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Shop in game OTV8 does not appear


Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I added a shop system by the client, it was working, but when I went to add more categories, the client does not show any, even category 6 appears normal, then in 8 it does not appear but nothing, there is no error in the console or anything, So it's giving a problem in the client's terminal, this appears.
ERROR: ProtocolGame parse message exception (10 bytes, 0 unread, last opcode is 0x32 (50), prev opcode is 0xffffffff (-1)): InputMessage eof reached
Packet has been saved to packet.log, you can use it to find what was wrong. (Protocol: 1098)

the code i added was this

I solved the problem, in case anyone has it, I know that many already know that the MAX_PACKET_SIZE solves it anxiously, however mine worked only with 1 number, I tried many but it wouldn't, here's how mine is
location MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 5088
Last edited:
I added a shop system by the client, it was working, but when I went to add more categories, the client does not show any, even category 6 appears normal, then in 8 it does not appear but nothing, there is no error in the console or anything, So it's giving a problem in the client's terminal, this appears.
ERROR: ProtocolGame parse message exception (10 bytes, 0 unread, last opcode is 0x32 (50), prev opcode is 0xffffffff (-1)): InputMessage eof reached
Packet has been saved to packet.log, you can use it to find what was wrong. (Protocol: 1098)

the code i added was this

I solved the problem, in case anyone has it, I know that many already know that the MAX_PACKET_SIZE solves it anxiously, however mine worked only with 1 number, I tried many but it wouldn't, here's how mine is
location MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 5088