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Toss The Item!


Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Okay, simple rules.
You've got to do something with the item that's tossed into your post.
You've got to toss a new item into the next post.

For example:

Me: Throws a poisoned apple into the next post

You: Feeds the apple to reluctant CyberM
Throws Rick Astley on vinyl into the next post!

SO, Let's BEGIN!

Throws a bucket of mismatched limbs into the next post!
Takes the noob to the Tutorial section.

Throws a MOUSE into the next post!
Bends backwards, dodging the bullet Matrix style.
Throws a phone with every phone number in the world, but can only make 1 call into the next post
Takes the rude satirical remark, and ingests it.

Tosses My Little Pony into the next post.
F***s the little pony, waits for it to have a baby and throws the umbilical cordon into the next post.
Makes umbilical cord soup. DEEEE-LICIOUS.

Tosses a troll off a bridge, into the next post
Washes, then stuffs the troll with cotton.

Throws a stuffed Trolley-Bear into the next post!
Puts water on it, waits for it to cool down and eats it

Throws a piece of dog poop to the next post
Don't be bitter, pick up your litter! (Or your dogs)

Cleans-up the dog mess.

Drops a flaming paper-bag of dog feces into the next post.
Stop be a post-hunter

@up, you don't want me to comment you ;)
by the way, you made 300 posts in like a week.. me post hunter? I sink not.

You have 38+ posts/day in avenge.

I have 7.