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function getPlayersInArea


New Member
Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hello guys, today I made a very useful function and decided to post it here. It's name is getPlayersInArea, what it does? It gets the players in an area...

@@EDIT - Sorry guys, when I first posted it, there was an error. Now its fixed.

function getPlayersInArea(fromPos, toPos) -- function by amoeba13
playersInArea = {}
for x = fromPos.x, toPos.x do
for y = fromPos.y, toPos.y do
for z = fromPos.z, toPos.z do
totalArea = {x=x, y=y, z=z}
playerz = getTopCreature(totalArea)
ifisPlayer(playerz.uid) then
table.insert(playersInArea, playerz.uid)
return playersInArea

How to use it? Here is an example:

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
local area = getPlayersInArea({x = 153, y = 50, z = 7}, {x = 156, y = 53, z = 7})if area then
for i = 1, (#area) do
doTeleportThing(area[i], {x = 160, y = 51, z = 7}, false)end

Hope u enjoy it.
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I quote what Mark told me a while ago:
  • Always use getSpectators for that task. getSpectators is highly optimized for that task and getTopCreature will miss creatures that are standing in a stack (as the function name says top creature)
According to Gesior: http://otland.net/threads/getplayerguild.169480/#post-1639339
getSpectators kills CPU and getPlayersOnline is better. But imo it all depends on how many people are in the server or how many players/npcs are in a certain area. Also, with today's hardware both of those functions wouldn't cause much of a trouble really...
Well, gesior is talking mby about 0.3. Since Mark is telling about 1.0, and i would follow Mark advice since he is the developer of tfs 1.0.
I actually made this for 0.3.6 because this is the version I use... Anyway, would it be better if I used getThingFromPos?
I actually made this for 0.3.6 because this is the version I use... Anyway, would it be better if I used getThingFromPos?
getThingFromPos is a real resource waster unless you're doing small operations since it looks for EVERYTHING in each tile (items, npcs, players). Follow what Cyko said since I'm a kinda outdated and idk what has changed in the past year.