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Where to hunt?


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Mar 26, 2011
Reaction score
Where could I solohunt with my lvl 40 RP pacc?
Dist: 72
Shield: ~61

Arm 7 helmet, Palla armor, knight legs, boh, demon shield, royals.

I have thought bout dragons, but all dragon hunting places have 2 dragons at once which I atm cant handle yet (edron dragons/venore/ank).

Atm. im hunting Edron cycs (3 floors of cycs mostly free and all for me. very big spawn and okay exp).

Ive checked wiki for new hunting grounds and it advised Yala minos or nargor/tyraung pirates.

So what is the best place to go now?
every time that u don't know where to hunt go make tasks :D best thing evah for all vocations
Na, Just use royal spears & buy alot of mana potions. You will need it!
i used to hunt on this level on cemetery quarter on zombies etc ground floor with elvish bow and tarsals/onyx arrows :) nice solo hunt, fun, little waste tho but exp is quite nice there :)

+/-140k/h exp on premmy and ~80k/h non stamina and about 300-400gp waste each hunt :)
Dragons with Onyx Arrows (Hunt Dragons only with bow/xbow), and when you are run out of cash - go back to Coryms with spears. After level 50-60, you can hunt Dragon Lords too. The best is Carlin's DLair for your first real DL Hunt. For best experience, use spears till level 50. After 50, only bow/xbow.

Arrows have max 95% hit chance, bolts 92%, spears and stars only 80%. Also, bow/xbow adds you more atk. This is why throwning weapons are worst for Dragon hunts. You need good damage per second. Not useless shield.

If you love extreme power leveling, Grim Reapers after level 70, is the best choice. This is the fastest available exp in Tibia for Paladins. After level 90 you will have minimal waste, becouse of Crystalline Arrows (65atk) and you no longer need energy rings.
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