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AAC myaac-0.8.16 When a player buys points, he does not get them

abdala ragab

Veteran OT User
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
When a player buys points, he does not get them
Where can I check this?
 * enable gifts system?
 * paste this into config.local.php in your main directory:
 *         $config['gifts_system'] = true;

$config['donation_type'] = 'points'; // what should be added to player account? points/coins

// display most popular items bought in shop (top #3)?
$config['enable_most_popular_items'] = true;

 * default colors of outfits/addons in addons category
 * doesn't matter for othire and other servers without addons
 * you can use this outfit generator: http://sleqqus.idl.pl/tlg
$config['shop_outfit_colors'] = array(
    'head' => 4,
    'body' => 38,
    'legs' => 87,
    'feet' => 114,

 * paypal.com configuration
$config['paypal'] = array(
    'enabled' => true,
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'contact_email' => '', // if empty, email is used
    'item_name' => 'your-domain.com donation.',
    'payment_type' => '_xclick', // '_xclick' (Buy Now) or '_donations'
    'currency_code' => 'EUR', // https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/direct/rest/currency-codes/
    'use_sandbox' => false, // set to true if you want to test IPN in sandbox mode
    'terms' => true, // display terms?
    'options' => array( // cost in EUR => points
        '10.00' => 800,
        '20.00' => 2000,
        '40.00' => 4500,
        '60.00' => 7000,
        '100.00' => 13000,
        '200.00' => 28000

 * stripe.com configuration
$config['stripe'] = [
    // 'false' blocks new payments, it will still process old payment reports
    'enabled' => false,

    'secret_key' => 'sk_test_asdasd123',
    'endpoint_secret' => 'whsec_asdasd123',

    // defaults should be ok, but you can change
    'success_url' => BASE_URL . '?subtopic=gifts&success',
    'cancel_url' => BASE_URL . '?subtopic=gifts&cancel',

    'payments' => [
        ['price' => '10', 'currency' => 'USD', 'points' => '100', 'name' => '100 premium points on Your OTS'],
        ['price' => '20', 'currency' => 'USD', 'points' => '200', 'name' => '200 premium points on Your OTS'],
        ['price' => '30', 'currency' => 'USD', 'points' => '300', 'name' => '300 premium points on Your OTS'],
        ['price' => '40', 'currency' => 'USD', 'points' => '400', 'name' => '400 premium points on Your OTS'],
        ['price' => '50', 'currency' => 'USD', 'points' => '500', 'name' => '500 premium points on Your OTS'],

 * fortumo.com configuration
 * rest of the configuration you can do on fortumo.com
$config['fortumo'] = array(
    'enabled' => false,
    'service_id' => 'your service id here', // get your service id on http://fortumo.com
    'secret' => 'your secret key here' // get your secret on http://fortumo.com

 * https://gourl.io configuration
$config['cryptobox'] = array(
    'enabled' => false,

    // to accept all payments types, use this
    // array('bitcoin', 'bitcoincash', 'litecoin', 'dogecoin', 'dash', 'speedcoin', 'reddcoin', 'potcoin', 'feathercoin', 'vertcoin', 'peercoin', 'monetaryunit'),
    'available_payments' => array('bitcoin'),

    // Goto  https://gourl.io/info/memberarea/My_Account.html
    // You need to create record for each your coin and get private/public keys
    // Place Public/Private keys for all your available coins from $available_payments
    'all_keys' => array(
        "bitcoin"  => array("public_key" => "-your public key for Bitcoin box-",  "private_key" => "-private key for Bitcoin box-"),
        //"dogecoin" => array("public_key" => "-your public key for Dogecoin box-", "private_key" => "-private key for Dogecoin box-"),
        //"speedcoin"  => array("public_key" => "21679AA6pwgOSpeedcoin77SPDPUBMgxMq81Fn9nMCnWTGrmnz",  "private_key" => "21679AA6pwgOSpeedcoin77SPDPRV6HU31FlkaNESfjomGq2yD"),

    'default_language' => "en",
    'default_payment' => "bitcoin",
    'options' => array( // cost in USD => points
        '5.00' => 30,
        '10.00' => 60,
        '20.00' => 130

 * PagSeguro configuration
$config['pagseguro'] = array(
    'enabled' => false,
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'environment' => 'production', // production, sandbox
    'token' => array(
        'production' => 'yourtokenhere',
        'sandbox' => 'yourtokenhere',
    'urlRedirect' => '?subtopic=points&action=final', // default should be good
    'productName' => 'Premium Points', // or Coins
    'productValue' => 1.00,
    'doublePoints' => false, // should points be doubled? for example: for 5 points donated you become 10.
    'options' => array( // cost => points/coins
        '5,00' => 5,
        '10,00' => 10,
        '20,00' => 20,
        '40,00' => 40,
        '60,00' => 60,

 * dotpay.pl configuration
$config['dotpay'] = array(
    'enabled' => false,
    'id' => 30722,                            # numer ID zarejestrowanego klienta
    'contact_email' => '[email protected]',
    'options' => array(
        array( # SMS 3,66 zł
            'code' => "SLASKI",                # identyfikator uslug SMS
            'type' => "sms",                # typ konta: C1 - 8 znakowy kod bezobslugowy, sms - dla sprawdzania SMSow
            'points' => 25,                    # ile premium punktow daje dany sms
            'sms_number' => 73068,            # numer na jaki nalezy wyslac kod
            'sms_text' => "AP.SLASKI",        # tresc jaka ma byc w SMSie
            'cost' => "3.66 zł brutto"        # cena za wyslanie sms
        array( # Przelew 20zł
            'code' => "SLASKI4",
            'type' => "C1",
            'points' => 350,
            'cost' => "20 zł brutto"
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You need to provide more details.

Do you mean paypal is not working on any other payment?

If you mean paypal, then you should look into Paypal IPN History, where it displays information about the requests.

Login, then click on the link, what do you see if you click on the any transactions?
You need to provide more details.

Do you mean paypal is not working on any other payment?

If you mean paypal, then you should look into Paypal IPN History, where it displays information about the requests.

Login, then click on the link, what do you see if you click on the any transactions?
The player can buy points from the site and pay properly, but he does not get the points
How are we supposed to help you if all you say is: he does not get the points? o_O
View attachment 82650
Paypal is sending the response, but its receiving a 403 HTTP error from your notification URL...

Your paypal.php script is not accessible (forbidden), probably due to incorrect permissions on the file or parent folder, or it is being denied by the server (via either .htaccess or nginx.conf)

Edit: Good point made by Dakos below... I didn't notice the missing https. Please tell me your website is using SSL xDD
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Could this be because I gave the server two different names? I named the gamelaots with the host ip address and I named the gamelaot with the gamelaots address
Could this be the problem?
Could this be because I gave the server two different names? I named the gamelaots with the host ip address and I named the gamelaot with the gamelaots address
Could this be the problem?
How about you read again what I posted?

A 403 means the request is valid, just not authenticated...
If windows, check the file permissions of the file and parent folder. If linux, use chmod or similar to check/edit the file permissions of both the file and the parent folder.

You only need read permissions. If they are already set (which should be default), then you also need to check any .htaccess if apache(current or parent directories) or nginx.conf if nginx, to see if there are any blocks to that directory or file.

Also, make sure your configuration in paypal is pointing to the correct address, if you are using SSL make sure you change your notification URL to the correct address using https. If not using https, read the paypal documentation of handling non-https sites.

You can do some research, make some changes and use the sandbox to test the responses...
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