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The Question Game


ƧнääиκƵ- TheWalkingDead
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
Hello.......... ;]]

A simple forum game, haven't seen it here so just posting it cuz I'm bored zZzzZZZZz....

You answer the question (from the person above you) and you make a question which the next person (under your post) will answer on and then that person will make a question and then the next person answers and makes a question etc.

This is how to do, Example
Player X.

How many RL Map server do there exist?


Player Y.

@Player X, 999999999 !

Why did Nikodada make a sucky forum game?


Player 3, Because he sux!

ETC. ;))'

So my question,

Why do you love me? ;D
Because you're a sexy girl LOL

Why I don't have a signature or avatar?
Rasmus75, your supposed to answer the one over you only =P and then make a question, you didnt so I'll make one

Question : Do you like RL MAP , Teleport Map or Pure Custom Map without teleports?
Real Map unless the kid really can map Custom. but bah, not playing Tibia so why bother =)

Why do you read my question?
Because I want to.

Why did RealSoft ask this stupid question?
Because he did not find anything better.

Why are you posting in this thread?
Because I'm bored.

Why does CyberM think that hes RATMAN?
Because its the only thing he can get in life

Why does Realsoft think custom maps aint good? ;(
Because he have to.

Why did you try kill a nerd who hacked you on an OT!?!?!?!? ;O