anti idle...I googled something and was trying to do it according to this script...

local players = {}
local foods = {
    {8, "Crunch.", 2362},
    {15, "Munch.", 2666},
    {12, "Munch.", 2667},
    {10, "Mmmm.", 2668},
    {17, "Munch.", 2669},
    {4, "Gulp.", 2670},
    {30, "Chomp.", 2671},
    {60, "Chomp.", 2672},
    {5, "Yum.", 2673},
    {6, "Yum.", 2674},
    {13, "Yum.", 2675},
    {8, "Yum.", 2676},
    {1, "Yum.", 2677},
    {18, "Slurp.", 2678},
    {1, "Yum.", 2679},
    {2, "Yum.", 2680},
    {9, "Yum.", 2681},
    {20, "Yum.", 2682},
    {17, "Munch.", 2683},
    {8, "Crunch.", 2684},
    {6, "Munch.", 2685},
    {9, "Crunch.", 2686},
    {2, "Crunch.", 2687},
    {9, "Munch.", 2688},
    {10, "Crunch.", 2689},
    {3, "Crunch.", 2690},
    {8, "Crunch.", 2691},
    {6, "Munch.", 2792},
    {9, "Munch.", 2793},
    {6, "Gulp.", 2695},
    {9, "Smack.", 2696},
    {9, "Munch.", 2787},
    {4, "Munch.", 2788},
    {22, "Munch.", 2789},
    {30, "Munch.", 2790},
    {30, "Munch.", 2791},
    {6, "Munch.", 2792},
    {3, "Munch.", 2794},
    {36, "Munch.", 2795},
    {5, "Munch.", 2796},
    {9, "Munch.", 2793},
    {4, "Yum.", 5097},
    {8, "Gulp.", 6125},
    {10, "Mmmm.", 6278},
    {15, "Mmmm.", 6279},
    {12, "Mmmm.", 6393},
    {15, "Mmmm.", 6394},
    {20, "Mmmm.", 6501},
    {6, "Gulp.", 6541},
    {6, "Gulp.", 6542},
    {6, "Gulp.", 6543},
    {6, "Gulp.", 6544},
    {6, "Gulp.", 6545},
    {1, "Mmmm.", 6569},
    {4, "Mmmm.", 6574},
    {15, "Munch.", 7158},
    {13, "Munch.", 7159},
    {7, "Yum.", 7372},
    {7, "Yum.", 7373},
    {7, "Yum.", 7374},
    {7, "Yum.", 7375},
    {7, "Yum.", 7376},
    {7, "Yum.", 7377},
    {4, "Crunch.", 7909},
    {7, "Gulp.", 8838},
    {5, "Yum.", 8839},
    {2, "Yum.", 8840},
    {3, "Urgh.", 8841},
    {3, "Munch.", 8842},
    {3, "Crunch.", 8843},
    {3, "Gulp.", 8844},
    {2, "Munch.", 8845},
    {11, "Yum.", 8447}

function autoeat(cid)
    local food = nil
    for _, v in ipairs(foods) do
        if getPlayerItemCount(cid, v[3]) > 0 then
            food = v

    if food ~= nil then
        if((getPlayerFood(cid) + food[1]) >= 400) then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are full.")
            eat[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(autoeat, 20000, cid)
        doPlayerFeed(cid, food[1] * 4)
        doCreatureSay(cid, food[2], TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
        doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, food[3], 1)
    eat[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(autoeat, 20000, cid)
    return true

local function trainMana(cid, startTime)
    if not isPlayer(cid) then
        players[cid] = nil
    if not players[cid] or players[cid][3] ~= startTime then
    if getCreatureMana(cid) >= players[cid][2] then
        doCreatureSay(cid, players[cid][1])
    addEvent(trainMana, 1000, cid, startTime)

local function showSpellList(cid)
    local t = {}
    for i = 0, getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) - 1 do
        local spell = getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, i)
        if(spell.level ~= 0) then
            if(spell.manapercent > 0) then
                spell.mana = spell.manapercent .. "%"

            table.insert(t, spell)

    table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a.level < b.level end)
    local text, prevLevel = "", -1
    for i, spell in ipairs(t) do
        local line = ""
        if(prevLevel ~= spell.level) then
            if(i ~= 1) then
                line = "\n"

            line = line .. "Spells for Level " .. spell.level .. "\n"
            prevLevel = spell.level

        text = text .. line .. "  " .. spell.words .. " - " .. spell.name .. " : " .. spell.mana .. "\n"

    doShowTextDialog(cid, 2175, text)

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
    if players[cid] then
        if players[cid][3] == os.time() then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training cannot be stopped this quickly. Please wait a few seconds.")
            return true
        players[cid] = nil
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training has been stopped.")
        return true
    if param == "" then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spell name and mana threshold required. Ex: !train Light Healing, 400 | !train list -> will show list of owned spells")
        return true
    elseif param == "list" then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Here is a list of your current spells.")
        return true

    local t = string.explode(param, ",")
    if t[1] == nil or t[2] == nil then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spell name and mana threshold required. Ex: !train Light Healing, 400")
        return true
    t[1] = t[1]:lower()
    if not getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell(cid, t[1]) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The spell name (" .. t[1] .. ") either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.")
        return true
    local manaThreshold = tonumber(t[2])
    if manaThreshold == nil then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is not a known number. Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
        manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    manaThreshold = math.floor(manaThreshold) -- to get rid of any decimals player might have thrown in
    if manaThreshold < 0 or manaThreshold < getInstantSpellInfo(cid, t[1]).mana then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is lower then the spell cost of the spell (" .. t[1] .. "). Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
        manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    elseif manaThreshold > getCreatureMaxMana(cid) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is higher then your maxmimum mana. Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
        manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    players[cid] = {getInstantSpellInfo(cid, t[1]).words, manaThreshold, os.time()} 
    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training has started! Spell: (" .. t[1] .. "), Mana Threshold: " .. manaThreshold .. "")
    trainMana(cid, os.time())
    return true
Last edited:
I was doing this test now, but with no result... when I pull the !train list, the spells don't appear... I was looking for if this function was correct

Could you help me add this function eating and anti idle...I googled something and was trying to do it according to this script...

local players = {}
local foods = {
{8, "Crunch.", 2362},
{15, "Munch.", 2666},
{12, "Munch.", 2667},
{10, "Mmmm.", 2668},
{17, "Munch.", 2669},
{4, "Gulp.", 2670},
{30, "Chomp.", 2671},
{60, "Chomp.", 2672},
{5, "Yum.", 2673},
{6, "Yum.", 2674},
{13, "Yum.", 2675},
{8, "Yum.", 2676},
{1, "Yum.", 2677},
{18, "Slurp.", 2678},
{1, "Yum.", 2679},
{2, "Yum.", 2680},
{9, "Yum.", 2681},
{20, "Yum.", 2682},
{17, "Munch.", 2683},
{8, "Crunch.", 2684},
{6, "Munch.", 2685},
{9, "Crunch.", 2686},
{2, "Crunch.", 2687},
{9, "Munch.", 2688},
{10, "Crunch.", 2689},
{3, "Crunch.", 2690},
{8, "Crunch.", 2691},
{6, "Munch.", 2792},
{9, "Munch.", 2793},
{6, "Gulp.", 2695},
{9, "Smack.", 2696},
{9, "Munch.", 2787},
{4, "Munch.", 2788},
{22, "Munch.", 2789},
{30, "Munch.", 2790},
{30, "Munch.", 2791},
{6, "Munch.", 2792},
{3, "Munch.", 2794},
{36, "Munch.", 2795},
{5, "Munch.", 2796},
{9, "Munch.", 2793},
{4, "Yum.", 5097},
{8, "Gulp.", 6125},
{10, "Mmmm.", 6278},
{15, "Mmmm.", 6279},
{12, "Mmmm.", 6393},
{15, "Mmmm.", 6394},
{20, "Mmmm.", 6501},
{6, "Gulp.", 6541},
{6, "Gulp.", 6542},
{6, "Gulp.", 6543},
{6, "Gulp.", 6544},
{6, "Gulp.", 6545},
{1, "Mmmm.", 6569},
{4, "Mmmm.", 6574},
{15, "Munch.", 7158},
{13, "Munch.", 7159},
{7, "Yum.", 7372},
{7, "Yum.", 7373},
{7, "Yum.", 7374},
{7, "Yum.", 7375},
{7, "Yum.", 7376},
{7, "Yum.", 7377},
{4, "Crunch.", 7909},
{7, "Gulp.", 8838},
{5, "Yum.", 8839},
{2, "Yum.", 8840},
{3, "Urgh.", 8841},
{3, "Munch.", 8842},
{3, "Crunch.", 8843},
{3, "Gulp.", 8844},
{2, "Munch.", 8845},
{11, "Yum.", 8447}

function autoeat(cid)
local food = nil
for _, v in ipairs(foods) do
if getPlayerItemCount(cid, v[3]) > 0 then
food = v

if food ~= nil then
if((getPlayerFood(cid) + food[1]) >= 400) then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are full.")
eat[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(autoeat, 20000, cid)
doPlayerFeed(cid, food[1] * 4)
doCreatureSay(cid, food[2], TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, food[3], 1)
eat[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(autoeat, 20000, cid)
return true

local function trainMana(cid, startTime)
if not isPlayer(cid) then
players[cid] = nil
if not players[cid] or players[cid][3] ~= startTime then
if getCreatureMana(cid) >= players[cid][2] then
doCreatureSay(cid, players[cid][1])
addEvent(trainMana, 1000, cid, startTime)

local function showSpellList(cid)
local t = {}
for i = 0, getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) - 1 do
local spell = getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, i)
if(spell.level ~= 0) then
if(spell.manapercent > 0) then
spell.mana = spell.manapercent .. "%"

table.insert(t, spell)

table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a.level < b.level end)
local text, prevLevel = "", -1
for i, spell in ipairs(t) do
local line = ""
if(prevLevel ~= spell.level) then
if(i ~= 1) then
line = "\n"

line = line .. "Spells for Level " .. spell.level .. "\n"
prevLevel = spell.level

text = text .. line .. " " .. spell.words .. " - " .. spell.name .. " : " .. spell.mana .. "\n"

doShowTextDialog(cid, 2175, text)

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
if players[cid] then
if players[cid][3] == os.time() then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training cannot be stopped this quickly. Please wait a few seconds.")
return true
players[cid] = nil
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training has been stopped.")
return true

if param == "" then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spell name and mana threshold required. Ex: !train Light Healing, 400 | !train list -> will show list of owned spells")
return true
elseif param == "list" then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Here is a list of your current spells.")
return true

local t = string.explode(param, ",")
if t[1] == nil or t[2] == nil then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Spell name and mana threshold required. Ex: !train Light Healing, 400")
return true
t[1] = t[1]:lower()

if not getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell(cid, t[1]) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The spell name (" .. t[1] .. ") either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.")
return true

local manaThreshold = tonumber(t[2])
if manaThreshold == nil then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is not a known number. Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)

manaThreshold = math.floor(manaThreshold) -- to get rid of any decimals player might have thrown in
if manaThreshold < 0 or manaThreshold < getInstantSpellInfo(cid, t[1]).mana then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is lower then the spell cost of the spell (" .. t[1] .. "). Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
elseif manaThreshold > getCreatureMaxMana(cid) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The mana threshold chosen (" .. t[2] .. ") is higher then your maxmimum mana. Mana threshold has been set to your maximum mana.")
manaThreshold = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)

players[cid] = {getInstantSpellInfo(cid, t[1]).words, manaThreshold, os.time()}
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Training has started! Spell: (" .. t[1] .. "), Mana Threshold: " .. manaThreshold .. "")
trainMana(cid, os.time())
return true

Can you just test my original code first, before we worry about modifying it?
I don't have an old server to test on, so am relying on you guys to test it.

When you type !train list do you get an error in console?
is your original script, it only includes line 2-100
I'm testing your script here and neither utevo lux or light works....
I used the command !train spell and the spells do not appear in the book and not error in console..

Spell name and mana threshold required. Ex: !train Light Healing, 400
The spell name (utevo lux) either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.
The spell name (light) either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.


thank you, you read my thoughts... was looking for how to use this...
Post automatically merged:

I managed to fix the list of spells... but

10:30 The spell name (light healing) either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.

local function showSpellList(cid)
local t = {}
for i = 0, getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) - 1 do
local spell = getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, i)
if(spell.mlevel ~= 0) then
if(spell.manapercent > 0) then
spell.mana = spell.manapercent .. "%"

table.insert(t, spell)

table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a.mlevel < b.mlevel end)
local text, prevLevel = "", -1
for i, spell in ipairs(t) do
local line = ""
if(prevLevel ~= spell.mlevel) then
if(i ~= 1) then
line = "\n"

line = line .. "Spells for Magic Level " .. spell.mlevel .. "\n"
prevLevel = spell.mlevel

-- text = text .. line .. " " .. spell.words .. " - " .. spell.name .. " Mana: " .. spell.mana .. "\n"

text = text .. line .. " " .. spell.words .. " - " .. spell.name .. " : " .. spell.mana .. "\n"

doShowTextDialog(cid, 2175, text)
return true
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Im trying too:

10:32 The spell name (ultimate explosion) either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.
10:33 The spell name (exevo gran mas vis) either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.

/train list apeear blank
There's no way to trigger any spell in other way than by spells, especially by doCreatureSay function.

You need to add "doPlayerCastSpell" function in your sources and it works:
So after these activities, in the code just replace:
doCreatureSay(cid, players[cid][1])
doPlayerCastSpell(cid, players[cid][1])
There's no way to trigger any spell in other way than by spells, especially by doCreatureSay function.

You need to add "doPlayerCastSpell" function in your sources and it works:
View attachment 63706
So after these activities, in the code just replace:
doCreatureSay(cid, players[cid][1])
doPlayerCastSpell(cid, players[cid][1])
Have other solution?
There's no way to trigger any spell in other way than by spells, especially by doCreatureSay function.
As I have written above there's no way without the function.

The function can be found on the forum, just search. That's 4 steps to add it.

Anyway, what's the problem? You use 0.4 version, so you should have sources. If you serious about it or for fun etc just forget.
As I have written above there's no way without the function.

The function can be found on the forum, just search. That's 4 steps to add it.

Anyway, what's the problem? You use 0.4 version, so you should have sources. If you serious about it or for fun etc just forget.
is old... dont have source files...

tx for u help! good day
As I have written above there's no way without the function.

The function can be found on the forum, just search. That's 4 steps to add it.

Anyway, what's the problem? You use 0.4 version, so you should have sources. If you serious about it or for fun etc just forget.
I have added to my sources (using this thread Lua Function - doPlayerCastSpell(cid, spell) (https://otland.net/threads/doplayercastspell-cid-spell.80043/)), there's a way to works with:

/train utevo lux, 20? and auto eat food?

Still showing none spell to use

16:30 The spell name (antidote) either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.
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Yep, but you should use the names on the right( on the list)
/train antidote, 20
If not , there can be another problem with this statement:
if not getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell(cid, t[1]) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The spell name (" .. t[1] .. ") either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.")
        return true
Try to remove it while testing
Yep, but you should use the names on the right( on the list)
/train antidote, 20
If not , there can be another problem with this statement:
if not getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell(cid, t[1]) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The spell name (" .. t[1] .. ") either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.")
        return true
Try to remove it while testing
got error on console (im using tfs 0.3.7):


-- t[1] = t[1]:lower()

--if not getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell(cid, t[1]) then
-- doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The spell name (" .. t[1] .. ") either does not exist, or you do not own this spell.")
-- return true
-- end