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[USA] [7.4 / Custom] Realesta - Arcanis [October 27th at 20:00 CEST] A New World!

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So maybe he should add on low-rate "rpg" server cc runes and exp scrolls maybe 1kk exp for 5 euro? let him earn some money bois pls atleast he removed djinn access

Simple for me things which boost ur character only at server start prove that admin want to secure his profit from server cuz he dont believe it gonna last for longer than month/two and if he make low rate "rpg" server with such attitude then gg another question how op that scroll is for people which rush 10+ makers specially at early gameplay
its not fking rpg medivia, i know that u are looking for server with 0.25 exp where everyone use mace till 30 lvl but dude u have to open your own server dont try to change other servers because YOU WANT. There is 2-3 mc allowed so if someone spend money for 10+ runemakers he will lose money.

its not fking p2w its just PROMOTION SCROLL ofc it helps but only at the beginning. Most of us are adult ppl, everyone can earn money if 3 euro its too much for u in 2019 its not Ruthless problem xD

As u said " he removed djinn access" so he did something, Ruthless is the hoster, you can ask for changes but dont try to be his BOSS ok? accept his ideas or fuck off its simple deal
3 euro for scroll is not much but this scroll cant be tradeable in my opinion, because it makes huge difference
its not fking rpg medivia, i know that u are looking for server with 0.25 exp where everyone use mace till 30 lvl but dude u have to open your own server dont try to change other servers because YOU WANT. There is 2-3 mc allowed so if someone spend money for 10+ runemakers he will lose money.

its not fking p2w its just PROMOTION SCROLL ofc it helps but only at the beginning. Most of us are adult ppl, everyone can earn money if 3 euro its too much for u in 2019 its not Ruthless problem xD

As u said " he removed djinn access" so he did something, Ruthless is the hoster, you can ask for changes but dont try to be his BOSS ok? accept his ideas or fuck off its simple deal

Its not about 3 euro for fuck sake economy on low rate plays huge role in gameplay ppl often sell runes at start to buy promotion if they have choice to spent some $ and skip this part so easily then its a problem for everyone and later it doesnt matter cuz if somebody need 20k for promotion he'll just buy cc from players but at early game with promo on scroll many ppl gonna rush multiple characters to 20lvl doing desert quest

Honestly i prefer server with normal tibia facc/pacc than stupid golden accounts which boost xp/h djinn scrolls or promotion at shop making low rate stable server is more complicated than ppl think adding things without thinking twice is retarded

btw getting advantage at first day helps a lot specially if server is overpopulated so if u want to enjoy this "low-rate" buying those promo scroll is must have
its not fking rpg medivia, i know that u are looking for server with 0.25 exp where everyone use mace till 30 lvl but dude u have to open your own server dont try to change other servers because YOU WANT. There is 2-3 mc allowed so if someone spend money for 10+ runemakers he will lose money.

its not fking p2w its just PROMOTION SCROLL ofc it helps but only at the beginning. Most of us are adult ppl, everyone can earn money if 3 euro its too much for u in 2019 its not Ruthless problem xD

As u said " he removed djinn access" so he did something, Ruthless is the hoster, you can ask for changes but dont try to be his BOSS ok? accept his ideas or fuck off its simple deal

He make much money from dices in sms shop and new custom houses for many $.

On last version many dicers open casino and buy many dices from sms shop.

On this version will be the same , because dice cost only 25 points so many dicers again open casino in this version.

He can make other donations for make money than this promotion scroll.

Again here people start sell promotion scroll for 8-12 k each , and again in short time here many high lvls here easy , because people make many runemakers with promotion made by promotion scroll.

These are not the old days where people create maybe 2 or 3 runmekers to play , today's players are savage maniacs embraced by the rule of victory at any price and they make big rune farms more than 20 characters.
+ Fact when they can here buy prmotions for makers for small price then they easy buy it for every makers and make high lvls here in very short time.

You do not think Ruth will run around the map every day and called to people go dance all int he same time or they have ban when no make it.

After all, you can not ban them in any other way because almost all scammers in today have downloaded virutlane discs and can have several different IP addresses using one device.
More than 4mc (3maker+1 main) players will get punish (ban) , cave botters will get ban. I think I have clearly stated. 7 hours left !!!
More than 4mc (3maker+1 main) players will get punish (ban) , cave botters will get ban. I think I have clearly stated. 7 hours left !!!
So its even easier 2 laptop and 1 vm 12 mcs great really nice low rate cant wait to see ppl running around and sdking every rat on their screen

You wont do a shit against mcs unless ppl run them on one ip this rule is only for otserverlist cuz max 4 characters per ip or bannek but since xinn is lately really busy u probably wont ban 4+ mc/ip too thats not in ur interest
@Tampik back @Adposatnr guys wake up, welcome in 2019, every server is p2w, you can buy runes, chars from ppl. Dont waste your time at forum go to fking work earn 3e or ask your parents for it if u are too lazy. Profesorek and Tampon always spam forum and at the end they finish their carier in carlin killing ppl 5v1 .....

Some ppl play for pk, another for rpg feelings, another for wars you dont have to rush with everyone. Why u just dont open your own server with your ideas? What is the problem?
You are not the most imporant players here, we all are same, we are just players, Ruth is a hoster, he did great job with a server and client, he is first person who make a tool to check players mouse click maybe in future he will make something better to catch botters, dont talk shit about him. He spend hundreds hours for this server and respect his job, respect his time and send him fking 3e for his job xDDD
Im here since 2010 and for me realesta is best server 7.x you can play atm im not asslicker or something we are not even friends with Ruth, he was my enemy many times.

You are just lazy guys, you can only complain " this is bad, i dont like this, change this and this blabla bla " if your real life looks same you should read about depression... im not kidding
Please dont make lvl 100 in a weekend im back monday:(xd
Just take it easy and enjoy.

@ scroll discussion. I agree with kijek. Every server you can see as a p2w. If i see myself slacking behind afted this week. I'll just buy a char in the top 10. Same for promotion if making cash takes too long i just buy cash or sell prem scrolls and buy promotion then. So either way its always p2w if you can sell prem scrolls.
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@Tampik back @Adposatnr guys wake up, welcome in 2019, every server is p2w, you can buy runes, chars from ppl. Dont waste your time at forum go to fking work earn 3e or ask your parents for it if u are too lazy. Profesorek and Tampon always spam forum and at the end they finish their carier in carlin killing ppl 5v1 .....

Some ppl play for pk, another for rpg feelings, another for wars you dont have to rush with everyone. Why u just dont open your own server with your ideas? What is the problem?
You are not the most imporant players here, we all are same, we are just players, Ruth is a hoster, he did great job with a server and client, he is first person who make a tool to check players mouse click maybe in future he will make something better to catch botters, dont talk shit about him. He spend hundreds hours for this server and respect his job, respect his time and send him fking 3e for his job xDDD
Im here since 2010 and for me realesta is best server 7.x you can play atm im not asslicker or something we are not even friends with Ruth, he was my enemy many times.

You are just lazy guys, you can only complain " this is bad, i dont like this, change this and this blabla bla " if your real life looks same you should read about depression... im not kidding

You are probably drunk , you criticize posts people who want good changes on server for better balance game.

You no remember what you crying you when i kill you on Waropolis and you spam why kill me i only 70 lvl you have 100 + bla bla bla give me back my bp why killing low lvls.

The same i here i can cry for make more balance in the server.
@Tampik back @Adposatnr guys wake up, welcome in 2019, every server is p2w, you can buy runes, chars from ppl. Dont waste your time at forum go to fking work earn 3e or ask your parents for it if u are too lazy. Profesorek and Tampon always spam forum and at the end they finish their carier in carlin killing ppl 5v1 .....

Some ppl play for pk, another for rpg feelings, another for wars you dont have to rush with everyone. Why u just dont open your own server with your ideas? What is the problem?
You are not the most imporant players here, we all are same, we are just players, Ruth is a hoster, he did great job with a server and client, he is first person who make a tool to check players mouse click maybe in future he will make something better to catch botters, dont talk shit about him. He spend hundreds hours for this server and respect his job, respect his time and send him fking 3e for his job xDDD
Im here since 2010 and for me realesta is best server 7.x you can play atm im not asslicker or something we are not even friends with Ruth, he was my enemy many times.

You are just lazy guys, you can only complain " this is bad, i dont like this, change this and this blabla bla " if your real life looks same you should read about depression... im not kidding

Again are u retarded or what? We are talking about economy on low rate server not about paying hoster/admin for his work also i respect his job hes putting a lot of effort in realesta since its first edition but if he really aim to host low rate long term server (as he told me few months ago) he should think twice about adding stuff in game and focus more on bot/mc problem else it gonna be month-two server for kids we already have one botting paradise 7.4 low rate server

First of All you are supporting DDoSers, Scammers, liars and very shady guys.

By downolading the client you are joining their botnet. The same that happened on previous editions but in a less obvious way will happen here.

The same way they spoofed their server (they were banned on Otservlist) they will spoof this time.

The same way they spoofed Punio stream. It will happen on this edition BUT in a less obvious way. Nothing changed. It's the same people.

@Dragoholikus is on a 2019 account. @Florent is on a 2019 account. Guess why. Because they are banned on their main accs for scamming, etc.

This server has no future at all. It died before it even started.

The streamer who supports it. Only does it for money. When another server will pay him, he will stop sponsoring this.

The "war teams" that will join here are basically getting paid for it. They will get runes and money in a low rate so they can "show off" their skills they been training for 5+ years. If you are not one of them. If you are not getting paid. You will have a hard time playing here.

Nobody shown any interest on this server. Everyone who is talking here are people who is getting paid. Recreant, kijek, assassinho, tamtam... All of them are getting paid in a way to say this server is good.

But guess what? This server isn't good.
This server is basically made for money. With the "I work for the community..." argument nobody smart buys.
Nobody works 70h weekly for free. 12h/daily if he rest atleast one day... for free. Nobody.

If he Hosts a "war server" for free is basically more computers on their botnet.

He ALLOW 4 MCs. 4! Are you guys blind or what.

You can even buy promotion with real cash on a low rate.

It's a low rate 7.4 with 8.x addons. Are you kidding your playerbase or what.

You can BUY houses with real cash, dices... not even Cipsoft is that p2w NOW.

To add more ingredients to the FORMULA.
This server will be FULL of botters. Realesta war server was FULL of riftbot. Even the people who is getting paid now to say their "opinion" were botting there. Kijek, cukie~, uzi... were the first ones to be banned for botting there. I still remember when they got IP banned. They fkn had to tell their friends to "say sorry" on forums for them. Guess who is getting paid for "not catching bots"? RUTH. A guy that "works 12h a day" can't waste 5 mins to ban botters on a 10 players online server... c'mon...

Punio will have unlimited cash and runes? Yes. But he will just hide it better.
Will you join a botnet by downloading the client? Yes. Just in a less obvious way.
The server and stream will be spoofed? Yes. Just in a less obvious way.
( They even make their playerbase to "legally" spoof for them.
4 MCs on a lowrate LOL Best way for you guys to have more computers on. Best way for you to buy their "store promotion".

There are great low rates there. Medivia and Real Tibia the best ones.

There is no point to play in this corrupted hole.

This is a small example of what they are doing on other servers to have players here. (Not even 1 week ago).

Take care COMMUNITY and be smart. Don't play here. Play anything before this.

/A guy who is not getting paid to express his opinion nor would accept it.

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Hahahahah just saw this kid crying that his ot is dead.... hahahah tamtam and kijek getting paid for promo xdddddd man can u come back to the earth please??
I hate dumb kids 16 years old without any idea what they talking bout....
The synthesis of this guy is on another level. Comparable to an ape at least. I play real tibia aswell. Cs:go.. Rust.. They aren't dead... why would I care if kasteria dies or not? It's just karma.

Very good server!!
(Yesss another 5 euro earned!)

Like you didn't get paid to say your "opinion" eheeeeeem Classic tibia best 7.4 server. Remember?
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I will buy 12 promotion scroll (have 3 computer in my house) so there will be 12 rune maker nice farm ? Try to find me xd every maker will have some sd so i wiat for your bp ;)
Again are u retarded or what? We are talking about economy on low rate server not about paying hoster/admin for his work also i respect his job hes putting a lot of effort in realesta since its first edition but if he really aim to host low rate long term server (as he told me few months ago) he should think twice about adding stuff in game and focus more on bot/mc problem else it gonna be month-two server for kids we already have one botting paradise 7.4 low rate server
look at medivias prophecy economy, its the biggest p2w server, because nobody can make mc farm so ppl do everthing manualy but some ppl spend money and you can do nothing, if u have ideas how to make a perfect server you should contact with hosters and ask them for open server on your rules.
Idc about long term servers, I play this game for FUN, I dont want spend my time for try harding bcs its not funny. Realesta is balanced in my opinion

I will buy 12 promotion scroll (have 3 computer in my house) so there will be 12 rune maker nice farm ? Try to find me xd every maker will have some sd so i wiat for your bp ;)

wow wow wow wow ur best