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Top Technology Story of the Day #1

Peroxides Cat

Sleepy Member
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
From now on, every day I will write a post about the top Technology/Computer Related story of the day, 8:00AM Australian Time.

Discuss away my friends!

Todays Story

Google Hacked The Chinese Hackers Right Back

One of the cooler stories out of the whole Google-China debacle is that Google
hacked the hackers, breaking into a computer in Taiwan, gathering evidence that the
attacks originated from mainland China, possibly orchestrated by the government.

Google’s delta force found evidence that the hackers had attacked 33 other companies,
like Adobe, and that the onslaught actually came from China, not Taiwan.
More to the point, “much of the evidence, including the sophistication of the attacks,
strongly suggested an operation run by Chinese government agencies, or at least approved by them.”
Unfortunately, Google can’t prove the Chinese government’s involvement 100 per cent,
which is why the Obama administration is pussy-footing around the issue.

Still, it’s pretty awesome: If you hack Google, they will hack your arse right back.
China PAY people to hack US computer systems, it's not anything new in that. There is like 1k chinese that have told their story and showed their check from the govement.

Tobad they didn't leaked the google webserver. I've heard it runs Python scripts nicely.