• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!
  • New resources must be posted under Resources tab. A discussion thread will be created automatically, you can't open threads manually anymore.

Advanced Auction House v1.0 (WoW Based)

--######################################### ABOUT  #################
--      Advanced Auction House                                          ####
--          code by josejunior23                                                ####
--  the function add_depot_item(guid, item, count) as made by magus from otserv.com.br ####
--  any other code in this file as made by me.                                            ####
--               ... and thanks to the TFS, they make it more easy :)                        ####
--######################################### CONFIG  ################################################################
--                                                                                                                               # J #
-- 1º -     <MAX DAYS>                   - when player add an offer, his offer will stay for X days, in this case 2.             # O #
-- 2º -     <IGNORED ITEMS>              - put here all items that you dont want players put for sale.                           # S #
-- 3º -     <ABLE/DISABLE RUNES/POTIONS> - choose if you want to player sell runes/pots                                          # E #
-- 4º -     <MAX OFFER>                  - max offer that players may ask for his item's, in this case 40 000 000 golds (40kk).  # J #
-- 5º -     <MAX ITEMS PER PLAYER>       - max items that each player can put for sale, in this case 5.                          # R #
-- 6º -     <###MAIN FILE###>            - this is the name of the MAIN FILE, where the script save the offers..                 # 2 #
-- 7º -     <DUUUH, NOTHING ESPECIAL>    - this show a crystal coin (itemid: 2160) when player say ex: !auction-list [param      # 3 #
-- 8º -     <ACCESS>                     - this  is the access You need to use command !auction-clean                            ####
local max_days, bad_items, able_items, max_offer, max_items, main_file, item_show, access_need  =
    {"gold coin", "crystal coin", "platinum coin", "worm"}, 
    {able_runes = false, able_potions = true}, 
-- ########## LIB FUNCTIONS  ###########
function load_table(file)
    local t = {} ; 
    for m in io.lines(file) do
        local d, i, c, a, s = m:match '(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)' ; 
        table.insert(t, { date = d, item = i, cost = c, ammount = a, seller = s }) ; 
    end ; return t ; 
end ; 

function save_table(file, text)
    local f = io.open(file,"w") ; f:write(text) ; f:close() ; 
end ; 

function add_new_line(file, arr)
    local tab = load_table(file) ; 
    table.insert(tab, { date = arr.d, item = arr.i, cost = arr.c, ammount = arr.a, seller = arr.s }) ; 
    save_table(file, covert_table(tab)) ; 
end ; 

function del_line_by_id(file, id)
    local tab = load_table(file) ; table.remove (tab, id) ; save_table(file, covert_table(tab)) ; 
end ; 

function covert_table(tab)
    local t = "" ; 
    for i in pairs(tab) do
        t = (t .. "" .. tab[i].date .. " " .. tab[i].item .. " " .. tab[i].cost .. " " .. tab[i].ammount .. " " .. tab[i].seller .. "\n") ; 
    end ; return t ; 
end ; 

function get_ramdom_thing(tab) return tab[math.random(1, #tab)] ; end ; 

function list_items(tab, str)
    local i = 0 ; 
    if (str == nil) then str = "" end ; 
    for id in pairs(tab) do
        i = i + 1 ; 
        if (tab[id].x) then i = tab[id].x end ; 
        str = str .. "\n " .. i .. "#  " .. tab[id].ammount .. "x " .. getItemNameById(tab[id].item) .. "  " .. tab[id].cost .. "  " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(tab[id].seller) ; 
    end ; 
    local txt = { "`!auction-buy id´\n->  to buy an item.", "`!auction-sell item, ammount, price´\n->  to sell an item.", "`!auction-info id´\n->  to see more information about id offer.", "`!auction-list´\n->  to see a complete list with offers.", "`!auction-find name´\n-> to find offers by name.", "`!auction-withdraw´\n->  to get your money from our house.", "`!auction-del id´\n->  to delete an offer made by You."} ; 
    return str .. "\n\nTip: " .. get_ramdom_thing(txt) ; 
end ; 

function get_info(file, id) -- id == line
    local tab, list = load_table(file), nil ; 
    for i = 1, #tab do
        if (i == id) then list = { date = tab[i].date, item = tab[i].item, cost = tab[i].cost, ammount = tab[i].ammount, seller = tab[i].seller } ; 
        break ; end ; 
    end ; return list ; 
end ; 

function add_depot_item(guid, item, count)-- by Magus
    local item,count = type(item)=="table" and item or {item},type(count)=="table" and count or {(count or 1)}
    for k,v in ipairs(item) do
        local ls = db.getResult("SELECT `sid` FROM `player_depotitems` WHERE `player_id` = "..guid.." ORDER BY `sid` DESC LIMIT 1")
        return db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `player_depotitems` (`player_id`, `sid`, `pid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes`) VALUES ("..guid..", "..(ls:getDataInt("sid")+1)..", 101, "..v..", "..count[k]..", '"..(count[k] > 1 and string.format("%x",count[k]) or '').."')") or false
    end ; 
end ; 

function add_day (days)
    local d, m, y = tonumber(os.date("%d")) + days, tonumber(os.date("%m")), tonumber(os.date("%y")) ; 
    while d > 30 do d = 01 ; m = m + 1 ; end ;
    while m > 12 do d = 01 ; m = 01 ; y = y + 1 ; end ; 
    return  m .. "/" .. d .. "/" .. y ; 
end ; 

function clean_offers(file, m)
    local l, t = 0, os.date("%m/%d/%y") ; 
    if m then t = m end ; 
    for e in io.lines(file) do
        l = l + 1 ; 
        local d, i, c, a, s = e:match '(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)' ; 
        if (d == t) then
            del_line_by_id(file, l) ; 
            l = l - 1 ; 
            local p = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(s)) ; 
            if (isCreature(p)) then
                doPlayerAddItem(p, i, a) ; 
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(p,  MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we could not sell Your ' .. a .. 'x of `' .. getItemNameById(i) .. '´ in our house, take it back.') ; 
                local s, i, a = tonumber(s),tonumber(i),tonumber(a) ; 
                add_depot_item(s, i, a) ; 
            end ; 
        end ; 
    end ; 
end ; 

function get_player_offers(g, file) -- g = player guid
    local o, x = {}, 0 ; 
    for l in io.lines(file) do
        x = x + 1 ; local d, i, c, a, s = l:match '(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)' ; 
        if (tonumber(s) == g) then table.insert(o, { date = d, item = i, cost = c, ammount = a, seller = s , x = x }) ; end ; 
    end ; return o ; 
end ; 

function find_offers_by_name(name, file) -- this funciton find offers with item name
    local o, x = {}, 0 ; 
    for l in io.lines(file) do
        x = x + 1 ; local d, i, c, a, s = l:match '(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)' ; 
        if (getItemNameById(tonumber(i)) == name) then table.insert(o, { date = d, item = i, cost = c, ammount = a, seller = s , x = x }) ; end ; 
    end ; return o ; 
end ; 
-- ########## LIB FUNCTIONS  ############

-- ########## onSay FUNCTION  ###########
function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
    local messageType = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE ; 

    if (words == "!auction-sell") then
        local t = string.explode(param, ",") ; 

        if not t[2] or not t[3] or not param or (isNumber(t[1])) or not(isNumber(t[2])) or not (isNumber(t[3])) or 
        (tonumber(t[2]) <= 0) or (tonumber(t[2]) > 100) or (tonumber(t[3]) <= 0) or (tonumber(t[2]) > 1) and 
        not (isItemStackable(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: type the name of an item with ammount and offer: `!auction-sell carrion worm fang, 100, 3650´.\n Tip: `!auction-sell´ is the command, `carrion worm fang´ is the item, `100´ is the ammount, `3650´ is the price you want for it.') ; 
            return true ; 

        elseif (isItemContainer(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) or not (isItemMovable(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) or 
        (isInArray(bad_items, t[1])) or (isItemFluidContainer(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) and 
        (able_items.able_potions == false) or (isItemRune(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) and (able_items.able_runes == false) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we do not accept those kind of items.') ; 
            return true ; 

        elseif (max_items ~= 0) and (#get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file) >= max_items) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: You already have too many items in our house. You have a total of `' .. #get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file) .. '´ items in our house and still can put more `' .. max_items - #get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file) .. '´ items.') ; 
            return true ; 

        elseif (tonumber(t[3]) > max_offer) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: sorry, this price is too much. the limit is: `' .. max_offer .. '´ golds.') ; 
            return true ; 

        elseif (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getItemIdByName(t[1]), t[2])) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we have added your ' .. t[2] .. 'x  `' .. t[1] .. '´ as offer to our house.\n say `!auction-info ' .. #load_table(main_file) + 1 .. '´ to see more information about your offer.\nYou have a total of `' .. #get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file)+1 .. '´ items in our house and still can put more `' .. (max_items == 0 and "NO LIMIT" or max_items - #get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file) - 1) .. '´ items.') ; 
            add_new_line(main_file, {d = add_day (max_days), i = getItemIdByName(t[1]), c = tonumber(t[3]), a = tonumber(t[2]), s = getPlayerGUID(cid)}) ; 

            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find item `' .. t[1] .. '´ in your backpacks/slots.') ; 
        end ; 

    elseif (words == "!auction-buy") then
        if not (isNumber(param)) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: ID. Offer should be a number.') ; 
            return true ; 
        end ; 
        local f = get_info(main_file, tonumber(param)) ; 
        if not f then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for ID. `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´.') ; 
            return true ; 
        end ; 
        if (doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, f.cost) == true) then
            del_line_by_id(main_file, tonumber(param)) ; 
            doPlayerAddItem(cid, f.item, f.ammount, false) ; 
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: You brought ' .. f.ammount .. 'x of `' .. getItemNameById(f.item) .. '´ for `' .. f.cost .. '´ golds from our house.') ; 
            local pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(f.seller)) ; 
            if not (isCreature(pid)) then
                db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `balance` = `balance` + '" .. f.cost .. "' WHERE `name` = '" .. getPlayerNameByGUID(f.seller) .. "';") ; 
                return true ; 
            end ; 
            doPlayerAddMoney(pid, f.cost) ; 
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid,  messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we sold Your ' .. f.ammount .. 'x of `' .. getItemNameById(f.item) .. '´ in our house, heres Yours `' .. f.cost .. '´ golds.') ; 
        end ; 

    elseif (words == "!auction-list") then
        if (param == '') then
            local tab = load_table(main_file) ; 
            if (#tab > 20) then
                doShowTextDialog(cid, item_show, list_items(tab, "    #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n\n Total of `" .. #tab .. "´ items in our stock.\n\n ID.           Item           Gold            Seller")) ; 
                doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, list_items(tab, "    #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n\n Total of `" .. #tab .. "´ items in our stock.\n\n ID.           Item           Gold            Seller")) ; 
            end ; 
            if (isNumber(param)) or not (isPlayer(getPlayerByName(param))) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find a player online with name: `' .. param .. '´. \n Tip: remember, You can only look for offers from a player that is online. but You still can see their offers from `!auction-list´.') ; 
                return true ; 
            end ; 
            local offers = get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(getPlayerByName(param)), main_file) ; 
            doShowTextDialog(cid, item_show, list_items(offers, "    #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n\n " .. string.upper(param) .. ", \n as a total of `" .. #offers .. "´ items in our stock.\n\n ID.      Item           Gold            Seller")) ; 
        end ; 

    elseif (words == "!auction-info") then
        if not (isNumber(param)) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: ID. Offer should be a number.') ; 
            return true ; 
        end ; 
        local f = get_info(main_file, tonumber(param)) ; 
        if not f then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for ID. `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´.') ; 
            return true ; 
        end ; 
        local txt = "  #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n                Showing Offer ID. " .. tonumber(param) ..
        "#\n\n - Expire Date: " .. f.date .. "\n - Item: x" .. f.ammount .. " " .. getItemNameById(f.item) ..
        "\n - Cost: " .. f.cost .. " golds\n - Seller: " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(f.seller) .. "" ; 
        doShowTextDialog(cid, f.item, txt)

    elseif (words == "!auction-del") then
        if not (isNumber(param)) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: ID. Offer should be a number.') ; 
            return true ; 
        end ; 
        local f = get_info(main_file, tonumber(param)) ; 
        if not f then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for ID. `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´.') ; 
            return true ; 
        end ; 
        if (tonumber(f.seller) == getPlayerGUID(cid)) then
            del_line_by_id(main_file, tonumber(param)) ; 
            doPlayerAddItem(cid, f.item, f.ammount, false) ; 
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we removed your offer from our house, take back x' .. f.ammount .. ' of `' .. getItemNameById(f.item) .. '´.') ; 
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: You may not remove offer ID. `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´. reason: it does not belongs to You.') ; 
        end ; 

    elseif (words == "!auction-find") then
        if (isNumber(param)) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for item `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´, make sure the name is right.') ; 
            return true ; 
        end ; 
        local tab = find_offers_by_name(param, main_file) ; 
        if (#tab == 0) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for item `' .. param .. '´.') ; 
            return true ; 
        end ; 
        doShowTextDialog(cid,  getItemIdByName(param), list_items(tab, "    #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n\n Total of `" .. #tab .. "´ `" .. param .. "´ in our stock.\n\n ID.           Item           Gold            Seller"))

    elseif (words == "!auction-cmd") or(words == "!auction") then
        local txt = "             > ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <\n\n" ; 
        local stuff = {
            { "`!auction-buy id´",                    "to buy an item by offer id\n\n" }, 
            { "`!auction-sell itemname, ammount, price´",        "to sell an item\n\n" }, 
            { "`!auction-info id´",       "to see more information about offer id\n\n" }, 
            { "`!auction-list´",              "to see a complete list with offers\n\n" }, 
            { "`!auction-del id´",                "to delete an offer made by you\n\n" }, 
            { "`!auction-find name´",                     "to find offers by name\n\n" }, 
            { "`!auction-withdraw´",            "to get your money from our house\n\n" }, 
            { "`!auction-balance´",     "to see your current balance in our house\n\n" }
            } ; 
        for i = 1, #stuff do txt = txt .. " " .. i .. ". - " .. stuff[i][1] .. "\n      > " .. stuff[i][2] end ; 
        -- ^ dont ask why, I just made in this way =)                                                         ^ Do not remove s2
        doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, txt .. "\n                   >Code by josejunior23<") ; 

    elseif (words == "!auction-withdraw") then
        local total_money = getPlayerBalance(cid) ; 
        if (total_money <= 0) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: Your balance is `0´. ') ; return true ; 
        end ; 
        doPlayerAddMoney(cid, total_money) ; 
        doPlayerSetBalance(cid, 0) ; 
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: You withdraw `' .. total_money .. '´ golds from our house. Your balance is now `0´.') ; 

    elseif (words == "!auction-balance") then
        local total_money = getPlayerBalance(cid) ; 
        if (total_money <= 0) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: Your balance is `0´. ') ; return true ; 
        end ; 
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: Your balance is `' .. total_money .. '´golds, You can withdraw that money at anytime, type `!aution-withdraw´ to get all Your money from our house.') ; 

    elseif (words == "!auction-clean") then
        if not (getPlayerAccess(cid) >= access_need) then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '<this is not a valid command>') ; return false ; 
        elseif not (param) then
            clean_offers(main_file) ; 
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: all offers with date: ' .. os.date("%m/%d/%y") .. ' as been reseted.\n Remember, the scripts ignore offers with less/more days.') ; 
            return true ; 
        elseif (isNumber(param)) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: this is not a valid date, date format should be like in this example: ' .. os.date("%m/%d/%y") .. ' (month/day/year) . ') ; 
            return true ; 
        end ; 
        clean_offers(main_file, param) ; 
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messageType, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: all offers with date: ' .. param .. ' as been reseted.\n Remember, the scripts ignore offers with less/more days.') ; 
    end ; 

    return true ; 
end ; 
-- ########## onSay FUNCTION  ###########

-- ########## onTimer FUNCTION  ##########
function onTimer(cid, interval, lastExecution)
    clean_offers(main_file) ; 
    return true ; 
end ; 
-- ########## onTimer FUNCTION  ##########

Some Sodium Hydroxide for that surprise acid attack on the eyes and brain. Neutralization was done with only the bare minimum refactoring required to maintain human sanity.

Translated: For those who want to be able to actually possibly read it, and I do mean only possibly, it's still improbable.
what do you do if you dont have a mods folder? cause im running Mystic Spirit 8.7 and it doesnt have a mod's folder, so do i just create a mods folder to put this script in to use it or what?
what do you do if you dont have a mods folder? cause im running Mystic Spirit 8.7 and it doesnt have a mod's folder, so do i just create a mods folder to put this script in to use it or what?

mystic spirit not using mods, you need download tfs 0.3 or 0.4 for use mods.
oh :(, that sucks i was really hoping to use this for my server, guess ill have to go back at trying to find a script for it somewhere, thanks anyways :)

[13:58:34.097] [Error - TalkAction Interface]
[13:58:34.098] mods/scripts/AAH.lua:eek:nSay
[13:58:34.098] Description:
[13:58:34.099] mods/scripts/AAH.lua:184: attempt to call field 'executeQuery' (a nil value)
[13:58:34.099] stack traceback:
[13:58:34.100] mods/scripts/AAH.lua:184: in function <mods/scripts/AAH.lua:134>