• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Problem z accmakerem oraz inne problemy xD


New Member
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Mam 3 problemy xD :

1.Gdy próbuj zrobić konto wyskakuje mi takie coś :

Oto account.php w którym jest ten error

     Copyright (C) 2007 - 2008  Nicaw

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
class Account extends SQL
private $attrs;
public $players;

public function __construct()

public function load($id)
        if (!is_numeric($id)) return false;
        //load attributes from database
        $acc = $this->myRetrieve('accounts', array('id' => $id));
        $nicaw_acc = $this->myRetrieve('nicaw_accounts', array('account_id' => $id));
        if ($acc === false){
            if ($this->exists())
                throw new Exception('Cannot load existing account:<br/>'.$this->getError());
            return false;
        //arranging attributes, ones on the left will be used all over the aac
        $this->attrs['accno'] = (int) $acc['id'];
        $this->attrs['password'] = (string) $acc['password'];
        $this->attrs['email'] = (string) $acc['email'];
        $this->attrs['rlname'] = $nicaw_acc['rlname'];
        $this->attrs['location'] = $nicaw_acc['location'];
        $this->attrs['comment'] = $nicaw_acc['comment'];
        $this->attrs['recovery_key'] = $nicaw_acc['recovery_key'];
        if ($acc['premdays'] > 0) $this->attrs['premend'] = $acc['premdays']*24*3600 + time();
        elseif ($acc['premEnd'] > 0) $this->attrs['premend'] = $acc['premEnd'];
        //get characters of this account
        $this->myQuery('SELECT players.id, players.name FROM players WHERE (`account_id`='.$this->quote($this->attrs['accno']).')');
        if ($this->failed()) throw new Exception($this->getError());
        while ($a = $this->fetch_array()){
            $this->players[] = array('name' => $a['name'], 'id' => $a['id']);
        //good, now we have all attributes stored in object
        return true;

public function save()
        $acc['id'] = $this->attrs['accno'];
        $acc['password'] = $this->attrs['password'];
        $acc['email'] = $this->attrs['email'];
        $nicaw_acc['account_id'] = $this->attrs['accno'];
        $nicaw_acc['rlname'] = $this->attrs['rlname'];
        $nicaw_acc['location'] = $this->attrs['location'];
        $nicaw_acc['comment'] = $this->attrs['comment'];
        $nicaw_acc['recovery_key'] = $this->attrs['recovery_key'];
        if (!$this->myReplace('nicaw_accounts',$nicaw_acc))
            throw new Exception('Cannot save account:<br/>'.$this->getError());

        if ($this->exists()){
            if (!$this->myUpdate('accounts',$acc, array('id' => $this->attrs['accno'])))
                throw new Exception('Cannot save account:<br/>'.$this->getError());
            if (!$this->myInsert('accounts',$acc))
                throw new Exception('Cannot save account:<br/>'.$this->getError());
        return true;

public function getAttr($attr)
        return $this->attrs[$attr];

public function setAttr($attr,$value)
        $this->attrs[$attr] = $value;

public function setPassword($new)
    {global $cfg;
        $new = $new.$cfg['password_salt'];
        if ($cfg['password_type'] == 'md5')
            $new = md5($new);
        elseif ($cfg['password_type'] == 'sha1')
            $new = sha1($new);
        if (empty($new)) throw new Exception('Empty password is not allowed.');
        $this->attrs['password'] = $new;

public function checkPassword($pass)
    {global $cfg;
        $pass = $pass.$cfg['password_salt'];
        if ($cfg['password_type'] == 'md5'){
            $pass = md5($pass);
        }elseif ($cfg['password_type'] == 'sha1'){
            $pass = sha1($pass);
        }elseif ($cfg['password_type'] == 'plain'){
        }else throw new Exception('Unknow password encoding.');
        return $this->attrs['password'] == (string)$pass && !empty($pass);

public function exists()
        $this->myQuery('SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = '.$this->quote($this->attrs['accno']));
        if ($this->failed()) throw new Exception('Account::exists() cannot determine whether account exists');
        if ($this->num_rows() > 0) return true;
        return false;

public function logAction($action)
        $this->myQuery('INSERT INTO `nicaw_account_logs` (id, ip, account_id, date, action) VALUES(NULL, INET_ATON('.$this->quote($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).'), '.$this->quote($this->attrs['accno']).', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), '.$this->quote($action).')');
        if ($this->failed())
            throw new Exception($this->getError());
public function removeRecoveryKey()
        $this->attrs['recovery_key'] = NULL;

public function addRecoveryKey()
        $this->attrs['recovery_key'] = substr(str_shuffle(md5(mt_rand()).md5(time())), 0, 32);
        $this->logAction('Recovery key added');
        return $this->attrs['recovery_key'];

public function checkRecoveryKey($key)
        return $this->attrs['recovery_key'] === $key && !empty($key);

public function vote($option)
        $this->myQuery('INSERT INTO `nicaw_poll_votes` (option_id, ip, account_id) VALUES('.$this->quote($option).', INET_ATON('.$this->quote($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).'), '.$this->quote($this->attrs['accno']).')');
        if ($this->failed())
            throw new Exception($this->getError());
public function getMaxLevel()
        $this->myQuery('SELECT MAX(level) AS maxlevel FROM `players` WHERE `account_id` = '.$this->quote($this->attrs['accno']));
        if ($this->failed())
            throw new Exception($this->getError);
        $row = $this->fetch_array();
        return (int) $row['maxlevel'];

public function canVote($option)
        $query = 'SELECT nicaw_polls.id FROM nicaw_polls, nicaw_poll_options
WHERE nicaw_polls.id = nicaw_poll_options.poll_id
AND nicaw_poll_options.id = '.$this->quote($option).'
AND '.$this->quote($this->getMaxLevel()).' > minlevel
AND nicaw_polls.startdate < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())
AND nicaw_polls.enddate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())';
        if ($this->failed())
            throw new Exception($this->getError);
        if ($this->num_rows() == 0) return false;
        if ($this->num_rows() > 1) throw new Exception('Unexpected SQL answer.');
        $a = $this->fetch_array();
        $poll_id = $a['id'];
        $query = 'SELECT * FROM nicaw_poll_votes, nicaw_poll_options
WHERE nicaw_poll_options.poll_id = '.$this->quote($poll_id).'
AND nicaw_poll_options.id = nicaw_poll_votes.option_id
AND (account_id = '.$this->quote($this->attrs['accno']).' OR ip = INET_ATON('.$this->quote($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).')
        if ($this->failed())
            throw new Exception($this->getError);
        if ($this->num_rows() == 0) return true;
        elseif ($this->num_rows() == 1) return false;
        else throw new Exception('Unexpected SQL answer.');
2.Posiadam też pewne pliki z którymi nie wiem co zrobić ale ponoć sa przydatne chcialbym spytac jak je uruchomic lub zastosowac :

3.IIII pewne bledy w silniku przy starcie xDDDD :

BARDZO PROSZĘ o POMOC :*:* odwdzieczam sie reputami :)
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Wiadomo, każdy lubi co chce, radziłbym ci zmienić
na Gesiora lub TFSCMS.

no tak ale ten acc;/ jest od orginalnego silnika Wodbo.. i mam orginalny server.. iten acc tylko hula.. pod niego.. bo all ustawione jest

2.Posiadam też pewne pliki z którymi nie wiem co zrobić ale ponoć sa przydatne chcialbym spytac jak je uruchomic lub zastosowac :

3.IIII pewne bledy w silniku przy starcie xDDDD :

a z Tym mi pomozesz?:D
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Pierwsze to pliki bazy danych. Na dwoch nastepnych screenach sa bledy zwiazane wlasnie z baza - nieistniejaca kolumna.
Czego oczekujesz? Ze na kolanach do ciebie przyjdziemy i spelnimy kazde zyczenie?

Okresl w czym problem, powiedzialem ci "o co chodzi" w tych bledach.
Nie ale chce wiedzieć jak wykorzystać te pliki z problemu nr "2" i jak ich użyć .. podam moje gg iz checią chcialbym aby ktos sie odezwal i pomogl mi...