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Solved [Gesior banlist.php]


New Member
Oct 16, 2014
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I got an error when I tryed to set a layout on my site. If someone can tell me what it means...

I leave you the .php file

.php File:

$ban_reason = array("offensive name", "name containing part of sentence", "name with nonsensical letter combination", "invalid name format", "name not describing person", "name of celebrity", "name reffering to country", "Offtopic (Forum)", "name to fake official position", "offensive statement", "spamming", "advertisement not related to game", "macro use", "<center>--></center>", "off-topic public statement", "inciting rule violation", "bug abuse", "game weakness abuse", "Macro Use", "Destructive Behaviour", "<center>--></center>", "multi-clienting", "account trading", "<center>--></center>", "threatening gamemaster", "pretending to have official position", "pretending to have influence on gamemaster", "false report to gamemaster", "excessive unjustified player killing", "destructive behaviour", "spoiling auction", "invalid payment");

$players_banned = $SQL->query('SELECT `bans`.`value`, `bans`.`comment`, `bans`.`admin_id`, `bans`.`expires`, `bans`.`added`, `bans`.`reason` FROM `bans`, `players` WHERE `players`.`account_id` = `bans`.`value` AND `bans`.`type` = 3 AND `bans`.`active` = 1 GROUP BY `bans`.`value` ORDER BY `bans`.`expires`')->fetchAll();
$number_of_players = 0;
foreach($players_banned as $player) {
    $nick = $SQL->query("SELECT name, id, level, account_id FROM `players` WHERE account_id =".$player['value']." ORDER BY level DESC LIMIT 1")->fetch();
    if($player['admin_id'] == "1")
        $banby = "Administrator";
        $banby = "Auto Ban";
    if(is_int($number_of_players / 2))
        $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder'];
        $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder'];
    $players_rows .= '<TR BGCOLOR='.$bgcolor.'><TD WIDTH=15%><A HREF="?subtopic=characters&name='.$nick['name'].'">'.$nick['name'].'</A></TD><TD WIDTH=5%>'.$ban_reason[$player['reason']].'</TD><TD WIDTH=20%>'.$player['comment'].'</TD><TD>'.$banby.'</TD><TD>'.date("d/m/Y, G:i:s", $player['added']).'</TD><TD>'.date("d/m/Y, G:i:s", $player['expires']).'</TD></TR>';

    //list of players
    $main_content .= '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=100%><TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><TD CLASS=white><b><center>Banned Player</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Reason</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Comment</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Banned By</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Added</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Expires</center></b></TD></TR>'.$players_rows.'</TABLE>';

Error that I got in website:

Fatal error
: Call to a member function fetchAll() on a non-object in /home/otsmanager/www/public_html/pages/banlist.php on line 4
I forgot to tell what TFS I use, sorry.

Using: Lastest version of TFS 1.0

What do you mean structure of my bans table? From database?
$ban_reason = array("offensive name", "name containing part of sentence", "name with nonsensical letter combination", "invalid name format", "name not describing person", "name of celebrity", "name reffering to country", "Offtopic (Forum)", "name to fake official position", "offensive statement", "spamming", "advertisement not related to game", "macro use", "<center>--></center>", "off-topic public statement", "inciting rule violation", "bug abuse", "game weakness abuse", "Macro Use", "Destructive Behaviour", "<center>--></center>", "multi-clienting", "account trading", "<center>--></center>", "threatening gamemaster", "pretending to have official position", "pretending to have influence on gamemaster", "false report to gamemaster", "excessive unjustified player killing", "destructive behaviour", "spoiling auction", "invalid payment");

$players_banned = $SQL->query('SELECT `account_bans`.`account_id`, `account_bans`.`banned_by`, `account_bans`.`expires_at`, `account_bans`.`reason` FROM `account_bans`, `players` WHERE `players`.`account_id` = `account_bans`.`account_id` GROUP BY `account_bans`.`account_id` ORDER BY `account_bans`.`expires_at`')->fetchAll();$number_of_players = 0;
foreach($players_banned as $player) {
    $nick = $SQL->query("SELECT name, id, level, account_id FROM `players` WHERE account_id =".$player['account_id']." ORDER BY level DESC LIMIT 1")->fetch();  
    $banned_by = $SQL->query("SELECT name, id FROM `players` WHERE id =".$player['banned_by']."")->fetch();  

    if($player['banned_by'] >= "1") 
        $banby = "<a href=?subtopic=characters&name=".urlencode($banned_by[0])."><font color ='green'>$banned_by[0]</font></a>"; 
        $banby = "Auto Ban"; 
    if(is_int($number_of_players / 2))
        $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder'];
        $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder'];
    $players_rows .= '<TR BGCOLOR='.$bgcolor.'><TD WIDTH=15%><A HREF="?subtopic=characters&name='.$nick['name'].'">'.$nick['name'].'</A></TD><TD WIDTH=5%>'.$ban_reason[$player['reason']].'</TD><TD WIDTH=20%>'.$player['comment'].'</TD><TD>'.$banby.'</TD><TD>'.date("d/m/Y, G:i:s", $player['added']).'</TD><TD>'.date("d/m/Y, G:i:s", $player['expires']).'</TD></TR>';

    //list of players
    $main_content .= '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=100%><TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><TD CLASS=white><b><center>Banned Player</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Reason</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Comment</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Banned By</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Added</center></b></TD><TD class="white"><b><center>Expires</center></b></TD></TR>'.$players_rows.'</TABLE>';
Thank you, it works perfectly.
I would want to know how do you fix that? Becouse I'm getting the same error with powergamers.php!


Script for OTSes that use MySQL (globalevent, type: think, interval: 60 or 60000 [tfs 0.4]):
function onThink()
    if (tonumber(os.date("%d")) ~= getGlobalStorageValue(23456)) then
        setGlobalStorageValue(23456, (tonumber(os.date("%d"))))
        db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `onlinetime7`=`onlinetime6`, `onlinetime6`=`onlinetime5`, `onlinetime5`=`onlinetime4`, `onlinetime4`=`onlinetime3`, `onlinetime3`=`onlinetime2`, `onlinetime2`=`onlinetime1`, `onlinetime1`=`onlinetimetoday`, `onlinetimetoday`=0;")
        db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `exphist7`=`exphist6`, `exphist6`=`exphist5`, `exphist5`=`exphist4`, `exphist4`=`exphist3`, `exphist3`=`exphist2`, `exphist2`=`exphist1`, `exphist1`=`experience`-`exphist_lastexp`, `exphist_lastexp`=`experience`;")
    db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `onlinetimetoday`=`onlinetimetoday`+60, `onlinetimeall`=`onlinetimeall`+60 WHERE `online` = 1;")

MySQL schema:
ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `exphist_lastexp` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist1` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist2` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist3` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist4` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist5` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist6` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist7` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetimetoday` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime1` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime2` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime3` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime4` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime5` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime6` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime7` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetimeall` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
$limit = 50;
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
function coloured_value($valuein)
    $value2 = $valuein;
    while(strlen($value2) > 3)
        $value .= '.'.substr($value2, -3, 3);
        $value2 = substr($value2, 0, strlen($value2)-3);
    $value = $value2.$value;
    if($valuein > 0)
        return '<font color="green">+'.$value.'</font>';
    elseif($valuein < 0)
        return '<font color="red">'.$value.'</font>';
        return '<font color="black">'.$value.'</font>';
    $players = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->fieldName('group_id') . ' < 2 ORDER BY ' . $SQL->fieldName('experience') . '-' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist_lastexp') . ' DESC LIMIT ' . $limit)->fetchAll();
elseif($type == "sum")
    $players = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->fieldName('group_id') . ' < 2 ORDER BY ' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist1') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist2') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist3') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist4') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist5') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist6') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist7') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('experience') . '-' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist_lastexp') . ' DESC LIMIT ' . $limit)->fetchAll();
elseif($type >= 1 && $type <= 7)
    $players = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->fieldName('group_id') . ' < 2 ORDER BY ' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist' . (int) $type) . ' DESC LIMIT '.$limit)->fetchAll();
$main_content .= '<CENTER><H2>Ranking of powergamers</H2></CENTER><BR><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="4" CELLSPACING="1" WIDTH="100%"><TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><TD style="color:white"><B>Rank</B></TD><TD style="color:white"><B>Name</B></TD>';
if($type == "sum")
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="red"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type=sum">7 Days sum</a></center></B></TD>';
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="yellow"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type=sum">7 Days sum</a></center></B></TD>';
for($i = 7; $i >= 2; $i--)
    if($type == $i)
        $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="red"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type='.$i.'">'.$i.' Days Ago</a></center></B></TD>';
        $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="yellow"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type='.$i.'">'.$i.' Days Ago</a></center></B></TD>';
if($type == 1)
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="red"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type=1">1 Day Ago</a></center></B></TD>';
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="yellow"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type=1">1 Day Ago</a></center></B></TD>';
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="red"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers">Today</a></center></B></TD>';
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="yellow"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers">Today</a></center></B></TD>';
$main_content .= '</TR>';
foreach($players as $player)
    if(!is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder']; } else { $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder']; } $number_of_rows++;
    $main_content .= '<tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td align="center">'.$number_of_rows.'. </td>';
        $main_content .= '<td><a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($player['name']).'"><b><font color="green">'.htmlspecialchars($player['name']).'</font></b></a>';
        $main_content .= '<td><a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($player['name']).'"><b><font color="red">'.htmlspecialchars($player['name']).'</font></b></a>';
    $main_content .= '<br />'.$player['level'].' '.htmlspecialchars(Website::getVocationName($player['vocation'])).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist1'] + $player['exphist2'] + $player['exphist3'] + $player['exphist4'] + $player['exphist5'] + $player['exphist6'] + $player['exphist7'] + $player['experience'] - $player['exphist_lastexp']).'</td>';
    $main_content .= '<td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist7']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist6']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist5']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist4']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist3']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist2']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist1']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['experience']-$player['exphist_lastexp']).'</td></tr>';
$main_content .= '</TABLE>';
It's lines like these that call from tables in your database:
Original Post:
$players_banned = $SQL->query('SELECT `bans`.`value`, `bans`.`comment`, `bans`.`admin_id`, `bans`.`expires`, `bans`.`added`, `bans`.`reason` FROM `bans`, `players` WHERE `players`.`account_id` = `bans`.`value` AND `bans`.`type` = 3 AND `bans`.`active` = 1 GROUP BY `bans`.`value` ORDER BY `bans`.`expires`')->fetchAll();
$players_banned = $SQL->query('SELECT `account_bans`.`account_id`, `account_bans`.`banned_by`, `account_bans`.`expires_at`, `account_bans`.`reason` FROM `account_bans`, `players` WHERE `players`.`account_id` = `account_bans`.`account_id` GROUP BY `account_bans`.`account_id` ORDER BY `account_bans`.`expires_at`')->fetchAll();$number_of_players = 0;

So read which line the error is on and make sure that it's calling correct field names/table names.
If you are still need help after giving it a shot just post the error here and I'll be glad to help.
I just kind of learn by reading the scripts and trying to understand what each part is doing and how they are used. I don't have any formal education to give you a great answer but I just googled some answers for you and myself as well:

fetchAll converts the query results to PHP variables that you can use.
Fetch all simply means "fetch all rows into an array".
fetchAll — Returns an array containing all of the result set rows

Since I read the actual definition for the first time after messing around with PHP for a while now it makes perfect sense :p

I refer to this website a lot (well google redirects me to it ;)): http://php.net/manual/en/index.php , and it is a great place to find useful functions in php.
Got this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchAll() on a non-object in /home/otsmanager/www/public_html/pages/powergamers.php on line 54


$limit = 50;
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
function coloured_value($valuein)
    $value2 = $valuein;
    while(strlen($value2) > 3)
        $value .= '.'.substr($value2, -3, 3);
        $value2 = substr($value2, 0, strlen($value2)-3);
    $value = $value2.$value;
    if($valuein > 0)
        return '<font color="green">+'.$value.'</font>';
    elseif($valuein < 0)
        return '<font color="red">'.$value.'</font>';
        return '<font color="black">'.$value.'</font>';
    $players = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->fieldName('group_id') . ' < 2 ORDER BY ' . $SQL->fieldName('experience') . '-' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist_lastexp') . ' DESC LIMIT ' . $limit)->fetchAll();
elseif($type == "sum")
    $players = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->fieldName('group_id') . ' < 2 ORDER BY ' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist1') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist2') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist3') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist4') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist5') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist6') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist7') . '+' . $SQL->fieldName('experience') . '-' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist_lastexp') . ' DESC LIMIT ' . $limit)->fetchAll();
elseif($type >= 1 && $type <= 7)
    $players = $SQL->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->fieldName('group_id') . ' < 2 ORDER BY ' . $SQL->fieldName('exphist' . (int) $type) . ' DESC LIMIT '.$limit)->fetchAll();
$main_content .= '<CENTER><H2>Ranking of powergamers</H2></CENTER><BR><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="4" CELLSPACING="1" WIDTH="100%"><TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"><TD style="color:white"><B>Rank</B></TD><TD style="color:white"><B>Name</B></TD>';
if($type == "sum")
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="red"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type=sum">7 Days sum</a></center></B></TD>';
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="yellow"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type=sum">7 Days sum</a></center></B></TD>';
for($i = 7; $i >= 2; $i--)
    if($type == $i)
        $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="red"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type='.$i.'">'.$i.' Days Ago</a></center></B></TD>';
        $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="yellow"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type='.$i.'">'.$i.' Days Ago</a></center></B></TD>';
if($type == 1)
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="red"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type=1">1 Day Ago</a></center></B></TD>';
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="yellow"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers&type=1">1 Day Ago</a></center></B></TD>';
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="red"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers">Today</a></center></B></TD>';
    $main_content .= '<TD bgcolor="yellow"><b><center><a href="?subtopic=powergamers">Today</a></center></B></TD>';
$main_content .= '</TR>';
foreach($players as $player)
    if(!is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder']; } else { $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder']; } $number_of_rows++;
    $main_content .= '<tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td align="center">'.$number_of_rows.'. </td>';
        $main_content .= '<td><a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($player['name']).'"><b><font color="green">'.htmlspecialchars($player['name']).'</font></b></a>';
        $main_content .= '<td><a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($player['name']).'"><b><font color="red">'.htmlspecialchars($player['name']).'</font></b></a>';
    $main_content .= '<br />'.$player['level'].' '.htmlspecialchars(Website::getVocationName($player['vocation'])).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist1'] + $player['exphist2'] + $player['exphist3'] + $player['exphist4'] + $player['exphist5'] + $player['exphist6'] + $player['exphist7'] + $player['experience'] - $player['exphist_lastexp']).'</td>';
    $main_content .= '<td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist7']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist6']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist5']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist4']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist3']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist2']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['exphist1']).'</td><td align="right">'.coloured_value($player['experience']-$player['exphist_lastexp']).'</td></tr>';
$main_content .= '</TABLE>';
Last edited:
Enable DEBUG_DATABASE (index.php), it will show you which fields are missing.

Query: SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `group_id` < 2 ORDER BY `experience`-`exphist_lastexp` DESC LIMIT 50
Driver code: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'exphist_lastexp' in 'order clause'

Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchAll() on a non-object in /home/otsmanager/www/public_html/pages/powergamers.php on line 54

If I'm honest, I don't understand anything. :(
You already have the queries that you need to execute in powergamers.php, http://otland.net/threads/gesior-banlist-php.225235/#post-2168093

ALTER TABLE `players` ADD `exphist_lastexp` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist1` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist2` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist3` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist4` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist5` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist6` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `exphist7` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetimetoday` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime1` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime2` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime3` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime4` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime5` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime6` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetime7` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `onlinetimeall` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
"Error message: Unknown column 'exphist_lastexp' in 'order clause'"

The column exphist_lastexp is unknown at this point (it doesn't exist in other words). What you have to do is alter the table players by adding a new column called exphist_lastexp. I assume that you miss all columns that is required for powergamers.

Run the query from powergamers.php in phpMyAdmin.



