• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

wanna help , any mod online ?


Banned User
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
when angels cry, when birds don't fly, When Blood
don't double post again or I'll give you an infraction for multiple double posts that I have already merged/deleted
moved to Feeback

dear otland's mods..
i want help , really want help .
when i make new thread in otland get attack from same people every time .
like Mr.bela - Tazer - Kuyt etc etc etc ..
please check my threads.



this guy mr.bela saying bullshit every time , iam really angry
if we were to fix every single annoyance on the forum we'd do nothing the entire day, work it out yourself or simply ignore, they'll eventually get tired, or report them if they are actually breaking a rule, dont report just because you don't like them
and when i said to mr.bela in msn i will report you !
he said to me , Huh iam premium i nevar banned !
that's right ?
No, premium members get infractions and bans just like anyone else, this is completely false!

we need make some thing like black list !
when i add people name in my black list , they can't speak on my threads !
Ignore List
Add people here and you wont see their posts
Bela idk why but every time you talk with your great English it makes a nice image in my mind which i would like to share with you, it's basically a (rooster> bela HAVING SEX with a FROG<Seron)

Really im not making fun or anything like that but i thought sharing it would be nice :p