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[MOD] Anti Cavebot System w/ Basic Anti Scripting Bypass


Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
Description: This anti-cavebot system differs from the standard (do-the-math) technique. Every now and then after a few requirements are met players may face themselves with a chest bonus. This is clearly indicated by animated text (deprecated in newer versions, you will have to remove) and a treasure chest. Players will autowalk (not supported in older versions, you may have to remove) to the chest until they click it. If they are quick enough to get away from the autowalk they will be teleported back on to the chest. Once the player clicks the chest they will receive a bonus which consists of whatever loot of the monster they were targeting (slightly boosted loot rate for better rewards). However, if they do not click it they will keep being drawn to it which is the first method of stopping the cavebotting. The second portion to this is after a certain time has passed they will be skulled by the system and a global broadcast will be issued for anyone wanting to claim their lives. The system will also drain their stamina 20 minutes every time this happens. Nowadays with bots so modern it is hard to make a way to stop cavebotting but I did my best to thwart this. While this script is more effective through obscurity and loses a bit of effectiveness now that it is out to the public and botters can see the insides it is still a viable solution. It works by using two items, the chest and an invisible item overlay. The player never actually clicks the chest but actually the invisible item put on top of it. You may be wondering why, well this is not all the invisible item is used for. The item is spawned without the chest frequently under the player. In theory if the player is using a script to look for the invisible itemid and click it they will click it even if it spawns under them without them knowing. They are added to the channel log for suspicion of botting (PLEASE NOTE: just because someone ends up in the log once or twice does not mean they are botting, they could have been clicking under them while it spawned. The log is for knowing what's going on, if someone clicks 20 of them in a row and does it consistently they are most likely using a script.) I've used this script on my realmap server and the highscores stayed believable. Players told me it didn't really get in the way and they only ones who didn't like it were the ones it was catching :) That's all thank you and please donate if you like it.

Directions: create a file named "anti_cavebot.xml" and paste the contents in the code box below into the file.


/bonuses - shows a list of ever player with an active bonus chest
NOTE: the commands below still have to meet the checking criteria or they won't work.

/cavebot all - initiates the cavebot check manually (usually done automatically through a globalevent).
/cavebot playername - same as above but only for a specific player

[size=2][color=#f030d0]<?xml[/color] [color=#0070e6]version[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"1.0"[/color] [color=#0070e6]encoding[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"UTF-8"[/color][color=#f030d0]?>[/color]
[color=#f030d0]<mod[/color] [color=#0070e6]name[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"Anti CaveBot System"[/color] [color=#0070e6]version[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"3.1"[/color] [color=#0070e6]author[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"Cavitt Glover"[/color] [color=#0070e6]contact[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"http://otland.net/members/syntax/"[/color] [color=#0070e6]enabled[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"yes"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]
	[color=#f030d0]<config[/color] [color=#0070e6]name[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"AntiBot_lib"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]<![CDATA[
		blocked_targets = {
			[color=#ff6633]"Training Monk"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Pythius The Rotten"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Apprentice Sheng"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Brutus Bloodbeard"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Chizzoron the Distorter"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Countess Sorrow"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Deadeye Devious"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Dire Penguin"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Earth Overlord"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Energy Overlord"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Fire Overlord"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Ice Overlord"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Lethal Lissy"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Lord of the Elements"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Man In The Cave"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Mr. Punish"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Ron the Ripper"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Count"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Handmaiden"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Horned Fox"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Imperor"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Old Widow"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Plasmother"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Tiquandas Revenge"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Warlord Ruzad"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Zulazza The Corruptor"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Axeitus Headbanger"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Baron Brute"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Colerian The Barbarian"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Cursed Gladiator"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Darakan The Executioner"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Fallen Mooh'tah Master Ghar"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Gnorre Chyllson"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Grimgor Guteater"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Koshei The Deathless"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Kreebosh The Exile"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Mad Technomancer"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Mutated Zalamon"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Norgle Glacierbeard"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Orcus The Cruel"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Snake God Essence"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Snake Thing"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Spirit Of Earth"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Spirit Of Fire"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Spirit Of Water"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"Svoren The Mad"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Axeorcist"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Dark Dancer"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Dreadorian"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Hag"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Hairy One"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Keeper"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Masked Marauder"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Obliverator"[/color],
			[color=#ff6633]"The Pit Lord"[/color],
		function checkCaveBotter(player)
			for _,cid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
				if getCreatureName(cid) == player or player == [color=#ff6633]"all"[/color] then
					local target = getCreatureTarget(cid)
					local hpratio = (getCreatureHealth(cid)/getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) * [color=#8016ff]100[/color]
					local not_checked = getCreatureStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Check"[/color]) < [color=#8016ff]0[/color]
					if(isMonster(target) and hpratio [color=#f030d0]>[/color] [color=#8016ff]20[/color] and not_checked)then 
						local valid = true
						local targetName = getCreatureName(target)
						for i = [color=#8016ff]1[/color], #blocked_targets do
							if targetName == blocked_targets[i] then
								valid = false
							local createPos = getClosestFreeTile(cid, getThingPosition(cid), true, false)
							if doSetItemActionId(doCreateItem([color=#8016ff]10049[/color], [color=#8016ff]1[/color], createPos), [color=#8016ff]90000[/color] + getPlayerGUID(cid)) then
								doCreatureSetStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Check"[/color], [color=#8016ff]1[/color])
								doCreatureSetStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Target"[/color], targetName)
								addEvent(doSendBotterWarning, [color=#8016ff]5[/color] * [color=#8016ff]60[/color] * [color=#8016ff]1000[/color], cid, [color=#8016ff]5[/color])
								loopCheck(cid, [color=#ff6633]"BONUS!"[/color], createPos)
		function loopCheck(cid, text, pos)
			local checked = getCreatureStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Check"[/color]) [color=#f030d0]>[/color] [color=#8016ff]0[/color]
			if(isPlayer(cid) and checked)then
				--remove field
				local field = getTileItemByType(pos, ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD)
				if(field.itemid [color=#f030d0]>[/color] [color=#8016ff]0[/color]) then
				--remove any on the tile
				local invisItem = getTileItemById(pos, [color=#8016ff]10049[/color])
				if (invisItem.uid [color=#f030d0]>[/color] [color=#8016ff]0[/color]) then
					doSetItemActionId(doCreateItem([color=#8016ff]10049[/color], [color=#8016ff]1[/color], pos), [color=#8016ff]90000[/color] + getPlayerGUID(cid))
					doSetItemActionId(doCreateItem([color=#8016ff]10049[/color], [color=#8016ff]1[/color], pos), [color=#8016ff]90000[/color] + getPlayerGUID(cid))
				doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_FIREWORK_YELLOW)
				doSendAnimatedText(pos, text, COLOR_DARKYELLOW)
				doSteerCreature(cid, pos)
				if getDistanceBetween(getThingPosition(cid), pos) [color=#f030d0]>[/color] [color=#8016ff]9[/color] then
					doTeleportThing(cid, pos)
				addEvent(loopCheck, [color=#8016ff]500[/color], cid, text, pos)
		function doSendBotterWarning(cid, timeToKill)
			if not isPlayer(cid) then
				return true
			if getCreatureStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Check"[/color]) ~= [color=#8016ff]1[/color] then
				return true
			if timeToKill [color=#f030d0]>[/color] [color=#8016ff]0[/color] then
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, [color=#ff6633]"You are suspected of cave-botting.[/color][color=#4a9400]\n[/color][color=#ff6633]Punishment will occur in "[/color]..timeToKill..[color=#ff6633]" minutes.[/color][color=#4a9400]\n[/color][color=#ff6633]Use the bonus near you to avoid punishment."[/color])
				addEvent(doSendBotterWarning, [color=#8016ff]60[/color] * [color=#8016ff]1000[/color], cid, timeToKill-[color=#8016ff]1[/color])
			elseif getCreatureSkullType(cid) == SKULL_NONE then
				doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, SKULL_WHITE)
				doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(cid)..[color=#ff6633]" has been skulled for cave-botting!"[/color], MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, [color=#ff6633]"The server has removed 20 minutes of your stamina for botting."[/color])
				doPlayerSetStamina(cid, getPlayerStamina(cid) - [color=#8016ff]20[/color])
				addEvent(doSendBotterWarning, [color=#8016ff]60[/color] * [color=#8016ff]1000[/color], cid, timeToKill)
				addEvent(doSendBotterWarning, [color=#8016ff]60[/color] * [color=#8016ff]1000[/color], cid, timeToKill)
	[color=#f030d0]<talkaction[/color] [color=#0070e6]words[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"/botters"[/color] [color=#0070e6]access[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"2"[/color] [color=#0070e6]event[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"buffer"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]<![CDATA[
		local str = [color=#ff6633]"Players with bonuses:[/color][color=#4a9400]\n\n[/color][color=#ff6633]"[/color]
		for _,pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
			if getCreatureStorage(pid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Check"[/color]) == [color=#8016ff]1[/color] then
				str = str..getPlayerName(pid)..[color=#ff6633]"[/color][color=#4a9400]\n[/color][color=#ff6633]"[/color]
		doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, str)
	[color=#f030d0]<talkaction[/color] [color=#0070e6]words[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"/cavebot"[/color] [color=#0070e6]access[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"2"[/color] [color=#0070e6]event[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"buffer"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]<![CDATA[
		if isPlayer(getCreatureByName(param)) or param == [color=#ff6633]"all"[/color] then
			doPlayerSendCancel(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Player does not exist!"[/color])
	[color=#f030d0]<globalevent[/color] [color=#0070e6]name[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"ACB_Check"[/color] [color=#0070e6]interval[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"1800000"[/color] [color=#0070e6]event[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"buffer"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]<![CDATA[
		addEvent(checkCaveBotter, math.random([color=#8016ff]1000[/color],[color=#8016ff]240000[/color]), [color=#ff6633]"all"[/color])
	[color=#f030d0]<event[/color] [color=#0070e6]type[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"login"[/color] [color=#0070e6]name[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"ACB_Login"[/color] [color=#0070e6]event[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"buffer"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]<![CDATA[
		doCreatureSetStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Check"[/color], -[color=#8016ff]1[/color])
		registerCreatureEvent(cid, [color=#ff6633]"ACB_Direction"[/color])
	[color=#f030d0]<event[/color] [color=#0070e6]type[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"target"[/color] [color=#0070e6]name[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"ACB_Direction"[/color] [color=#0070e6]event[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"script"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]<![CDATA[
		function removeSparkle(pos)
			local id = getTileItemById(pos, [color=#8016ff]10049[/color])
			if(id.itemid [color=#f030d0]>[/color] [color=#8016ff]0[/color])then
		function onTarget(cid, target)
			if isMonster(target) and getCreatureName(target) ~= [color=#ff6633]"Training Monk"[/color] and getCreatureStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Check"[/color]) == -[color=#8016ff]1[/color] then
				local item = doCreateItem([color=#8016ff]10049[/color], [color=#8016ff]1[/color], getThingPosition(cid))
					doSetItemActionId(item, [color=#8016ff]90000[/color])
				addEvent(removeSparkle, [color=#8016ff]1000[/color], getThingPosition(cid))
			return true
	[color=#f030d0]<channel[/color] [color=#0070e6]id[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"14"[/color] [color=#0070e6]name[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"Anti-Bot Log"[/color] [color=#0070e6]access[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"2"[/color] [color=#0070e6]override[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"yes"[/color][color=#f030d0]/>[/color]
	[color=#f030d0]<movevent[/color] [color=#0070e6]type[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"StepOut"[/color] [color=#0070e6]itemid[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"10049"[/color] [color=#0070e6]event[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"script"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]<![CDATA[
		function onStepOut(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
			if isPlayer(cid) and item.actionid == [color=#8016ff]90000[/color] then
			return true
	[color=#f030d0]<movevent[/color] [color=#0070e6]type[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"RemoveItem"[/color] [color=#0070e6]itemid[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"10049"[/color] [color=#0070e6]event[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"script"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]<![CDATA[
		function onRemoveItem(moveItem, tileItem, position, cid)
			if moveItem.uid [color=#f030d0]>[/color] [color=#8016ff]0[/color] then
				doSetItemActionId(doCreateItem([color=#8016ff]10049[/color], [color=#8016ff]1[/color], position), moveItem.actionid)
			return true
	[color=#f030d0]<action[/color] [color=#0070e6]itemid[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"10049"[/color] [color=#0070e6]event[/color]=[color=#ff6633]"script"[/color][color=#f030d0]>[/color]<![CDATA[
		function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
			if (item.actionid == [color=#8016ff]90000[/color]) then
				for _,user in ipairs(getChannelUsers([color=#8016ff]14[/color])) do
					doPlayerSendChannelMessage(user, [color=#ff6633]""[/color], getCreatureName(cid)..[color=#ff6633]" suspected of bypassing bonus chests!"[/color], TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, [color=#8016ff]14[/color])
			if item.actionid <= [color=#8016ff]90000[/color] or item.actionid [color=#f030d0]>[/color]= [color=#8016ff]100000[/color] then
				return true
			if getPlayerGUID(cid) == (item.actionid - [color=#8016ff]90000[/color]) then
				local loot = getMonsterLootList(getCreatureStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Target"[/color]))
				local index = [color=#8016ff]1[/color]
				local chance = math.random([color=#8016ff]1[/color], [color=#8016ff]100000[/color])
					index = math.random([color=#8016ff]1[/color], #loot)
				until (loot[index].chance * [color=#8016ff]10[/color]) [color=#f030d0]>[/color]= chance and not isItemContainer(loot[index].id)
				local count = math.random([color=#8016ff]1[/color], loot[index].count)
				doPlayerAddItem(cid, loot[index].id, count)
				local itemName = getItemNameById(loot[index].id)
				if count [color=#f030d0]>[/color] [color=#8016ff]1[/color] then
					itemName = getItemPluralNameById(loot[index].id)
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, string.format([color=#ff6633]"You received %d %s as a hunting bonus!"[/color], count, itemName))
				doCreatureSetStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Check"[/color], -[color=#8016ff]1[/color])
				doCreatureSetStorage(cid, [color=#ff6633]"Bot_Target"[/color], -[color=#8016ff]1[/color])
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, [color=#ff6633]"This is not your bonus!"[/color])
			return true
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t works but it throw a bug
[14/12/2011 10:34:2] doSendAnimatedText is now a deprecated function.
[14/12/2011 10:34:3] doSendAnimatedText is now a deprecated function.
like 1000 times. and soemtimes crashes the server
im using OTX 9.31
t works but it throw a bug
[14/12/2011 10:34:2] doSendAnimatedText is now a deprecated function.
[14/12/2011 10:34:3] doSendAnimatedText is now a deprecated function.
like 1000 times. and soemtimes crashes the server
im using OTX 9.31

That information is pretty clear, function doSendAnimatedText() has been deprecated since version around 9.3. You should replace it with something else, doCreatureSay() with TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY perhaps? Or if it's just a number you can use doPlayerSendTextMessage with optional parameters.
t works but it throw a bug
[14/12/2011 10:34:2] doSendAnimatedText is now a deprecated function.
[14/12/2011 10:34:3] doSendAnimatedText is now a deprecated function.
like 1000 times. and soemtimes crashes the server
im using OTX 9.31

I said that in red, please read and replace that function

Does it work in 0.4? :)

Yes it was made in 0.4
Okay,soon i will test it on 3777 8.60.
The autowalk function will not work. You will have to take it out. It works best with the revs before 9.1 and after 8.6 but it can work for any with slight modifications.
Hate to ask this, since you were nice enough to release it...

But could you post it in non-mod format? >.<
t works but it throw a bug
[14/12/2011 10:34:2] doSendAnimatedText is now a deprecated function.
[14/12/2011 10:34:3] doSendAnimatedText is now a deprecated function.
like 1000 times. and soemtimes crashes the server
im using OTX 9.31

also if anyone could just post and say if they are using it that'd be nice.
great system. now that you told everyone how it works a smart botter could still get around clicking the random invis tile under them luckily less then 10% of botters know anything about scripting. pretty unique idea to combat an epidemic in tibia. Im not currently hosting an OT so i cant give anymore feed back right now.
great system. now that you told everyone how it works a smart botter could still get around clicking the random invis tile under them luckily less then 10% of botters know anything about scripting. pretty unique idea to combat an epidemic in tibia. Im not currently hosting an OT so i cant give anymore feed back right now.

Nope if they do that script itll show up in the log that they are trying to bypass.
bumping this because i think its a great script

Nope if they do that script itll show up in the log that they are trying to bypass.
I didnt read much of the code but i did read all of your post. I guess your referring to this?
Syntax said:
It works by using two items, the chest and an invisible item overlay. The player never actually clicks the chest but actually the invisible item put on top of it. You may be wondering why, well this is not all the invisible item is used for. The item is spawned without the chest frequently under the player. In theory if the player is using a script to look for the invisible itemid and click it they will click it even if it spawns under them without them knowing. They are added to the channel log for suspicion of botting
why if i use it my my mod firstitems get crazy? , every time that one player log in, it gives the items again xD

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mod name="First Items" version="1.0" author="The Forgotten Server" contact="otland.net" enabled="yes">
	<config name="firstitems_config"><![CDATA[
		config = {
			storage = 30001,
			items = {2050, 2382}
	<event type="login" name="FirstItems" event="script"> <![CDATA[
		function onLogin(cid)
	local config = {
		voc_items = {
			{ -- SORC
				{2190}, -- wand of vortex
				{2175}, -- spellbook
				{8820}, -- mage hat
				{8819} -- mage robe
			{ -- DRUID
				{2182}, -- snakebite rod
				{2175}, -- spellbook
				{8820}, -- mage hat
				{8819} -- mage robe
			{ -- PALADIN
				{2410}, -- throwing knife
				{2530}, -- copper shield
				{2480}, -- legion helmet
				{2464} -- chain armor
			{ -- KNIGHT
				{2409}, -- serpent sword
				{2530}, -- copper shield
				{2480}, -- legion helmet
				{2464} -- chain armor
		all_items = {
			{2468}, -- studded legs
			{2643} -- leather boots
		extra_items = {
			{2789, 15},
			{2160, 1},
		knight_weapons = {
			{2423}, -- clerical mace
			{2429} -- barbarian axe
	if getPlayerGroupId(cid) < 3 then
		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) == -1 then
			local common = config.voc_items[getPlayerVocation(cid)]
			if common ~= nil then
				for _, v in ipairs(common) do
					doPlayerAddItem(cid, v[1], v[2] or 1)
			local all = config.all_items
			if all ~= nil then
				for _, v in ipairs(all) do
					doPlayerAddItem(cid, v[1], v[2] or 1)
			local extra = config.extra_items
			local bp = doPlayerAddItem(cid, 1988, 1)
			if extra ~= nil then
				for _, v in ipairs(extra) do
					doAddContainerItem(bp, v[1], v[2] or 1)
			local weapons = config.knight_weapons
			if weapons ~= nil then
				for _, w in ipairs(weapons) do
					if isKnight(cid) then
						doAddContainerItem(bp, w[1], w[2] or 1)
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage, 1)
	return true
Last edited:
Xeleana.com will give it a try mate :) Thanks for an awesome script!

Works like a charm! Thanks! :)
Last edited:
Sorry it wasn't made for that revision nor do I support it. Not like I support an rev anymore but thought I'd just comment :p
I listed everything that came to mind when thinking about older versions in the original post.