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AAC OTCv8 updater not working


999x era
Premium User
Dec 14, 2017
Reaction score
I have followed this tutorial:

Im using this tool:
( updater.php )

but for some reason im getting this error always:

Im not sure what im doing wrong.
Anyone who has expeience with this updater would be up to help me out?
Kind regards
I'll assume you are using linux because you never said what operating system you use.

First : [It might be permissions issue]
If your website is in /var/www/html
you should make inside it a directory with whatever the name you want which can be otclient
move to the dir by using cd /var/www/html/otclient
then cast this command :
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/otclient/*
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/otclient/
[Not sure which you should use]
second: [miss-configurations]
make sure the link is written correctly for example :
your link might not be SSL verified so you might need to change link from https://abc.def.hij/otclient/updater.php to http://abc.def.hij/otclient/updater.php
[Advice: just use HTTP in APIs (unless its related to...
How did you locate the folders inside html? I had the same issue some time ago and it was a quick fix by some stupid mistake as i remember :p


I think issue is in your init.lua

-- If you don't use updater or other service, set it to updater = ""
Services = {
  website = "http://************", -- currently not used
  updater = "http://************/api/updater.php",
  stats = "",
  crash = "http://************/api/crash.php",
  feedback = "http://************/api/feedback.php",
  status = "http://************/api/status.php"

You need to put updater.php in folder that is written in here.
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I'll assume you are using linux because you never said what operating system you use.

First : [It might be permissions issue]
If your website is in /var/www/html
you should make inside it a directory with whatever the name you want which can be otclient
move to the dir by using cd /var/www/html/otclient
then cast this command :
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/otclient/*
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/otclient/
[Not sure which you should use]
second: [miss-configurations]
make sure the link is written correctly for example :
your link might not be SSL verified so you might need to change link from https://abc.def.hij/otclient/updater.php to http://abc.def.hij/otclient/updater.php
[Advice: just use HTTP in APIs (unless its related to payments)]

Third: [Your updater.php is not configured correctly]
If both solutions above didn't work please try to delete updater.php and re-add it [Don't forget that otclient API dir in /var/www/html] must always be 0777 permissions [read/write]
Eu vou assumir que você está usando o linux porque você nunca disse qual sistema operacional você usa.

Primeiro: [Pode ser permissões de problema]
Veja o seu site em /var/www/html
você deve fazer dentro dele um diretório com o nome que quiser, que pode ser otclient
mover para o diretório usando cd /var/www/html/otclient
então lance este comando:
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/otclient/*
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/otclient/
[Não tenho certeza de qual você deve usar]
segundo: [configurações erradas]
se o link está escrito corretamente, por exemplo:
seu link pode não ser selecionado por SSL, portanto, talvez seja necessário alterar o link de https ://abc.def.hij/otclient/updater.php para http ://abc.def.hij/otclient/updater.php
[Conselho: basta usar HTTP em APIs (a menos que são relacionados a pagamentos)]

Terceiro: [Seu updater.php não está configurado corretamente]
Se ambas as soluções acima não funcionarem, exclua tente updater.php e adicionado-o novamente
And for windows version? how fix this changes directory etc..
I'll assume you are using linux because you never said what operating system you use.

First : [It might be permissions issue]
If your website is in /var/www/html
you should make inside it a directory with whatever the name you want which can be otclient
move to the dir by using cd /var/www/html/otclient
then cast this command :
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/otclient/*
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/otclient/
[Not sure which you should use]
second: [miss-configurations]
make sure the link is written correctly for example :
your link might not be SSL verified so you might need to change link from https://abc.def.hij/otclient/updater.php to http://abc.def.hij/otclient/updater.php
[Advice: just use HTTP in APIs (unless its related to payments)]

Third: [Your updater.php is not configured correctly]
If both solutions above didn't work please try to delete updater.php and re-add it [Don't forget that otclient API dir in /var/www/html] must always be 0777 permissions [read/write]
i give the permissions
root@localhost:/var/www/html/api# chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/api/*
root@localhost:/var/www/html/api# chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/api/

updater located in var/www/html/api
$files_dir = "/var/www/html/api";
$files_url = "http://iphere/var/www/html/api";
$files_and_dirs = array("init.lua", "data", "modules", "layouts");
$checksum_file = "checksums.txt";
$checksum_update_interval = 60; // seconds
$binaries = array(
    "WIN32-WGL" => "otclient_gl.exe",
    "WIN32-EGL" => "otclient_dx.exe",
    "WIN32-WGL-GCC" => "otclient_gcc_gl.exe",
    "WIN32-EGL-GCC" => "otclient_gcc_dx.exe",
    "X11-GLX" => "otclient_linux",
    "X11-EGL" => "otclient_linux",
    "ANDROID-EGL" => "", // we can't update android binary
    "ANDROID64-EGL" => "" // we can't update android binary
and init
APP_NAME = "FunLand"  -- important, change it, it's name for config dir and files in appdata
APP_VERSION = 800       -- client version for updater and login to identify outdated client
DEFAULT_LAYOUT = "retro" -- on android it's forced to "mobile", check code bellow

-- If you don't use updater or other service, set it to updater = ""
Services = {
  website = "http://iphere", -- currently not used
  updater = "http://iphere/var/www/html/api/updater.php",
  stats = "",
  crash = "http://iphere/var/www/html/api/crash.php",
  feedback = "http://iphere/var/www/html/api/feedback.php",
  status = "http://iphere/var/www/html/api/status.php"

-- Servers accept http login url, websocket login url or ip:port:version
Servers = {
meuserver= "http://iphere/:7171:800"

--Server = "ws://************:3000/"
--Server = "ws://"
--USE_NEW_ENERGAME = true -- uses entergamev2 based on websockets instead of entergame
ALLOW_CUSTOM_SERVERS = false -- if true it shows option ANOTHER on server list


what is bad in the code? i have error 404
$files_dir = "/var/www/otclient/files" < ---- main folder in (/var/www) without access https://
$files_url = "http://iphere.com/otclient/files" < ----- main public folder with https for everyone (access to download)


sudo chmod 777 -R /var/www/otclient/files/
sudo chmod 777 -R /var/www/html/otclient/files/


sudo service apache2 restart

rest is okay, i dont remember on 100% but if you want encrypt your files you need do it every time when you do any changes.

how to encrypt? Updated, encryption and compression (https://github.com/OTCv8/otclientv8/wiki/Updated,-encryption-and-compression)
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I'm having troubles to enable this on windows 10
i have encypted the files and packet them into data.zip
also uploaded unpacked files but encrypt to C:\xampp\htdocs\windowsfiles in there i placed
xxx_gl, xxx_dx + dlls + modules, data, mods, ( also tried with unpacled files

takeown /f C:\xampp\htdocs\windowsupdater\updater.php* /r
icacls C:\xampp\htdocs\windowsupdater\updater.php /grant Everyone:F /t
takeown /f C:\xampp\htdocs\windowsupdater* /r
icacls C:\xampp\htdocs\windowsupdater /grant Everyone:F /t

i recieved this
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3448]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>takeown /f C:\xampp\htdocs\windowsupdater\updater.php* /r

SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "C:\xampp\htdocs\windowsupdater\updater.php" now owned by user "DESKTOP-84KJ0MG\pasturryx".

C:\Windows\system32>icacls C:\xampp\htdocs\windowsupdater\updater.php /grant Everyone:F /t
Everyone: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.
Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 1 files


my init.lua
Services = {
  website = "http://xxx.ddns.net", -- currently not used
  updater = "http://xxxx.ddns.net/windowsupdater/updater.php",
  updater = "",
  stats = "",
  crash = "",
  feedback = "",
  status = ""
and my updater.php
$files_dir = "C:/windowsfiles";
$files_url = "http://xxxt.ddns.net/windowsfiles";
$files_and_dirs = array("init.lua", "data", "modules", "layouts");
$checksum_file = "checksums.txt";
$checksum_update_interval = 60; // seconds
$binaries = array(
    "WIN32-WGL" => "ForgottenNot_gl.exe",
    "WIN32-EGL" => "ForgottenNot_gl_dx.exe",
    "WIN32-WGL-GCC" => "ForgottenNot_gl_gcc_gl.exe",
    "WIN32-EGL-GCC" => "oForgottenNot_gl_gcc_dx.exe",
    "X11-GLX" => xxx_gl_linux",
    "X11-EGL" => "xxx_gl_linux",
    "ANDROID-EGL" => "", // we can't update android binary
    "ANDROID64-EGL" => "" // we can't update android binary
// CO
it don't want to work. can somebody help me?

also noticed there's an updater.php and another file caled adavanced_upater.php have tried both none of them have worked for me.
somebody have managed to make this work in windows? help pls

@Blasphemy did you manage to enable updater in windows? if so can you share please?
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