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MOD perfect Svargrond Arena System!

I have problems on all doors in the quest. After paid npc i go to the doors and get through. If i spam the doors it change ids like hell and after a while i disappear. I have been trying to change this OpenDoorsID = 5127 several of times. Also changed door ids in mapeditor.

Any solution?
I have the same problem :S Someone please help us =)
@up read correctly this script "OpenDoorsID = 5127" so if you changing something in map editor must remember so it changing from closed door to closed door so open door should be: id=5125

2x @up for me and thousand ppl work property (I think so) Im sure so you made somethink wrong.... :)
I dont think I understand you. But I have tried several door IDs and I have changed ID both in script and on map editor. Please help me again! :)
I enter by the npc, doors work well. when i get to the three teleports all of them kick me, so i guess i have to change aid on all these 3? or what do i have to do? thanks in advance
you must see what happens on the bottom, what messeage shows there?
@suxex gimme your basical script there must be somthing wrong...
I cant enter to the FIRST TP, says, that i has to fist to kill the moster.
Im using the 0.4_DEV, what can be done to fix this?
The First arena doesnt work, when you pay the first arena, this say "first kill monster" when u go to the teleport, after this, you go to pay another arena and you can make this, and the npc dont talk in NPC chanel, can fix this?
Last edited:
@read up...npc dont talk on npc chanel its knows bug rest must work perfect on all distro!
but when you pay the first arena, players go to the first teleport and say "first kill the monster" after this they go to the npc, they pay the second arena and they can enter, but, the first arena is done without make this :/

PD: Sorry my bad english
you must check as do you removed all of old scripts and after it check database about storages i think it is your problem...
maybe some storages or scripts blocking first arena.
Man i got a problem with this...

This is the script:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config name="arenaFunctions"><![CDATA[
KickPosition = {x=1273, y=881, z=6}
RewardsRoom = {x=898, y=1353, z=6}
arenaRoomMaxTime = 240
OpenDoorsID = 5125

TimeStor = 42350
myArenaLevel = 45450
talkNPC = 45451
RewardsStor = {42361, 42371, 42381}
isIN = 42352
myRoom = 46000
MonStor = 47000

DoorsActID = 42357 
LeavePortals = 42321
GobletTiles = {42360, 42370, 42380}

Cancel = {
    [1] = "You have not paid NPC yet.",
    [2] = "You have been kicked.!",
    [3] = "You can\'t get this item",
    [4] = "It is empty.",
    [5] = "You have not finished this arena level.",
    [6] = "You already did all the arena levels.",
    [7] = "The time is over.",
    [8] = "You can go to the next room.",

    [9] = "Kill the monster first",

    [10] = "is in the room yet."

Completed = {
    [1] = "Congatulations! you have completed the arena in",
    [2] = "difficulty!, now go and take your reward."}

Arena = {
    [0] = {
        Cost = 5000 
        LevelName = 'greenshore', 
        LevelNeeded = 30,
        Goblet = 5807
    [1] = {
        Cost = 10000,
        LevelName = 'scrapper',
        LevelNeeded = 50,
        Goblet = 5806

    [2] = {
        Cost = 20000 
        LevelName = 'warlord',    
        LevelNeeded = 80,
        Goblet = 5805

Rewards = {
    [42361] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[1], 
        Cont = 1990,
        items = {7372, 6569, 6574, 2114},
        count = {1, 10, 1, 1}
    [42362] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[1], 
        Cont = nil,
        item = 7406
    [42363] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[1], 
        Cont = nil,
        item = 7380
    [42364] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[1], 
        Cont = nil,
        item = 7392
    [42365] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[1], 
        Cont = 7342,
        items = {7365, 7364},
        count = {100, 100}
    [42371] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[2], 
        Cont = 1990,
        items = {7372, 6569, 6574, 7183},
        count = {1, 10, 1, 1}
    [42372] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[2], 
        Cont = nil,
        item = 7384
    [42373] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[2], 
        Cont = nil,
        item = 7389
    [42374] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[2], 
        Cont = nil,
        item = 7415
    [42375] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[2], 
        Cont = 7342,
        items = {7365, 2547, 2547, 2311, 2304},
        count = {100, 100, 100, 50, 50}
    [42381] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[3], 
        Cont = 1990,
        items = {7372, 6569, 6574, 6568},
        count = {1, 10, 1, 1}

    [42382] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[3], 
        Cont = nil,
        item = 7390

    [42383] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[3], 
        Cont = nil,
        item = 7434
    [42384] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[3], 
        Cont = nil,
        item = 7429
    [42385] = {
        Stor = RewardsStor[3], 
        Cont = 7342,
        items = {2273, 2268, 7443, 7440, 7529},
        count = {50, 50, 1, 1, 100}

arena_monsters = {
    [45300] = "Frostfur",                [45310] = "Avalanche",            [45320] = "Webster",
    [45301] = "Bloodpaw",                [45311] = "Kreebosh the Exile",    [45321] = "Darakan the Executioner",
    [45302] = "Bovinus",                [45312] = "The Dark Dancer",    [45322] = "Norgle Glacierbeard",
    [45303] = "Achad",                    [45313] = "The Hag",            [45323] = "The Pit Lord",
    [45304] = "Colerian The Barbarian",    [45314] = "Slim",                [45324] = "Svoren the Mad",
    [45305] = "The Hairy One",            [45315] = "Grimgor Guteater",    [45325] = "The Masked Marauder",
    [45306] = "Axeitus Headbanger",        [45316] = "Drasilla",            [45326] = "Gnorre Chyllson",
    [45307] = "Rocky",                    [45317] = "Spirit of Earth",    [45327] = "Fallen Mooh'tah Master Ghar",
    [45308] = "Cursed Gladiator",        [45318] = "Spirit of Water",    [45328] = "Deathbringer",
    [45309] = "Orcus the Cruel",        [45319] = "Spirit of Fire",        [45329] = "The Obliverator"}

Checking = false

RoomsACT = {42301, 42302, 42303, 42304, 42305, 42306, 42307, 42308, 42309}

Goblets = {
    [42360] = {Id=Arena[0].Goblet, txt="It is given to the courageous victor of the barbarian arena "..Arena[0].LevelName.." difficulty."},
    [42370] = {Id=Arena[1].Goblet, txt="It is given to the courageous victor of the barbarian arena "..Arena[1].LevelName.." difficulty."},
    [42380] = {Id=Arena[2].Goblet, txt="It is given to the courageous victor of the barbarian arena "..Arena[2].LevelName.." difficulty."}}

RewardsDoors = {[42366] = 1, [42376] = 2, [42386] = 3}

ArenaAdding = {[0] = 3000, [1] = 3010, [2] = 3020}

function myArenaLevelIs(cid)
    Stor = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, myArenaLevel)
    if Stor == -1 then
        setPlayerStorageValue(cid, myArenaLevel, 0)
        Stor = 0
    elseif Stor == 3 then Stor = 2
    return {
        RC = Arena[Stor].Cost, 
        LN = Arena[Stor].LevelName, 
        RLV = Arena[Stor].LevelNeeded,
        LV = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, myArenaLevel)

function getDirectionMove(cid, itempos)
    --function by Nahruto
    p = getCreaturePosition(cid)
    i = itempos
    if p.x > i.x then
        if p.y > i.y then
            ret = NORTHWEST
        elseif p.y < i.y then
            ret = SOUTHWEST
            ret = WEST
    elseif p.x < i.x then
        if p.y > i.y then
            ret = NORTHEAST
        elseif p.y < i.y then
            ret = SOUTHEAST
            ret = EAST
        if p.y > i.y then
            ret = NORTH
        elseif p.y < i.y then
            ret = SOUTH
            ret = nil
    return ret

function LeaveArena(cid)
    for i = 45300, 45329 do
        setPlayerStorageValue(cid, i, 0)
    if isCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, MonStor)) == TRUE then
        doRemoveCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, MonStor))
    setGlobalStorageValue(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, myRoom), 0)
    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, Cancel[2])
    doTeleportThing(cid, KickPosition, FALSE)
    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, TimeStor, 0)
    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, isIN, 0)

function CheckRooms()
    addEvent(CheckRooms, 1000)
    for i = 42300, 42309 do
        local Player = getGlobalStorageValue(i)
        if isPlayer(Player) == TRUE then
            local PlayerTime = getPlayerStorageValue(Player, TimeStor)
            if PlayerTime <= os.time() then
                doTeleportThing(Player, KickPosition, FALSE)
                setPlayerStorageValue(Player, TimeStor, 0)
                setGlobalStorageValue(i, 0)
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(Player,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, Cancel[7])
                if isCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(Player, MonStor)) == TRUE then
                    doRemoveCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(Player, MonStor))
            elseif PlayerTime - 10 <= os.time() then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(Player, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "you have "..PlayerTime - os.time().." seconds left.!")
            setGlobalStorageValue(i, 0)

function getArenaMonsterIdByName(name)
    for i = 45300, 45329 do
        if tostring(arena_monsters[i]) == string.lower(tostring(name)) then
            return i
    return false
        <event type="login" name="arenaRegister" event="script"><![CDATA[
        function onLogin(cid)
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "PlayerArena")
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ArenaKill")
        return true

<event type="death" name="PlayerArena" event="script"><![CDATA[
    function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
        if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, isIN) == 1 then
            I = 0        
            for i = 45300, 45329 do
                if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, i) == 1 then
                    I = i
            GlobalStor = I - ArenaAdding[myArenaLevelIs(cid).LV]
            setGlobalStorageValue(GlobalStor, 0)
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, isIN, 0)
            if isCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, MonStor)) then
                doRemoveCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, MonStor))
        return true

        <event type="kill" name="ArenaKill" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)
    if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, isIN) == 1 then
        local Room = getArenaMonsterIdByName(getCreatureName(target))
        if Room ~= 0 then
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, Room, 1)
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, Cancel[8])
        return true

        <action fromaid="42357" toaid="42386" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
    local myMove = getDirectionMove(cid, fromPosition)

    if myMove == nil then

        return FALSE


    local Reward = Rewards[item.actionid]

    if Reward then

        if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, Reward.Stor) ~= 1 then

            local reward = nil

            if Reward.Cont ~= nil then

                reward = doCreateItemEx(Reward.Cont, 1)

                for i = 1, #Reward.items do

                    doAddContainerItem(reward, Reward.items[i], Reward.count[i])



                reward = doCreateItemEx(Reward.item, 1)


            if reward ~= nil then

                if doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, reward, FALSE) == RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then

                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR,'You have found a '..getItemNameById(getThing(reward).itemid)..'.')

                    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, Reward.Stor, 1)

                                addPlayerRep(cid, 5, TEXTCOLOR_LIGHTBLUE)


                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, Cancel[3])




            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, Cancel[4])


    elseif RewardsDoors[item.actionid] then

        if myArenaLevelIs(cid).LV >= RewardsDoors[item.actionid] then

            doTransformItem(item.uid, OpenDoorsID)

            doMoveCreature(cid, myMove)


            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, Cancel[5])


    elseif item.actionid == DoorsActID and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, talkNPC) == 1 then

        doTransformItem(item.uid, OpenDoorsID)

        doMoveCreature(cid, myMove)


        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, Cancel[1])

    return TRUE


    <movevent type="StepIn" fromaid="42300" toaid="42380" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
    local ArenaRoom = item.actionid

    if item.actionid == LeavePortals then


    elseif isInArray(GobletTiles, item.actionid) == TRUE then

        local gobletPos = getThingPos(item.uid)

        if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, item.actionid) ~= 1 then

            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, item.actionid, 1)

            local Goblet = doCreateItemEx(Goblets[item.actionid].Id, 1)

            doItemSetAttribute(Goblet, "description", ""..Goblets[item.actionid].txt.."\nAwarded to "..getCreatureName(cid)..".")

            gobletPos.y = gobletPos.y - 1

            doTileAddItemEx(gobletPos, Goblet)


        doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid - 1)

    elseif isInArray(RoomsACT, ArenaRoom) == TRUE or ArenaRoom == 42300 then

        if Checking == FALSE then Checking = TRUE CheckRooms() end

        local myLevelArena = myArenaLevelIs(cid).LV

        if ArenaAdding[myLevelArena] then

            Mons = ArenaRoom + ArenaAdding[myLevelArena]


        if getGlobalStorageValue(ArenaRoom) == 0 then

            if isCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, MonStor)) == FALSE then

                if ArenaRoom == 42300 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, talkNPC) == 1 then

                    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, talkNPC, 0)

                    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, isIN, 1)

                    P = 1

                elseif ArenaRoom ~= 42300 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, isIN) == 1 then

                    P = 1


                    P = nil


                if P ~= nil then

                    local SpawnPos = getThingPos(ArenaRoom)

                    doTeleportThing(cid, SpawnPos, FALSE)

                    SpawnPos.x = SpawnPos.x - 1

                    SpawnPos.y = SpawnPos.y - 1

                    local Monster = doSummonCreature(arena_monsters[Mons], SpawnPos)

                    setGlobalStorageValue(ArenaRoom, cid)

                    setGlobalStorageValue(ArenaRoom - 1, 0)

                    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, TimeStor, os.time()+arenaRoomMaxTime)

                    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, MonStor, Monster)

                    setPlayerStorageValue(cid, myRoom, ArenaRoom)





                doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, TRUE)

                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, Cancel[9])



            doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, TRUE)

            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, ""..getCreatureName(getGlobalStorageValue(cid, ArenaRoom)).." "..Cancel[10].."")


    elseif ArenaRoom == 42310 then

        if isCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, MonStor)) == FALSE then

            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,""..Completed[1].." "..myArenaLevelIs(cid).LN.." "..Completed[2].."")

            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, myArenaLevel, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, myArenaLevel) + 1)

            setGlobalStorageValue(ArenaRoom - 1, 0)

            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, TimeStor, 0)

            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, isIN, 0)

            doTeleportThing(cid, RewardsRoom, TRUE)


            doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, TRUE)

            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,'Najpierw zabij potwora!')



    return TRUE


    <movevent type="StepOut" fromaid="42357" toaid="42387" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onStepOut(cid, item, position, fromPosition)

    if item.actionid == DoorsActID or RewardsDoors[item.actionid] then

        doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid - 2)

    elseif isInArray(GobletTiles, item.actionid) == TRUE then

        doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid + 1)

    return TRUE



The problem is: the npc dont talk me, but when i use the command with the GOD /a to go to the teleport the teleport dont teleport me and i got this mensage: You have been kicked...

I dont know what to do .. help me please.. =D