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TFS (1.3) Trying to get teleport to trainers to work..


New Member
Dec 12, 2011
Reaction score

Error i get
[Warning - Event::checkScript] Can not load script: scripts/trainertp.lua
data/movements/scripts/trainertp.lua:4: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 3) near 'of'
[Warning - Event::checkScript] Can not load script: scripts/trainertp2.lua
data/movements/scripts/trainertp2.lua:4: 'do' expected near 'from'

i got in movements.xml

    <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="14876" script="trainerin.lua"/> 
    <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="14877" script="trainerout.lua"/>

and im working with this lua first for enter the teleport

local storage = 5845 
local config = { 
    first_room_pos = { x = 1403 , y = 1252 , z = 7 }, - position of the first pos ( row 1 column 1 ) 
    distX = 12, - distance in X between each room ( on the same row ) 
    distY = 12, - Y distance between each room ( from the same column ) 
    rX = 4, - number of columns 
    rY = 5 - number of lines
local function isBusyable ( position ) local player = Tile ( position ): getTopCreature () if player then if player : isPlayer () then return false end end 
    local tile = Tile ( position ) if not tile then return false end 
    local ground = tile : getGround () if not ground or ground : hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then return false end
    local items = tile : getItems () for i = 1 , tile : getItemCount () from local item = items [ i ] local itemType = item : getType () if itemType : getType () ~ = ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD and not itemType : isMovable () and item : hasProperty (
           CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then return false end end 
    return true end 

local function addTrainers ( position , arrayPos ) if not isBusyable ( position ) then for places = 1 , #arrayPos from local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature () if not trainer then local monster = Game . createMonster ( "Trainer" , arrayPos [ places 
                monster : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE ) end end end end

local function calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column , row ) local player = Player ( uid ) if column > = config . rX then 
        column = 0 
        line = line < ( config . rY - 1 ) and line + 1 or false end 
    if line then local room_pos = { x = position . x + ( column * config . DISTX ), y = position . y + ( line * config . distY ), z = position . z } if isBusyable ( room_pos ) then 
            player : teleportTo ( room_pos )
            player : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT ) 
            addTrainers ( room_pos , {{ x = room_pos . x - 1 , y = room_pos . y + 1 , z = room_pos . z }, { x = room_pos . x + 1 , y = room_pos . y + 1 ,       z = room_pos . z }}) else 
            calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column + 1 , row ) end else 
        player : sendCancelMessage ( "Couldn't find any position for you right now." ) end end

function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition ) if not creature : isPlayer () then return false end
    if creature : getStorageValue ( storage ) - os . time () > 0 then 
        creature : sendTextMessage ( MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR , "You gotta wait a few seconds before you can enter trainning room again" ) 
        creature : teleportTo ( fromPosition , true ) return true end      
    calculatingRoom ( creature . uid , config . first_room_pos , 0 , 0 )  
    return true end

and when exit the trainers

local storage = 5845 
local function removeTrainers ( position ) local arrayPos = {{ x = position . x - 1 , y = position . y + 1 , z = position . z }, { x = position . x + 1 , y = position . y + 1 , z = position . 
           z }} for places = 1 , #arrayPos from local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature () if trainer then if trainer : isMonster () then 
                trainer : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT ) 
                trainer : remove () end end end end
function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition ) if not creature : isPlayer () then return false end
    removeTrainers ( fromPosition ) 
    creature : teleportTo ( creature : getTown (): getTemplePosition ()) 
    creature : setStorageValue ( storage , os . time () + 5 )  
    return true end

how do i get this code to work ? :/


Error i get
[Warning - Event::checkScript] Can not load script: scripts/trainertp.lua
data/movements/scripts/trainertp.lua:4: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 3) near 'of'
[Warning - Event::checkScript] Can not load script: scripts/trainertp2.lua
data/movements/scripts/trainertp2.lua:4: 'do' expected near 'from'

i got in movements.xml

    <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="14876" script="trainerin.lua"/>
    <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="14877" script="trainerout.lua"/>

and im working with this lua first for enter the teleport

local storage = 5845
local config = {
    first_room_pos = { x = 1403 , y = 1252 , z = 7 }, - position of the first pos ( row 1 column 1 )
    distX = 12, - distance in X between each room ( on the same row )
    distY = 12, - Y distance between each room ( from the same column )
    rX = 4, - number of columns
    rY = 5 - number of lines
local function isBusyable ( position ) local player = Tile ( position ): getTopCreature () if player then if player : isPlayer () then return false end end
    local tile = Tile ( position ) if not tile then return false end
    local ground = tile : getGround () if not ground or ground : hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then return false end
    local items = tile : getItems () for i = 1 , tile : getItemCount () from local item = items [ i ] local itemType = item : getType () if itemType : getType () ~ = ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD and not itemType : isMovable () and item : hasProperty (
           CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then return false end end
    return true end

local function addTrainers ( position , arrayPos ) if not isBusyable ( position ) then for places = 1 , #arrayPos from local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature () if not trainer then local monster = Game . createMonster ( "Trainer" , arrayPos [ places
                monster : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE ) end end end end

local function calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column , row ) local player = Player ( uid ) if column > = config . rX then
        column = 0
        line = line < ( config . rY - 1 ) and line + 1 or false end
    if line then local room_pos = { x = position . x + ( column * config . DISTX ), y = position . y + ( line * config . distY ), z = position . z } if isBusyable ( room_pos ) then
            player : teleportTo ( room_pos )
            player : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
            addTrainers ( room_pos , {{ x = room_pos . x - 1 , y = room_pos . y + 1 , z = room_pos . z }, { x = room_pos . x + 1 , y = room_pos . y + 1 ,       z = room_pos . z }}) else
            calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column + 1 , row ) end else
        player : sendCancelMessage ( "Couldn't find any position for you right now." ) end end

function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition ) if not creature : isPlayer () then return false end
    if creature : getStorageValue ( storage ) - os . time () > 0 then
        creature : sendTextMessage ( MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR , "You gotta wait a few seconds before you can enter trainning room again" )
        creature : teleportTo ( fromPosition , true ) return true end     
    calculatingRoom ( creature . uid , config . first_room_pos , 0 , 0 ) 
    return true end

and when exit the trainers

local storage = 5845
local function removeTrainers ( position ) local arrayPos = {{ x = position . x - 1 , y = position . y + 1 , z = position . z }, { x = position . x + 1 , y = position . y + 1 , z = position .
           z }} for places = 1 , #arrayPos from local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature () if trainer then if trainer : isMonster () then
                trainer : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
                trainer : remove () end end end end
function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition ) if not creature : isPlayer () then return false end
    removeTrainers ( fromPosition )
    creature : teleportTo ( creature : getTown (): getTemplePosition ())
    creature : setStorageValue ( storage , os . time () + 5 ) 
    return true end

how do i get this code to work ? :/

The indentation is all wrong. You have spaces and comments in wrong way... Fix the indentation and try run the code.
Exemple Line 3:
    first_room_pos = { x = 1403 , y = 1252 , z = 7 }, - position of the first pos ( row 1 column 1 )
should be:
 first_room_pos = { x = 1403 , y = 1252 , z = 7 }, -- position of the first pos ( row 1 column 1 )
Is missing a "-" to be a comment block.
I didn't change anything in the code. I just fixed the errors my editor threw at me. And made it a little more readable.

By just looking through the code, there are suntax errors left and right.
All your comments were "- comment here". This needs to be "-- comment here". In Lua, a comment in your code is either "--" for single line comments or "--[[ Comment
here ]]--" for multiline comments
All of your for loops had a "from" instead of a "do". All loops use "do" the same way if use "then".

local storage = 5845
local config = {
    first_room_pos = { x = 1403 , y = 1252 , z = 7 }, -- position of the first pos ( row 1 column 1 )
    distX = 12, -- distance in X between each room ( on the same row )
    distY = 12, -- Y distance between each room ( from the same column )
    rX = 4, -- number of columns
    rY = 5 -- number of lines
local function isBusyable ( position ) local player = Tile ( position ): getTopCreature ()
    if player then
        if player : isPlayer () then
            return false
    local tile = Tile ( position ) if not tile then return false end
    local ground = tile : getGround () 
    if not ground or ground : hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then
        return false 
    local items = tile:getItems ()
    for i = 1 , tile:getItemCount() do
        local item = items [ i ]
        local itemType = item : getType ()
    if itemType:getType () ~= ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD and not itemType:isMovable () and item:hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then
        return false
    return true
local function addTrainers ( position , arrayPos )
     if not isBusyable ( position ) then
         for places = 1 , #arrayPos do
            local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature ()
         if not trainer then local monster = Game.createMonster ( "Trainer" , arrayPos [ places ])
                monster : getPosition():sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE )
local function calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column , row ) 
    local player = Player( uid )
     if column >= config . rX then
        column = 0
        line = line < ( config . rY - 1 ) and line + 1 or false
    if line then
        local room_pos = { x = position.x + ( column * config.DISTX ), y = position.y + ( line * config.distY ), z = position.z }
        if isBusyable ( room_pos ) then
            player : teleportTo ( room_pos )
            player : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
            addTrainers ( room_pos , {{ x = room_pos.x - 1 , y = room_pos.y + 1 , z = room_pos.z }, { x = room_pos.x + 1 , y = room_pos.y + 1 , z = room_pos.z }}) else
            calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column + 1 , row )
        player : sendCancelMessage ( "Couldn't find any position for you right now." )
function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition )
    if not creature : isPlayer () then return false
    if creature : getStorageValue ( storage ) - os . time () > 0 then
        creature : sendTextMessage ( MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR , "You gotta wait a few seconds before you can enter trainning room again" )
        creature : teleportTo ( fromPosition , true ) return true
    calculatingRoom ( creature . uid , config . first_room_pos , 0 , 0 ) 
    return true
local storage = 5845
local function removeTrainers ( position )
    local arrayPos = {{ x = position.x - 1 , y = position.y + 1 , z = position.z }, { x = position.x + 1 , y = position.y + 1 , z = position.z }}
           for places = 1 , #arrayPos do
            local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature ()
            if trainer then
                if trainer : isMonster () then
                trainer : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
                trainer : remove ()
function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition ) if not creature : isPlayer () then
    return false
    removeTrainers ( fromPosition )
    creature : teleportTo ( creature : getTown (): getTemplePosition ())
    creature : setStorageValue ( storage , os . time () + 5 ) 
    return true
I didn't change anything in the code. I just fixed the errors my editor threw at me. And made it a little more readable.

By just looking through the code, there are suntax errors left and right.
All your comments were "- comment here". This needs to be "-- comment here". In Lua, a comment in your code is either "--" for single line comments or "--[[ Comment
here ]]--" for multiline comments
All of your for loops had a "from" instead of a "do". All loops use "do" the same way if use "then".

local storage = 5845
local config = {
    first_room_pos = { x = 1403 , y = 1252 , z = 7 }, -- position of the first pos ( row 1 column 1 )
    distX = 12, -- distance in X between each room ( on the same row )
    distY = 12, -- Y distance between each room ( from the same column )
    rX = 4, -- number of columns
    rY = 5 -- number of lines
local function isBusyable ( position ) local player = Tile ( position ): getTopCreature ()
    if player then
        if player : isPlayer () then
            return false
    local tile = Tile ( position ) if not tile then return false end
    local ground = tile : getGround ()
    if not ground or ground : hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then
        return false
    local items = tile:getItems ()
    for i = 1 , tile:getItemCount() do
        local item = items [ i ]
        local itemType = item : getType ()
    if itemType:getType () ~= ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD and not itemType:isMovable () and item:hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then
        return false
    return true
local function addTrainers ( position , arrayPos )
     if not isBusyable ( position ) then
         for places = 1 , #arrayPos do
            local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature ()
         if not trainer then local monster = Game.createMonster ( "Trainer" , arrayPos [ places ])
                monster : getPosition():sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE )
local function calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column , row )
    local player = Player( uid )
     if column >= config . rX then
        column = 0
        line = line < ( config . rY - 1 ) and line + 1 or false
    if line then
        local room_pos = { x = position.x + ( column * config.DISTX ), y = position.y + ( line * config.distY ), z = position.z }
        if isBusyable ( room_pos ) then
            player : teleportTo ( room_pos )
            player : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
            addTrainers ( room_pos , {{ x = room_pos.x - 1 , y = room_pos.y + 1 , z = room_pos.z }, { x = room_pos.x + 1 , y = room_pos.y + 1 , z = room_pos.z }}) else
            calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column + 1 , row )
        player : sendCancelMessage ( "Couldn't find any position for you right now." )
function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition )
    if not creature : isPlayer () then return false
    if creature : getStorageValue ( storage ) - os . time () > 0 then
        creature : sendTextMessage ( MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR , "You gotta wait a few seconds before you can enter trainning room again" )
        creature : teleportTo ( fromPosition , true ) return true
    calculatingRoom ( creature . uid , config . first_room_pos , 0 , 0 )
    return true
local storage = 5845
local function removeTrainers ( position )
    local arrayPos = {{ x = position.x - 1 , y = position.y + 1 , z = position.z }, { x = position.x + 1 , y = position.y + 1 , z = position.z }}
           for places = 1 , #arrayPos do
            local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature ()
            if trainer then
                if trainer : isMonster () then
                trainer : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
                trainer : remove ()
function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition ) if not creature : isPlayer () then
    return false
    removeTrainers ( fromPosition )
    creature : teleportTo ( creature : getTown (): getTemplePosition ())
    creature : setStorageValue ( storage , os . time () + 5 )
    return true

Thanks! i dont get any errors now, but hmm im thinking how i can make this work, where in in lua codes i make it to work with actionid 14876? cuz if im right, i dont need to set any location on the teleport and only actionid 14876 and it should find the positions by itself? have any ideas?
Give these a shot. This should work with any type of item that has this action id. Even a battle axe if you wish.
All you need to do is to set the action id of your teleport, and check over with the script.
This should make it work.

I added comments where I did something.

local storage = 5845
local actionId = 14876 -- This number is tha actio  id you put on your teleporters
local config = {
    first_room_pos = { x = 1403 , y = 1252 , z = 7 }, -- position of the first pos ( row 1 column 1 )
    distX = 12, -- distance in X between each room ( on the same row )
    distY = 12, -- Y distance between each room ( from the same column )
    rX = 4, -- number of columns
    rY = 5 -- number of lines

local function isBusyable ( position ) local player = Tile ( position ): getTopCreature ()
    if player then
        if player : isPlayer () then
            return false
    local tile = Tile ( position ) if not tile then return false end
    local ground = tile : getGround ()
    if not ground or ground : hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then
        return false
    local items = tile:getItems ()
    for i = 1 , tile:getItemCount() do
        local item = items [ i ]
        local itemType = item : getType ()
    if itemType:getType () ~= ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD and not itemType:isMovable () and item:hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then
        return false
    return true

local function addTrainers ( position , arrayPos )
     if not isBusyable ( position ) then
         for places = 1 , #arrayPos do
            local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature ()
         if not trainer then local monster = Game.createMonster ( "Trainer" , arrayPos [ places ])
                monster : getPosition():sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE )
local function calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column , row )
    local player = Player( uid )
     if column >= config . rX then
        column = 0
        line = line < ( config . rY - 1 ) and line + 1 or false
    if line then
        local room_pos = { x = position.x + ( column * config.DISTX ), y = position.y + ( line * config.distY ), z = position.z }
        if isBusyable ( room_pos ) then
            player : teleportTo ( room_pos )
            player : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
            addTrainers ( room_pos , {{ x = room_pos.x - 1 , y = room_pos.y + 1 , z = room_pos.z }, { x = room_pos.x + 1 , y = room_pos.y + 1 , z = room_pos.z }}) else
            calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column + 1 , row )
        player : sendCancelMessage ( "Couldn't find any position for you right now." )

function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition )
    if item:getActionId() == actionId then    --[[ I added this to check if the "item" you are stepping into has an action id of 14876.
                                                 I surroned this code, since this is where it all executes. If your action id does not match. Nothing will happen. ]]--
        if not creature : isPlayer () then
            return false
        if creature : getStorageValue ( storage ) - os . time () > 0 then
            creature : sendTextMessage ( MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR , "You gotta wait a few seconds before you can enter trainning room again" )
            creature : teleportTo ( fromPosition , true )
            return true
        calculatingRoom ( creature . uid , config . first_room_pos , 0 , 0 )
    return true

local actionId = 14877 -- Added a variable for action id once again.
local storage = 5845
local function removeTrainers ( position )
    local arrayPos = {{ x = position.x - 1 , y = position.y + 1 , z = position.z }, { x = position.x + 1 , y = position.y + 1 , z = position.z }}
           for places = 1 , #arrayPos do
            local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature ()
            if trainer then
                if trainer : isMonster () then
                trainer : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
                trainer : remove ()
function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition )
    if item:getActionId() == actionId then    -- Once again I surrounded the rest of the code with an if statement. Only to check if the "item" you are stepping into has your action id
        if not creature : isPlayer () then
            return false

        removeTrainers ( fromPosition )
        creature : teleportTo ( creature : getTown (): getTemplePosition ())
        creature : setStorageValue ( storage , os . time () + 5 )
    return true
Give these a shot. This should work with any type of item that has this action id. Even a battle axe if you wish.
All you need to do is to set the action id of your teleport, and check over with the script.
This should make it work.

I added comments where I did something.

local storage = 5845
local actionId = 14876 -- This number is tha actio  id you put on your teleporters
local config = {
    first_room_pos = { x = 1403 , y = 1252 , z = 7 }, -- position of the first pos ( row 1 column 1 )
    distX = 12, -- distance in X between each room ( on the same row )
    distY = 12, -- Y distance between each room ( from the same column )
    rX = 4, -- number of columns
    rY = 5 -- number of lines

local function isBusyable ( position ) local player = Tile ( position ): getTopCreature ()
    if player then
        if player : isPlayer () then
            return false
    local tile = Tile ( position ) if not tile then return false end
    local ground = tile : getGround ()
    if not ground or ground : hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then
        return false
    local items = tile:getItems ()
    for i = 1 , tile:getItemCount() do
        local item = items [ i ]
        local itemType = item : getType ()
    if itemType:getType () ~= ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD and not itemType:isMovable () and item:hasProperty ( CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID ) then
        return false
    return true

local function addTrainers ( position , arrayPos )
     if not isBusyable ( position ) then
         for places = 1 , #arrayPos do
            local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature ()
         if not trainer then local monster = Game.createMonster ( "Trainer" , arrayPos [ places ])
                monster : getPosition():sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE )
local function calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column , row )
    local player = Player( uid )
     if column >= config . rX then
        column = 0
        line = line < ( config . rY - 1 ) and line + 1 or false
    if line then
        local room_pos = { x = position.x + ( column * config.DISTX ), y = position.y + ( line * config.distY ), z = position.z }
        if isBusyable ( room_pos ) then
            player : teleportTo ( room_pos )
            player : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
            addTrainers ( room_pos , {{ x = room_pos.x - 1 , y = room_pos.y + 1 , z = room_pos.z }, { x = room_pos.x + 1 , y = room_pos.y + 1 , z = room_pos.z }}) else
            calculatingRoom ( uid , position , column + 1 , row )
        player : sendCancelMessage ( "Couldn't find any position for you right now." )

function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition )
    if item:getActionId() == actionId then    --[[ I added this to check if the "item" you are stepping into has an action id of 14876.
                                                 I surroned this code, since this is where it all executes. If your action id does not match. Nothing will happen. ]]--
        if not creature : isPlayer () then
            return false
        if creature : getStorageValue ( storage ) - os . time () > 0 then
            creature : sendTextMessage ( MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR , "You gotta wait a few seconds before you can enter trainning room again" )
            creature : teleportTo ( fromPosition , true )
            return true
        calculatingRoom ( creature . uid , config . first_room_pos , 0 , 0 )
    return true

local actionId = 14877 -- Added a variable for action id once again.
local storage = 5845
local function removeTrainers ( position )
    local arrayPos = {{ x = position.x - 1 , y = position.y + 1 , z = position.z }, { x = position.x + 1 , y = position.y + 1 , z = position.z }}
           for places = 1 , #arrayPos do
            local trainer = Tile ( arrayPos [ places ]): getTopCreature ()
            if trainer then
                if trainer : isMonster () then
                trainer : getPosition (): sendMagicEffect ( CONST_ME_TELEPORT )
                trainer : remove ()
function onStepIn ( creature , item , position , fromPosition )
    if item:getActionId() == actionId then    -- Once again I surrounded the rest of the code with an if statement. Only to check if the "item" you are stepping into has your action id
        if not creature : isPlayer () then
            return false

        removeTrainers ( fromPosition )
        creature : teleportTo ( creature : getTown (): getTemplePosition ())
        creature : setStorageValue ( storage , os . time () + 5 )
    return true

Added em but no progress yet so far, when i enter the teleport with my second char that should take the next room that is empty it says "Couldnt find any position for you right now" Im thinking if theres a step if have missed to add to make it work? some file in other file