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Bas (Pokemon of Veziv)

naruto cos tam przejmowal na veno to ten mu sie wpierdalal caly czas ;d taki gosciu powinien siedziec z globalem na login bo typy padaly przez niego caly czas
No, tam to by musial Wille albo Naruto lidowac od poczatku samego, bo jak oni dostali kopy na yalahar 2x i 15x uciekali na stacka to potem an open nie wiedzieli co sie dzieje, autentycznie ci mowie. Dara fight w chuj liderkow u nich mial Wille lidowac cos pogadal Venlo sie wjebal i mowi zeby sie zgatherowac, potem mitch poweidzial dawajcie na sklepy darashia. Polecial tam dostal boxa z 4 stron i ci co mogli uciec to spierdolili na passage i na serpentyne (jak siwek) A co sie shleder stalo dla Patryka? ojciec mu kijem po watrobie wyjebal czy co?
luco sie za bardzo amarena nakurwil bo calego dzbana zajebal 15l na raz i spal przez 2 tyg na kablu od neta podobno tak slyszalem ale nie wiem czy potwierdzone info
No jak tak to musi to byc prawda. Lokuf jebany cwel aka dawaj Calar gramy na Infernie, ogarnelem sobie 10kk wbilem 120+ lvl i zacza sie placz o ja nie mam kasy ten nie ma tego i chuj bombki strzelil haha.
Dokladnie on to moze z Depo Goroma na aurorce (x2) expic frajer.
jaki płacz ty kurwo, dostałem info, ze siedzisz na jakimś vt morty to wyjebaliśmy xloga zgodnie z moimi compadres.

wbił 120lvl za 10kk i sie cieszy jebany, oby cie te pakistance w anglii wyruchały, a ty maro uczniu siwego zamknij dupe i idź na 8.6 graj i mów, że spoko bitki z mazurem co cię pvp uczy xd
No niech cie chuj strzeli z gory na dol, siedzialem tam z sebusiem i gadalem tylko a jak mialem grac to i na morcie i na infernie ty sir pecie. A to co do Shledera to 100% prawda. Moze go Mazur nauczy tego co patryk nie zdazyl przed swoja smiercia
no, na morcie i na infernie kurwa, po chuj ty grasz na jakiejs morcie to ja nie wiem
Bo nie ma gdzie grac? i tam jest troche taki old feeling jak wpadna po cb i jeszcze jak pushniesz 5 osob i uciekniesz... Mass logi itp itd.. walka o server moze nie tyle o server ale o mozliwosc do botowania czy tam chuj wie czego. Ananas nawet sie wkrecil haha :D sir lokufie wez dokoncz mi ta prace musze opisac "Risks involved in installing or upgrading software"

Unstable Software –

If the software that we have currently installed is not functioning correctly we need to keep in mind that most likely more problems will occur such as the software will freeze or crash now and then, the new piece of software needs testing before it’s going to function properly, the company will need to wait for a major update of the software but even then problems may occur, as fixing one issue may bring another one. Therefore usually the most stable version is after few updates we are talking about 3-4 updates. But if we follow some simple steps we can overcome the small issues, we don’t know when the software could crash but saving work every few minutes is always good, we should always make sure to back-up everything we do. Once a new software is installed there is a high chance that problems will occur as the software haven’t been tested enough therefore it may be glitch but if we install an older software the chances of the software being glitch/buggy are very small, as the software has been tested for a year or even more and many updates have been made to correct all the errors.

Loss of Income –

The income is the most important part for the company as the money is being used as an investment to make the company bigger in order to make more profit. If there is a loss of income the company will not grow and there is a high chance of the company becoming smaller which will lead to a loss of job for many people, the loss of income may even lead to bankruptcy, the company starts to struggle with the income once the work isn’t done on time this can be because the workers are lazy or because there is a problem with a software, if there is a problem with a software or the computer the work will get postponed. Technicians should plan when to fix or install the new piece of software, this is to make sure that there is no long downtime which could cause the company of losing income. Once again backing up is very important as if we lose anything we can just get it back in few seconds/minutes but only if we’ve backed it up previously. Chance of one server to go down is quite high as this happens from time to time but there is always a back-up server which will work as soon as there is a problem with the primary server,
weź gościu z jakąś informatyką jak ja za formata 500zł płace, dawaj mi chara tam i gram śmieciu xd
Nie mom co ci doc, dla ananasa dalem 150 palka (tzn to byl jego) ale ja go botowalem od 95 lvla i teraz on sobie nim gra, sam kupilem wczoraj 100 eka za premium scrolla i windbota na 30dni. A do gry to ja mam tylko 208 RP tego i 160 Eka... Kup sobie chara heh

We gosciu mi tez tego sie nie chce robic ale na studia trzeba sie kurwa dostac bo bida w kraju.
no calar pewnie juz wladowal z 500 zl w ta morte bo jest noobem i bez niczego to by dalej mutated humany bil czyli swoich ojcow ale pierdoli

taa z mazurem wez ty mnie nie obrazaj chlopie
No gosciu ja tam wiecej napisalem niz w moim podaniu na studia haha :D wkurwiaja te rl tibia playerki to trzeba im cos uswiadomic od czasu do czasu.
@Omel vento kupiłem chcesz to Ci dam true info gajs.

PS Mój funfel Xinn dał mi 2k pktów na sofciany na tej hexerce takze reload
Jak dasz mi softy i na aol to zalatwie ci inva do skeona.
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