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[FRANCE] RealTibia 7.4 | MID-RATE | No Lags | Task System | Rested | OTClient - No Botters | ONLINE

EDITED 7.12.2015

Listen carefully Dear GM Danger II.

First of all I want to thank You for putting this server online. In my opinion it is really decent. You deserve some credit and esteem for making it happen mate. It is neat but I feel like it could have been even more polished. I think like it has potential to become greater than it is right now.

My presumption is that in the next few days OT population will decrease gradually and finally die totally within the next week.
But I might be wrong. I am gonna wait for second edition even if You won't like what I am proposing.

Next time when You'll launch spare a thought about one of rates suggested below.

First option are your rates slightly modified by me. Those will guarantee longer mid phase of the game. Nonetheless they also speed up leveling from level 100 to 130 comparing to your initial ones.

From Level 01 to Level 30 - x30
From Level 31 to Level 70 - x20
From Level 71 to Level 110 - x10
From Level 111 to Level 131 - x5
After Level 131 - x3

Loot Rate: 3x
Skill Rate: 8x
Magic Rate: 6x

Second proposal:

From Level 01 to Level 10 - x37
From Level 11 to Level 20 - x33
From Level 21 to Level 30 - x29
From Level 31 to Level 40 - x25
From Level 41 to Level 50 - x21
From Level 51 to Level 60 - x17
From Level 61 to Level 70 - x13
From Level 71 to Level 80 - x9
From Level 81 to Level 90 - x7
From Level 91 to Level 100 - x5

After Level 100 - x3

Loot Rate: 3x
Skill Rate: 8x
Magic Rate: 6x

It may seem like not very crucial shift. Almost unnoticeable. Actually the change is teeny weeny comparing to your original exprate but my hunch is that it will add seriousness and flavour to your server. It should inhibit people from reaching level 130 in 2-3 days like it is at this moment.
Exp undercut is nice and curbing is stepwise. With task system it still allow people to level fast and get 80-90 pretty quickly but later chances roll out. Please notice that there is no visible throttle or limitation. With this gradual hamper there is no moment when some may say: "fine I'll have xxx level now and there is no need to exp more or pointless to do so or any other excuse that may suggest that rate is not proper."
With one's above player is constanly motivated to get new levels. There is basically no space for abusing of irregural exp curve. In my opinion this is the advantage of this rates over first.

I am bigger fan of the second option but choice is up to you and server community.
It all depends if ya'll want more demanding and challenging server or just keep it the way it is right now which is genuinely nice anyway.

Last proposal. This somehow seems very sorted and very fair. It doesn't give advatage to newcomers neither players who spend already some time gaining levels. It actually may work.

From Level 01 to Level 10 - x29
From Level 11 to Level 30 - x24
From Level 31 to Level 50 - x19
From Level 51 to Level 70 - x14
From Level 71 to Level 90 - x10
From Level 91 to Level 100 - x7
From Level 101 to Level 110 - x5
After Level 111 - x3

Loot Rate: 3x
Skill Rate: 8x
Magic Rate: 6x

To leave rookgard you need to kill 29 rats.
To advance from level 11 to 30 you need to kill 370 rotworms or 99 cyclops.
To advance from level 31 to 50 you need to kill 111 dragons.
To advance from level 51 to 70 you need to kill 493 dragons or 164 dragon lords.
To advance from level 71 to 90 you need to kill 279 dragon lords or 146 warlocks.
To advance from level 91 to 100 you need to kill 140 warlocks or 93 demons.
(Not including task exp rewards)




Also here You have few of my quick thoughts that might improve and refine your OT.

To begin with. The paramount feature that scream in your face to be changed is PVP.
3 frags to red skull and next 3 frags to ban is way too little especially on highrate OT.
You have 2 possibilities. You can either speed up frag dissapearing from 6h to 4h.
Or You can give each player 4 frags to red skull + next 4 frags to ban.


Master Sorcerer/Elder Druid:

- Increase Sudden Death rune mana cost from 250 to 350 at least.

Explanation: We all know who is the king of PVP and DMG on Tibia 7.4 and I think it should stay that way. But 250 mana for double charged SD is rather unfair especially with present regeneration rate. This put mage in favour not only because of awesome offensive spells he have but also in term of pace he is able to get level, profit, make another set of runes in rush, power level again.

Notice I am not trying to reduce mage power or to weaken him in any way.
I just feel like this small revision could bring balance between sorcerer and druid.
It won't diminsh sorcerer deathly force but instead it will equal chances between magical vocations and reinforce druid just by a tiny bit.


If you for example escalate SD rune cost from 250 to 350 (by 40%)
You should also higher UH cost by 40% from 100 to 140 or at leat something approximate.
(it doesn't have to be exact number)

It's just an example. I ain't mathematician so as I said this part had to be done very carefully and with some horse sense.

Elite Knight:

- Raise exori mana cost from 150 to 210/220 mana.


Explanation: Currently 145 EK with 74 skill and the best club weapon easly deals 460+ hits PVE with exori. Not counting melee attack. On 145 level he has 720 mana points which means he can spam 5 exori row using only 1 mana fluid. I have no clue how it was in old Tibia but if You ask me this it is kinda exaggerated.
Even if You put up exori requirements to 250 mana knight still would be freaking beast because damage formula is respectable here. But seriously no need for such radicalism. 210/220 mana cost will be absolutely fine.

- Let club/axe/sword rings have their default attack value but last 40 minutes.

Explanation: Now those rings give 6 attack amp up and stay for 30 minutes. Which makes them moslty used in PVP. Lowering their strenght and extending their duration will make knight leveling more efficient without making him too strong versus all other vocations not wearing shields.

- I am not certain about this one so I've put it last. I really have no idea if it was like this back than but now on your OT knight is able to cast exori without wearing any weapon. Should it stay like this? Not sure...

Royal Paladin:

- If it's possible just make spears like they were on Tibia 7.4
Pretty self-explendatory. Infinte spears is foolishness in pure form.

- Increase powerbolt spell cost from 300 to 420 mana points.

Explanation: Vocation which hit three digit levels first is usually paladin. Chiefly on highrate server. Excellent pick if you want to earn huge money quickly and hunt "big mobs" productive and safe way. It's strong and versatile proffesion. Easy to play and funny to fight on. When played well it's bulky and becomes pain in the ass for everyone it fights against.
You have to realize I don't want to weaken paladin already incredible damage or to worsen him. I just feel like now casting exevo con vis is too effortless which may seem like paladin is too firm and little overpowering.

This can cause server being dominated by paladins. Trust me on this one GM. You don't what that.

My goal is to make his best ammunition harder to obtain. This will make powerbolts more valuable and precious. Because of this Royal Paladin will become even more unique and elite as a result. It will also set server economy in motion. Creating another treasury niche. It gonna set paladin on crossroads to be self-reliant but not so rich or trade with people to be more deadly.

Don't think of it as a nerf. It's a tweak that can lenghten entire server endgame.


- Add 3-4 extra cyclops on north Plains of Havoc. Seems like not much but low levels will appreciate it.
- Add 1 extra dragon lord at farthest south-east cave on POI DL's
- Add 1 extra dragon lord at leftmost pit on POI DL's
- Add 1 extra dragon lord at farthest north-west grotto on POI DL's
- Add 2 extra hydras in farthest south-west cave on Port Hope's big hydra spawn
- There are few places where monster should spawn but they aren't there. For example few rotworm cavities around Venore but it is more like cosmetical change than real problem.


- Remove rightclicking dash. In my mind this is huge flaw of old tibia. I know few guys who think just like me. You could make a poll about this.
- Make entrance to POI Dragon Lords like it supposed to be. I mean door with 80 level requirement.
- Upgrade mana fluid by 10%-15%
- Remove changing gold into platinum by rightclick
- Cut off task money prizes by half at least
- Alter few task that seems really unreasonable FE.: Trolls, Rotworms, Warlocks, Dragon Lords, Hydras... Simply higher ammount of monster needed to kill by 33%.

If any of You folks have some other ideas just write them bellow.
Sorry for mistakes.
Peace & out.
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Listen carefully Dear GM Danger II.

First of all I want to thank You for putting this server online. In my opinion it is really decent. You deserve some credit and esteem for making it happen mate. It is neat but I feel like it could have been even more polished. I think like it has potential to become greater than it is right now.

My presumption is that in the next few days OT population will decrease gradually and finally die totally within the next week.
But I might be wrong. I am gonna wait for second edition even if You won't like what I am proposing.

Next time when You'll launch spare a thought about this rates.

From Level 01 to Level 30 - x30
From Level 31 to Level 70 - x20
From Level 71 to Level 110 - x10
From Level 111 to Level 131 - x5
After Level 131 - x3
Loot Rate: 3x
Skill Rate: 8x
Magic Rate: 6x

It will add seriousness and flavour to your server.
You can keep actual regeneration rates. They seem to be on point.

Also here You have few of my quick thoughts that might improve and refine it.

To begin with. The paramount feature that screams in your face to be changed is PVP.
3 frags to red skull and next 3 frags to ban is way too little especially on highrate OT.
You have 2 possibilities. You can either speed up frag dissapearing from 6h to 4h.
Or You can give each player 4 frags to red skull + next 4 frags to ban.

Second most important thing to do is remove rightcliking dash.


Master Sorcerer/Elder Druid:

- Increase Sudden Death rune mana cost from 250 to 380.
Explanation: We all know who is the king of PVP and DMG on Tibia 7.4 and I think it should stay that way. But 250 mana for double charged SD is rather unfair especially with present regeneration rate. This put mage in favour not only because of awesome offensive spells he have but also in term of pace he is able to get level, profit, make another set of runes in rush, power level again.
Notice I am not trying to reduce mage power or to weaken him in any way.
I just feel like this small revision could bring balance between sorcerer and druid.
It won't diminsh sorcerer deathly force but instead it will equal chances between magical vocations and reinforce druid just by a tiny bit.

Elite Knight:

- Raise exori mana cost from 150 to 210/220 mana.
Explanation: Currently 145 EK with 74 skill and the best club weapon easly deals 460+ hits PVE with exori. Not counting melee attack. On 145 level he have 720 mana points which means he can spam 5 exori row using only 1 mana fluid. I have no clue how it was in old Tibia but if You ask me this it is kinda exaggerated.
Even if You put up exori requirements to 250 mana knight still would be freaking beast because damage formula is respectable here. But seriously no need for such radicalism. 210/220 mana cost will be absolutely fine.
- Let club/axe/sword rings have their default attack value but last 40 minutes.
Explanation: Now those rings give 6 attack amp up and stay for 30 minutes. Which makes them moslty used in PVP. Lowering their strenght and extending their duration will make knight leveling more efficient without making him too strong versus all other vocations not wearing shields.
- I am not certain about this one so I've put it last. I really have no idea if it was like this back than but now knight is able to cast exori without wearing weapon. Should it stay like this? Not sure...

Royal Paladin:

- If it's possible just make spears like they were on Tibia 7.4
Pretty self-explendatory. Infinte spears is foolishness in pure form.
- Increase powerbolt spell cost from 300 to 420 mana points.
Explanation: Vocation which hit three digit levels first is usually paladin. Chiefly on highrate server. Excellent pick if you want to earn big money quickly and hunt "big mobs" productive and safe way. It's strong and versatile proffesion. Easy to play and funny to fight on. When played well it's bulky and becomes pain in the ass for everyone it fights against.
You have to realize I don't want to weaken paladin already incredible damage or to worsen him. I just feel like now casting exevo con vis is too effortless which may seem like paladin is too firm and little overpowering.

This can cause server being dominated by paladins. Trust me on this one GM. You don't what that.

My goal is to make his best ummunition harder to obtain. This will make powerbolts more valuable and precious. Because of this Royal Paladin will become even more unique and elite as a result. It will also set server economy in motion. Creating another treasury niche. It gonna set paladin on crossroads to be self-reliant but not so rich or trade with people to be more deadly.
Don't think of it as a nerf. It's a tweak that can lenghten your and entire server endgame.


- Add 3-4 extra cyclops on north Plains of Havoc. Seems like not much but low levels will appreciate it.
- Add 1 extra dragon lord at farthest south-east cave on POI DL's
- Add 1 extra dragon lord at leftmost pit on POI DL's
- Add 1 extra dragon lord at farthest north-west grotto on POI DL's
- Add 2 extra hydras in farthest south-west cave on Port Hope's big hydra spawn
- There are few places where monster should spawn but they aren't there. For example few rotworm cavities around Venore but it is more like cosmetical change than real problem.


- Upgrade mana fluid by 10-15%
- Remove changing gold into platinum by rightclick
- Cut off task money prizes by half at least
- Alter few task that seems really unreasonable FE.: Trolls, Rotworms, Warlocks, Dragon Lords, Hydras... Simply higher ammount of monster needed to kill by 33%.

If any of You folks have some other ideas just write them bellow
Peace & out

Thanks for the great suggestions, I will think about these things soon..
I will give them out to 2 players which liked the page/photo, I will pick one of those who liked the photo and check if he did like the page.
I will give out the days tomorrow's(saturday) server save. Probably something misunderstood here :p

Guessing I missed em since its monday? xD + i wasnt online
When You restart OT make this changes happens. Lower exprate after 90 level too

1. Make POI 80 level gate. Holy Tible, oil and blood needed to pass the bridge.
2. Boost mana potion by 10~ mana.
3. Increase mana cost of exori/exevo con vis by 33%
4. Increase mana cost of adura vita/adori vita vis by 20%
4. Remove right click sprint.
5. Lower skill(11x) and magic(x8) rate to x8 and x6
6. Changes in tasks:

Ammount of monster needed to kill;

130 Rotworms intead of 100
100 Trolls instead of 50
200 Orcs instead of 100
180 Cyclops instead of 150
240 Minotaurs instead of 200
180 Dragon Lords instead of 150
240 Serpent Spawns instead of 210
300 Warlocks instead of 200
400 Demons instead of 300

New tasks:

50 Snakes
50 Bugs
50 Slimes
50 Elephants
60 Witches
60 Valkyrie
80 Scarabs
80 Beholders
100 Ghosts
100 Priestess
100 Fire Elementals
120 Wild Warriors
120 Hunters
150 Amazons
150 Stone Golems
why 2 7.4 real maps? ;d why not make multiple worlds?

It's the same as 2 worlds, yet the server/world has a different advertisement thread since it differs from this one. I don't know why you feel the need to point this out anyway, you could've figured that out by yourself.
Danger 2 you can also put constant skill rate x7 and magic x6 but 2h before server save and 2 h after server save add 1 multiplier.
And for this 4 hours there would be bonus to skill and mlvl. The early bird gets the worm. It solves a problem of low population on early hours.
Hey GM use all advices people gave to You. Fix major bugs. If its possible check forums on both of your servers. Also on both of your topics in otland/advertiesement. There was few useful proposition there REMOVE RIGHT CLICK TOTALLY. Use some mid rates. Use task proposed byxavier1337. And You can restart this server 26th december after Christmas Fever when everybody will regain power and get some apetite to play some normal OT. I can bet with You that there will be more than 230 - 240 active players on start and if you actually repair everything that I and some people suggested this ot could become really popular.

REMOVE POI QUEST - remove everything connected to POI quest next to the right from poi dl spawn. It is not needed in 7.4 tibia.
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Hey GM use all advices people gave to You. Fix major bugs. If its possible check forums on both of your servers. Also on both of your topics in otland/advertiesement. There was few useful proposition there REMOVE RIGHT CLICK TOTALLY. Use some mid rates. Use task proposed byxavier1337. And You can restart this server 26th december after Christmas Fever when everybody will regain power and get some apetite to play some normal OT. I can bet with You that there will be more than 230 - 240 active players on start and if you actually repair everything that I and some people suggested this ot could become really popular.

REMOVE POI QUEST - remove everything connected to POI quest next to the right from poi dl spawn. It is not needed in 7.4 tibia.

Thanks alot for your suggestions, the next reset is planed for 15th January, 2016. OTServlist advertisement has been purchased already for 6 days, im rebuilding the server at the moment the rates will be lower than pervious server, it will be more longterm then. Also working on a better client, to prevent botters.
15th January 2016 - 18.00 CET

Hi danger, i did my own modifications on OTclient and did it unique. but im having problems with auto update since im very bad with php.
can you give me your versions.php or just give me tips how it works. thank you
The server has been reseted, no big annoucement needed. I do not expect anything from this server.
Just keep in mind that every duped money is gone now.
If you liked this server, you can start play again.
I have decreased the rates a bit (you can check on website) to make it a longer term server.

I also wont spend anything big on any annoucement or advertisement since this is nothing which should be.
i dont understand why you resurrect realtbia . today demonia starting .
i dont understand why you resurrect realtbia . today demonia starting .

As I said, this is nothing big. I just wanted to write this down. This is not a war server or anything, it should be for RPGers instead.
If you wanna go for war, go and play Demonia. I just dont want all this duped money at this server, so I've rested the character.
There was 10 players still playing, they asked me to reset, so I did.
If you like RPG, this is a good server for you for sure.
Demonia is a very highrated server which wont last that long.