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Its pointless to play taleon. This server is a good server but has to change many things to have an stable player base.
Hope you will understand that you have to go masteria and learn everything about 10. version bots etc
See you in masteria :)
Ahh it isn't tibia where you keep running farm of bots. And the better player is player who knows how to use pvp scripts , and have more moneymakers.
And do not say that kidos which use para scripts and push max don't change the gameplay. A lot of "good" players from 10. tibia showed their pvp on kasteria.
Thansk to everyone to keep providing feedback, opinions, comments and all related content, I will keep reading and collecting data to be discussed among our team in order to try to satisfy the most popular needs in order to achieve the best OT ever, that' why we are performing this test server, reading all post here, reading all feedback trough over different social media, etc.

Please choose client without bots :0 It's boring to play with kids which are using pushmax and push you perfectly on magic wall 10 times in a row.
Kasteira was without 100% full afk bots , and any game-changing scripts and this server was perfect. Although there was bots like m-lvl maker, simple cavebot scripts without reffil.
And this was perfect. And shut up with talking like "if you want 11 go taleon @kito2 @Arny " , we need server without botters :) , or if you are kido who can't play on their own sipmly leave this server.

I hope we will have nice server WITHOUT BOTS.

There are several opinions, and we have seen how Taleon invested lot in advertise trough otservlist, adds at Facebook, Instagram, paid streamers and started with 250 players the first day and today just have 20-30 players... Your opinion is totally valid, and I totally agree with your, but lets face the truth, we are not viewing this with the "popular perspective".

We do have multiworld system, so eventually we can open a second world, just with client 11.80 for example, but it would be in a future escenario. For example, today Im opening a new world below my brand mtibia, doing a really aggressive campaign against Taleon since Im offering 11.80 content but all up to date and with the OT hosted in Brazil (second OT in the world doing this, since it's really expensive) and I hope this works.

Please, add client 11+ for those who want it with full working auto-loot etc. Give a choice to people who want to play on a new client or on old.

As we said in a previous post, Taleon already tried this at EU, and didn't worked...

I do not see any obstacles to add a client 10 and 11+. Some people prefer 10+ and another 11+ :)

Currently, we can do this, but we prefer to not do so for now.

In my older versions of mtibia, I allowed to use client 10.00 without bot limitations and client 11.80 to anyone, and who used client 11.80 had +20% extra XP bonus, like a compensation by using a client which doesn't support any kind of bot.

You killed your server before you start's them promising teams and PPL server finally goona be 11+ without bot's but you make 10+/11+ like ezodus server be like wasting PPL time and yourself to host server who goes died instadeadly

Once again, talking by the perspective of a player, with an opinion based of "thoughts" and no knowledge at all. I will tell you facts: Taleon offered just client 11.00, invest a lot in adds trough different social media (facebook, instagram, otservlist, twitch, youtube) and still had 250 players at opening and 3 days after just play 30 players... Don't you see that even you promise only client 11.00 and invest a lot in adds, players from europe doesn't want to play with this style yet?

When is the real server starting?

We are still collecting data... We don't have an official launch date yet.

Kasteria showed us that a lot of ppl want to hunt manualy , and play long-term server ( 4 months nowadays is a lot) without bots.
xD i think that pking with 100lvl in thais is better than fighting with magic wall counter , anti-paralyze, pushmax ,anti-push and
wiping ass script. Cheers. After this you have dignity to say that you are skilled player. haha pathetic

And that's why the association between mtibia and kasteria was born, to create masteria, we both have the same goal and we are building something huge.

But where do you see problem to let people choose which client they prefer 10 or 11 like on Ezodus. If you like play with bot you can download 10 if you like play manualy you download 11 :)

I didnt say that i've got a problem to that. I really understand that there's some people who prefer to play on client 11+, furthermore I think that server with two protocols (10+/11) is the best idea. I meant that if you've got problem with client 10+ and bots, just go on taleon where the only client is 11 without bots.

Bot on 10+ doesnt give that much as it gives on 8.6, and I agree that it's better to fight without bots. But trust me even if they made 11+ server some people would get bots there anyway - and at this point it would not be fair,
If you dont like botting you will make more exp manually, what's the problem? Imagine that most of players have school/job/other responsibilities, and can't afford to spend whole days to make levels.

As I explained before, we prefer to not do this for now. Eventually, if any news are announced, we have in mind the option to enable client 11.80 with some benefits for players who want to use it.

So why you don't play taleon? I think you are ware of taleon since we put a lot of effort to advertise it(otserverlist, streamers and we also created a topic in this forum).

I think there was a good idea, but there was not a good study about what european players want to... That's why I haven't opened a server yet there, and I decided to search for a partner to do so, and today Im really glad to associate with @GOD Wille since seems that we are building something really huge. We are complementing each other, both of our teams, since I got the files, and he got the contacts and knowledge of how the mentality of players works over here.

Who care if he speak with leaders or not about the server.
Its all about taleon is a really good server but he didnt fix things like masteria. Masteria is fixing a totally perfect server for teams which things that every war/pk player wants.
Thats why he will have 1.5k/2k ppl on the launch and if he keeps doing good things like this with his staff will have a new hexera or shadowcores.
I really hope that he will take out arenas and he will not have pay2win items on the shop.
Anyway im totally disagree with your point of view about bots. Bot on this client doesnt even matter at all since i heard mwalls is gonna be randoms and you can equip all : ssa might e ring with hotkeys for what you use bot? dash and healer. tibia auto wont work on this server.
So if you will cry about bots without even start of server you can already leave.
Btw still dont know which team 're you, can you tell me?

Actually Im glad you say that, Im totally against pvp arenas. About the store, we are aiming to not have any item, here I leave what you can expect (but it can be modified, since it's not official yet):


For more information about every detailed product at store, visit here: mtibia -> Section Store In-Game.
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How is that 11.80 when you are not even using Tibia 11? You are just using Tibia 11 sprites in Tibia 10 but that doesn't make it real Tibia 11.80.

EDIT: Aw, my bad. The same way they said 8.0 when it was 8.54 for Eloth or Tibijka. Nevermind.
How is that 11.80 when you are not even using Tibia 11? You are just using Tibia 11 sprites in Tibia 10 but that doesn't make it real Tibia 11.80.

Excellent question, we are using sprites of tibia 11.80 on client 10.00, but we also have the client 11.80 working, but we are not enabling it for now.
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So why is in thread title "11.80"? You lying? @WibbenZ You should delete this thread. Firstly everyone saying masteria 11+, then on beta they realesed only 10 client, and niebieski said it will be possible to play 10 ONLY on beta bcz ppl dont have enuogh time. Now they saying that there will be ONLY 10 no 11 XDDD. Congratz and fck Your other hexera shit server

I didnt create the thread, you can ask to the author instead, maybe he has the answers.

If you want to be another hater from the community, well done, you are doing.

No ones likes to tell how to do their job, so you can stop there.

Also we are on test server and we already explained why we might not enable client 11.80 yet, but we have every feature, map and content up to date.
ye delete this thread they scams

Haters everywhere, and if you don't take the time to read, I recommend to just leave and post on other thread.

As I said before, this is a test server and we are collecting data.

Thanks for reading <3
When you will open the server?¿
this mtibia is a shit check his sms shop there is eveything task bnous/ acces to exp everything for tc xD
So why you are not trying to check if the client 11.80 works propely during the beta? How do you find out if everything works propely if you don't want to check it?
You should change name to taleonsteria.net cause as I can see your MARKETING moves are BRILIANT 15 people online is like TOP of the servers on otservlist those days and ever!
I just want to remind you, that thread is about Masteria and you should not speak here about any other server, if you want to then please go to proper thread. Thanks for listening.

Responding to players requests:

  • Children of revolution: Does not require completing The new Frontier Quest first. You can start this quest immediately by talking to Zalamon in Zao.
  • The new frontier quest: You will start this quest at mission 9.
  • Wrath of the Emperor: Requires completing Children of the Revolution quest first. The quest starts at mission 4.
Banuta: Requires the quest The Ape City Quest to have access.

  • Catacombs requires 50 oramond voting points casted.
  • Glooth Factory requires 300 oramond voting points casted.
  • Fury requires 500 oramond voting points casted.
  • Hero of Rathleton last area requires 500 oramond voting points casted.
Secret Library:
  • Asura Mirror just need level 250.
  • Sunken Temple & Ancestorial Ground are free to access.
Shatered Isles: Access to Goroma, Meriana, Ramoa, Talahu, Malada, Kharos and Nargor are free.

Feyrist: Free acess to any player.

  • Free travel from any boat and free access to any quarter trough mechanism.
  • In Service of Yalahar Quest can start this quest immediately by talking to Palimuth.
Warzones I, II, III: Requires to complete Bigfoot's Burden Quest and have Rank IV.

The Falcon of the Order:
  • Enter trough Wyvern Cave at Edron, doing the respective ritual.
  • To enable the shotcurt trough Farmine, you will need to walk by at the boat at Falcon Bastion.
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I just want to remind you, that thread is about Masteria and you should not speak here about any other server, if you want to then please go to proper thread. Thanks for listening.

Responding to players requests:

  • Children of revolution: Does not require completing The new Frontier Quest first. You can start this quest immediately by talking to Zalamon in Zao.
  • The new frontier quest: You will start this quest at mission 9.
  • Wrath of the Emperor: Requires completing Children of the Revolution quest first. The quest starts at mission 4.
Banuta: Requires the quest The Ape City Quest to have access.

  • Catacombs requires 50 oramond voting points casted.
  • Glooth Factory requires 300 oramond voting points casted.
  • Fury requires 500 oramond voting points casted.
  • Hero of Rathleton last area requires 500 oramond voting points casted.
Secret Library:
  • Asura Mirror just need level 250.
  • Sunken Temple & Ancestorial Ground are free to access.
Shatered Isles: Access to Goroma, Meriana, Ramoa, Talahu, Malada, Kharos and Nargor are free.

Feyrist: Free acess to any player.

  • Free travel from any boat and free access to any quarter trough mechanism.
  • In Service of Yalahar Quest can start this quest immediately by talking to Palimuth.
Warzones I, II, III: Requires to complete Bigfoot's Burden Quest and have Rank IV.

The Falcon of the Order:
  • Enter trough Wyvern Cave at Edron, doing the respective ritual.
  • To enable the shotcurt trough Farmine, you will need to walk by at the boat at Falcon Bastion.

If players had to do wrath (lizard city/souleaters)/yalahar missions it would be perfect (hope you might change ur decision), but anyway it sounds much more better than all accesses for free.
In my opinion will be better if you have to do all yalahar missions tbh.
ale genway pierdolsiz nie masz czasu w 2k18 expic bo kto expi w 2k18 ale na misje wszystkei to bys mial czas
no wole zrobic dostepy w 3h i pozniej sobie normalnie bota postawic niz wyganiac z respa z miski kastiego i sir przemkow, bo kazdy ma dostep wszedzie

zreszta low rate z dostepami i mozliwoscia puszczenia bota i fajnymi bitkami > orshabal bez bota

in english :

good ots make accounts now
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