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[CANADA][CUSTOM] Darkrest Online

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ek hits hard here but u need high skill + decent weapon u will probably spent weeks collecting stuff to craft it then spending 2kk to attempt at crafting and u got 15-25% for fail depends on if u grind better blessings(success chance) from endgame bosses

and even then its like at best with BiS melee gear 90+ skill and utito u hit like 450-500 with crits in pvm against low defence mobs still huuge upgrade but nothing like 1k+ crits also theres a lot of perks u can roll on that weapon so its either pure dps weapon or sustain with life leech on melee hits/crits hope they will let us reroll these perks later on for cc + some stuff slighty cheaper than crafting new one
ek hits hard here but u need high skill + decent weapon u will probably spent weeks collecting stuff to craft it then spending 2kk to attempt at crafting and u got 15-25% for fail depends on if u grind better blessings(success chance) from endgame bosses

and even then its like at best with BiS melee gear 90+ skill and utito u hit like 450-500 with crits in pvm against low defence mobs still huuge upgrade but nothing like 1k+ crits also theres a lot of perks u can roll on that weapon so its either pure dps weapon or sustain with life leech on melee hits/crits hope they will let us reroll these perks later on for cc + some stuff slighty cheaper than crafting new one
thanks for input!, now that i think about it, this is in content means pretty close to 7.4 vanilla in mob difficulty so that damage seems a little more ok for hardest monster being a demon, not like medivia where you have alot harder monsters, like i said i will try it out but im scared the progression on barbarian will be to little to keep me interested, if number isn't going up i'll get bored, but i always look out for OTs trying to make a melee dps class / barbarian as thats my niche
barbarian is super fast and got utito but i feel like having 100 max mana (with eventually boosts from gear) will be pain at high lvl ofc his mana costs are slighty lower than normal tibia but all he can do is auto attack for rage and drink vodka so i guess u need dwarven rings he got buff to two handed weapons tho (or should have now? dunno) guardian on other hand got no utito (so rip big melee dmg boost) but utura which let u use only life ring on most spawns if u have decent skills

might be easier to keep low hp on berserker if rng let u craft weapons with +% dmg on 20% hp but yeah dmg progression for early game is like on normal tibia so skill till atleast 60 then get good weapon (swords craft serpent/two handed sword axe buy halberd or double axe from players and clubs craft clerical mace xD)
Dear Players,

We hope this message finds you well. We have spent a significant amount of time listening to your feedback and discussing internally how we can improve your gaming experience. Today, we would like to announce two important changes that will have a direct impact on how the game is played.

Multiclienting Now Prohibited
Firstly, we have decided to make multiclienting illegal. Effective immediately, it will be prohibited to use more than one account at once. This decision is the result of extensive discussions with our player community, as well as internal deliberations. The change aims to level the playing field for all players and maintain the integrity of the game. Please note that any players found to be in violation of this new rule will face consequences, which may include temporary or permanent bans of all accounts connected to the player.

Removal of Stamina Cap (In Progress)
Secondly, we are in the process of removing the stamina cap. This means that there will no longer be "red stamina" or any penalties in the form of decreased experience or loot for extended gameplay. This change is still in progress and will be implemented soon. We are optimistic that this alteration will make the game more enjoyable for those who wish to invest more time into it.

We understand that these changes may raise questions and concerns. Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we strive to make Darkrest.Online a better experience for everyone.
Less than 10 hours to start, come on and join the old, but new experience on Darkrest.Online

The last updates includes the real way monster drop worked back in the days. Monsters now generate loot on spawn and wear generated items, which makes them stronger!
Gonna be a fun server, played on the beta server and it seems very promising


Nicely excluded P2W from the shop.
No P2W at all. It's not like you have pay $ to kill a Goblin on rookgaard because half of the map is blocked behind a paywall.
I’ve gotta admit, I personally had high hopes for the server. I logged in and played a little bit as a marksman, kicks happened, which is understandable that you were getting potentially DDOS’d, that wasn’t what threw me off from continuing to play… What I personally didn’t like was the effort that had to be taken just to attempt to make a bow. Every creature that you skin for Rugged Leather is fairly hard to kill when initially starting out… I like grinds, but this threw me right off… especially because if I read it correctly you needed 20 crafting in order to even attempt to make a bow as well… I used spears, which break fast, AND you still have to pick them up, I ended up doing the bow quest in Thais troll cave, in which I ended up dying due to scorpion poison because the mana regen is a tad bit slow. I get it is a serious server and all, and I am all for it, but it is too slow if you know what I mean. Maybe I would continue to play, at a later date, but most definitely not as a Marksman.

Another thing that I hope is fixed, is that if you kill a monster, open the body and push it to the side to pick up a spear, it closes the corpse even if you are still in range of the corpse…

I wish you the best of luck with the server, and although my feedback wasn’t the greatest, I do like that you have a lot of unique features on the server
A lot of bugs, a strange launcher that remains open in the background, even when you turn off the client there are 5 applications in the processes..
Lags, crashes, this server needs another year to work properly, no one has tested it before release
Server seems decent. Too many random pk running around killing new players and everyone choose paladin to just pk at lvl 8. I’ll maybe join later once it calms down but for now i cannot enjoy it as a low level druid.
I’ve gotta admit, I personally had high hopes for the server. I logged in and played a little bit as a marksman, kicks happened, which is understandable that you were getting potentially DDOS’d, that wasn’t what threw me off from continuing to play… What I personally didn’t like was the effort that had to be taken just to attempt to make a bow. Every creature that you skin for Rugged Leather is fairly hard to kill when initially starting out… I like grinds, but this threw me right off… especially because if I read it correctly you needed 20 crafting in order to even attempt to make a bow as well… I used spears, which break fast, AND you still have to pick them up, I ended up doing the bow quest in Thais troll cave, in which I ended up dying due to scorpion poison because the mana regen is a tad bit slow. I get it is a serious server and all, and I am all for it, but it is too slow if you know what I mean. Maybe I would continue to play, at a later date, but most definitely not as a Marksman.

Another thing that I hope is fixed, is that if you kill a monster, open the body and push it to the side to pick up a spear, it closes the corpse even if you are still in range of the corpse…

I wish you the best of luck with the server, and although my feedback wasn’t the greatest, I do like that you have a lot of unique features on the server

We understand your concerns about the initial grind, particularly for marksmen. Crafting a bow does indeed require a certain crafting level, and we designed it this way to present a challenge. However, we're taking your feedback seriously and will review whether adjustments are needed.

Regarding the spear mechanics and the monster corpses, we're listening to your observations. Spears do have a 3% break chance (it's going to be changed to 1%), which we feel is reasonable, but we're open to revisiting this based on player feedback. As for monster corpses closing when pushed, this is something we'll look into further.

Please note that the mana regeneration rate is as it was in Tibia 7.4 with promotion, so it's meant to align with those nostalgic experiences.

A lot of bugs, a strange launcher that remains open in the background, even when you turn off the client there are 5 applications in the processes..
Lags, crashes, this server needs another year to work properly, no one has tested it before release

We apologize for the confusion. The issues you've experienced do not include the launcher, which has been working as intended. We did, however, encounter some bugs and crashes that we're actively resolving. Your patience as we work through these issues is much appreciated.

Nicely excluded P2W from the shop.
No P2W at all. It's not like you have pay $ to kill a Goblin on rookgaard because half of the map is blocked behind a paywall.

In response to concerns about our premium subscription being "pay-to-win," I'd like to clarify the scope of these subscriptions. They do unlock new spells or areas but are not required for a fulfilling game experience. The revenue generated from premium subscriptions is crucial for server maintenance. Rest assured, the game remains balanced and offers fun gameplay for all players, premium or not.

Once again, thank you all for your feedback. Your involvement is key to creating an engaging and enjoyable environment for everyone.
Regarding the spear mechanics and the monster corpses, we're listening to your observations. Spears do have a 3% break chance (it's going to be changed to 1%)
From my experience in rook, it doesnt feel like 3% chance break....

In response to concerns about our premium subscription being "pay-to-win," I'd like to clarify the scope of these subscriptions. They do unlock new spells or areas but are not required for a fulfilling game experience. The revenue generated from premium subscriptions is crucial for server maintenance. Rest assured, the game remains balanced and offers fun gameplay for all players, premium or not.

Even tho i get your point here, what you says makes no sense. You are not ablento have a fullfilling experience in the game when you are capped by spells, areas, quests etc. Happens the same in Real Tibia.

Also xp boosts are offered in gameshop, which is also paytofast
In response to concerns about our premium subscription being "pay-to-win,"

They do unlock new spells or areas but are not required for a fulfilling game experience.

You know what's not required for a fulfilling game experience? Things that don't affect your gameplay and won't lock you out of content.

Outfits, mounts, auras, lights, decoratives, loot channel, any visuals - yes.
New spells, monsters, quests, items, areas - hell no.

And having this in your in game client
Is straight up lying and delusional.

But im sure you can grind your ass off 24/7 so you can buy premium from another players in exchange for gold coins, right?
But im sure you can grind your ass off 24/7 so you can buy premium from another players in exchange for gold coins, right?
If you grind 24/7 to buy premium from another players, then you are doing something wrong i think
Most popular released servers contain same content locked ideas, and you need to grind for few hours on server start to provide yourself one premium (propably like 3-4), on some servers it can even provide xx amount of premiums if you know what you are doing.
Is straight up lying and delusional.
I think you described your msg about "delusional"

Content lock imo is fine as long as you are able to "start" playthrough (comparing it to rookstayer scroll on realesta XDDD)
If you grind 24/7 to buy premium from another players, then you are doing something wrong i think
Most popular released servers contain same content locked ideas, and you need to grind for few hours on server start to provide yourself one premium (propably like 3-4), on some servers it can even provide xx amount of premiums if you know what you are doing.

I think you described your msg about "delusional"

Content lock imo is fine as long as you are able to "start" playthrough (comparing it to rookstayer scroll on realesta XDDD)
But my point here is that they say you can fulfill your gaming experience without prem, and that is not true at all.

Again, im enjoying the server and its ok to have prem feature, but dont say you can play without it. Sure you can play, but its not same experience

Server Launch Retrospective​

Hello everyone.
We wanted to take a moment to reflect on our first 48 hours since the server launch and share some insights, updates, and gratitude with all of you.

Quick Stats
Accounts Created: 994
Total Players: 1263

The Good Stuff​

User Feedback
We've been thrilled to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback about our features. We're proud of what we've built and are excited that you are enjoying it, too!

No DDoS Issues
We're happy to report that we've not encountered any DDoS problems so far. Our security measures have stood up to the challenge, ensuring a smooth gameplay experience for all.

Robust Save System
Our system for saving player data and ground states has worked excellently, even during crashes. We had a hiccup once, but thanks to our extensive logs, we were able to roll back the floor state before the crash occurred.

The Challenges​

Crashing Bugs
We encountered multiple crashing bugs within the first two days. Each was resolved within a maximum delay of 5 hours after being discovered. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience.

Minor Bugs
While we've squashed all critical bugs, we're aware that there are some minor bugs and issues. We're actively working on these and expect to have fixes rolling out soon.

Health and Team Stamina​

There's been a lot of energy drinks consumed and not nearly enough sleep. But we're committed to giving you the best experience possible.

Moving Forward​

We're looking to shift gears a bit now. With the critical bugs out of the way, our focus will be on creating well-tested, high-quality updates in the future.

A Big Thank You​

Most importantly, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support you've shown us. Even amidst the challenges, you've stuck by us, and the player base has exceeded our wildest expectations. We couldn't be more thankful for that.

We're thrilled about the server's success so far and are excited about what the future holds. Thanks for an amazing first couple of days; here's to many more!

With sincere appreciation,
The Darkrest.Online Team
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