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[League of Legends] General Discussion



League of Legends is a game developed by Riot Games inspired by the Dota map for Warcraft III

There are three diffrent servers of the game. EU West, EU Nordic and East And North America (Soon to come Korea) EU West is most competetive, Nordic and East most casual, No competetive players there., North America is a mix of both some competetive and casual.

North America Link: League of Legends US
EU Nordic and East Link: League of Legends EU Nordic and East
EU West Link: League of Legends EU West

This game has so much that differs from the Dota game and HoN aswell. You level up your Summoner while playing, It saves ur level, And each time u advance a level you get a mastery to put out in ur masteries list. The mastery-list looks like this:

Once you level up you can put a point here that aids you a bit in combat.

Then there is the In-Game money system. Once you win a match, you gain a couple of IP (Influence Points) wich is used to buy items from the store.
This is not like Dota or HoN where you have all your heroes when you start the game, You have to unlock them all 1 by 1.

Then there is Runes.. Oh boy do i love thoose. The runes you can put in your rune book that will also aid you in combat. You get thoose runes by buying them with IP points. You unlock more slots by leveling your summoner up. (MAX LEVEL 30)

You also have basic "Summoner Spells" wich are 2 extra spells you always have with you when you play. At begin there are not many Summoner Spells to select from but once you level up, You can select more. (Some examples are healing urself, teleporting a short distance, slowing your opponent etc)

If you play this game drop me a friend request on EU Server :) My name there is Nevalopo and im very ranked and can help you out :)

EU WestEU East (Nordic)NA
Nevalopo - Nevalopo
Sizaro - Sizar0
LATE - Mudkipzzzz
Pecax - Sakib ftw
Rohan-Ots - bonirohan
Cyro - Cyro Eu
P1e - Snach
Grizzzmo - Snach
Gotille - Dar Of Fire
abes800 - Abeelito
sickem - Wild Mutant
life4me - Carry Potterz
Lacuna Devoted - Staatsfeindin
Korrex - Hofvits
Taylor - LukeTaylor
dustinvdh -iordbeast
Damon - Ympker
xitoz2 - lol idjot
Amusement - Arch Summoner
Wipflash - Whipish
Jack s - Alipapa
RushCrush - HushMush
Korrex - Hoofvits
Znote - Brannfjell
Qanti - Lanceq
Kavvson - Gustol
Brook Kechup - IkilledUUmad
Cyro - Druned
Prest - WarWithNoHeart
Ironikk - Ironikk
RushCrush - Egyptian Knight
Bogart - Calexus
Evanomics - Evan
Korrex - ToastedTitties
Hell Sniper - RedCase
walkingdragon - walkingdragon123
Ceejzor - DontMakeMeRage

You are making people leave open tibia for other games.... Dont do that!
@UP, Anivia is #1 troll champ :D WALL FTW

anyways boring ranked game, was incredibly easy >.< lost one before this one, was 7/0 lee sin top vs akali ( akali actually picked after me, lawl noobzftw). Ezreal went classic gay build as trinity force first item and olaf was building shit loads of armor, even thornmail when 4 of them was AP.


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._. i hate my elo
@up, I agree, Anivia is a troll champ.
You won't believe how many times I've killed him only for him to be revived.
22 more pages and its 1000.

Keep the spam and useless shit up.

I have contributed my fair share, I believe.
Ye lol xD btw syndra pretty op I mean she can drag golem/lizarz around like a monkey XD
@UP same here :p

I can't sleep


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old game as a newbie :p thought I should share it. 42 max kills is still my personal record :p

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4vs5 for 15-20 minutes. MF was lvl 6 when we were 16-18

again, hate my elo <_< but more challenging than the others I played today.

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summary from yesterday, GP support and solo top bruiser jayce


hate ezreals that start with trinity as first item.. so low dmg and this is what happends if I leave solo top to last noob pick
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If Ezreal wins his lane and isn't pushing the turrent yet, he can start trinity with 3 dorans and rush BT right after, then he gets OP in mid, he should atleast get a sheen before BT or IE imo.
Some tips on champs you could learn to play to alter the game alot more than you do with single champs:

Anivia: Anivia can control her enemies positions with her wall
Gragas: Gragas can manipulate the enemies position with his ultimate
Morgana: Morgana can control the teamfight with her ultimate
Rumble: Rumble can cause massive damage and split enemy team with his ulti
Twisted Fate: Twisted Fate can provide sidelane support and counterjungle support by ganking with his ultimate

Any of thoose listed here can REALLY change the gameplay ALOT. And if you focus on one or more of theese you will for sure climb elo.
gail, just get these items for ezreal and the damage output is garantueed to kill in a few hits. Boots + poots > 2x dorans / bf sword > last whisper > IE > 2x vampiric scepter

on a sidenote: I was searching item pics so I could make my post fancier and guess what I found? The ezreal in my team's build: Ezreal Build Guide :: League of Legends Strategy Builds

Prior BF over dorans blades
(pref both for sustain and hp)
(Sell one later)

Last item(s): You can pick one of these depending on their setup


often prior qss over guardian angle or any other trash item listed above, especially over trinity force <_< ( hence my summoner name, Skumbag Trinity ) ^_^ tired of TF ezreals. I only think Trinity force should be built on ad carries like Corki or Graves, possibly urgot but I've never played him.

Note: Ezreal has enough mobility not to build full boots early therefore I get them late, but if I do need them if they have blitzcrank/leona/alistar in their lane I get them between BF and zeal.

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I hate mid so I often just go Kennen top, as it's my main champion. He's very reliable late game and can carry most games with his ultimate, lots of mobility so you can gank other lanes. So if you hate mid, try out Kennen AP or AD top. I only AD if I feel like our ad carry is real trash :s
@up i think rushing trinity gives alot more. health,damage,mobility,slow etc instead of just pure damage. Also, Kennen top is not reliable imo lol he can get soooo counterpicked. And the others i mentioned can not. They can just freefarm

@@On another note.. im back up to 1800. hopefully no more mega troll now xd. Altho they are still banning my Yorick so i had to go ez this time

If Kennen gets counterpicked, switch lanes with mid or just roam. Everyone knows a Kennen is a key to winning teamfights easily :3 Besides, Kennen is ranged so he can just farm with his Q, buy items, roam and then gets kills by setting up ganks with his ultimate, get fed and garantueed teamfight wins and then win the match. :D

And why would an AD carry need health and slow? You have enough mobility so you can chase down people. You'll also be standing in the back so you dont need much health, only mobility so you cant get caught and your E is enough for that, plus PD. <_<

Also Kennen adjusts to any lane easily as he'll most likely buy Abyssal Scepter, Rylais and Hourglass all together, just the first item that makes the difference vs your lane opponent. I also have never been countered so far, as he wins lane against most champs.
If Kennen gets counterpicked, switch lanes with mid or just roam. Everyone knows a Kennen is a key to winning teamfights easily :3 Besides, Kennen is ranged so he can just farm with his Q, buy items, roam and then gets kills by setting up ganks with his ultimate, get fed and garantueed teamfight wins and then win the match. :D

And why would an AD carry need health and slow? You have enough mobility so you can chase down people. You'll also be standing in the back so you dont need much health, only mobility so you cant get caught and your E is enough for that, plus PD. <_<

Also Kennen adjusts to any lane easily as he'll most likely buy Abyssal Scepter, Rylais and Hourglass all together, just the first item that makes the difference vs your lane opponent. I also have never been countered so far, as he wins lane against most champs.

Kennen? Pick ryze and gg, he will go in ur lane no matter what. xD
@up i think rushing trinity gives alot more. health,damage,mobility,slow etc instead of just pure damage. Also, Kennen top is not reliable imo lol he can get soooo counterpicked. And the others i mentioned can not. They can just freefarm

@@On another note.. im back up to 1800. hopefully no more mega troll now xd. Altho they are still banning my Yorick so i had to go ez this time


So I need an answer from someone at the 2k elo range.
Is Doran's blade a viable item to start with as an ADC?
If Kennen gets counterpicked, switch lanes with mid or just roam. Everyone knows a Kennen is a key to winning teamfights easily :3 Besides, Kennen is ranged so he can just farm with his Q, buy items, roam and then gets kills by setting up ganks with his ultimate, get fed and garantueed teamfight wins and then win the match. :D

And why would an AD carry need health and slow? You have enough mobility so you can chase down people. You'll also be standing in the back so you dont need much health, only mobility so you cant get caught and your E is enough for that, plus PD. <_<

Also Kennen adjusts to any lane easily as he'll most likely buy Abyssal Scepter, Rylais and Hourglass all together, just the first item that makes the difference vs your lane opponent. I also have never been countered so far, as he wins lane against most champs.

why ad would need health is pretty stupid question :p there are million of champions that can leap on ad such as jax,irelia,lee wich cannot be stopped by teammates :p also need slow for ganks/early phage helps pwn ppl AND roaming kennen does not work in high elo :p And you cannot expect to switch with ur mid lane maybe he will have huge troubles top and loose. And you also cant count on that u will get kills by roaming. You NEED to be able to farm to win.

So I need an answer from someone at the 2k elo range.
Is Doran's blade a viable item to start with as an ADC?

no :p probably not unless u feel u win the lane 100% with your mega sustain support. But if ur fighting blitz,leona,taric anything like that ur fuked if u go dorans :p

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stupid jax took my top so had to go jungle. Everything went better than expected.

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