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[Summary] New Server


New Member
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Well Well Well people from all around the world that play shadowcores, during the last month¿? many threads were created talking about a "new" server, some of them are pretty good, some of them are like NO without even thinking it, but the point is that people are getting upset because of the amount of threads each day appear on the shadowcores forum, so I'm going to write the best ones so people can read the proposals and comment only in one single thread.

Option #1:
Split Shadowcores in servers like real tibia does: Basically this option talks about creating a shadowcores V.2.0 with the same stats as the normal one, the main reason for doing this is the big amount of people that plays in the server, knowing that the capacity of a "normal" tibia server is about 950 players, shadowcores exceed that capacity for almost 800 players.

Option #2:
Create a new server with the same map options as shadowcores but change the rates of the exp (im not going to specify the rates) so people do not abuse of being high level and there's more competition.

Option #3:
Create a new server with the same map options as shadowcores but change the rates of the exp (im not going to specify the rates) so people do not abuse of being high level and there's more competition, also add stamina system so people that bot would not do it the 24 hours of the day, the 7 days of the week, the 54 weeks of the year.

Option #4:
People complain about lunarforce and the pvp options it has, so another proposal is to change the pvp type of lunarforce to standard pvp like shadowcores considering that lunarforce has an average of 85~ players online and changing the pvp will also increase the amount of people; As I already mentioned with the same rates and keeping the stamina system.

Option #5:
Increase the amount of respawns or the respawn rates; On the other hand create new respawns this will help improving the amount of monsters that appear on certain area but personally i consider that it will corrupt the "idea" of the staff to have a 100% like-tibia server.

Well this are the proposals if you have another proposal just mention in the comments and i will edit the text and add it, please avoid creating new threads this is to stop the flow of stupid threads created by people about the same topic.


Sorry for my bad english but I'm from Mexico (we speak spanish)

Thank you for your attention and have a nice day

Kind Regards

Ronald McDonald

Im kidding

Panda Healer
Ok, how many more threads will you make before you realize that twifysoft are not planning on launching another server? Are you so fucking stupid that you cant understand such a simple statement? Yes, yes you are. Lunarforce is THAT OTHER SERVER you retard. All they can do is switch from hardcore to open pvp on lunarforce and maybe enable the transfer option. Now stop making threads about the new servers you dumb faggot. I wish they could ban you for making these threads.
Why would twifysoft create a new server if they already launched lunarforce for the people who don't wan't to play shadowcores? You people are fuking retarded.
Why would twifysoft create a new server if they already launched lunarforce for the people who don't wan't to play shadowcores? You people are fuking retarded.

Ok, how many more threads will you make before you realize that twifysoft are not planning on launching another server? Are you so fucking stupid that you cant understand such a simple statement? Yes, yes you are. Lunarforce is THAT OTHER SERVER you retard. All they can do is switch from hardcore to open pvp on lunarforce and maybe enable the transfer option. Now stop making threads about the new servers you dumb faggot. I wish they could ban you for making these threads.

Well it seems that you don't read the thread at all, im just going to ignore you kids :)
seems like you give the same ideas over and over again, read the over shit new serv proposals come back and think of a better reply.

sparticus and Big Gunz are just two losers that hate their lives and spend all day spamming the forums hating on other people's threads because they have no life and have nothing better to do than to be annoying little bitches, no one likes them. If anyone sees a post from them just ignore it trust me there's a .0000000000000000000000001% chance that their post is a positive one.

Have a nice day.

On topic:

I agree with options 1 and 4

sparticus and big gunz are just two losers that hate their lives and spend all day spamming the forums hating on other people's threads because they have no life and have nothing better to do than to be annoying little bitches, no one likes them. If anyone sees a post from them just ignore it trust me there's a .0000000000000000000000001% chance that their post is a positive one.

Have a nice day.

on topic:

i agree with options 1 and 4

Ok, how many more threads will you make before you realize that twifysoft are not planning on launching another server? Are you so fucking stupid that you cant understand such a simple statement? Yes, yes you are. Lunarforce is THAT OTHER SERVER you retard. All they can do is switch from hardcore to open pvp on lunarforce and maybe enable the transfer option. Now stop making threads about the new servers you dumb faggot. I wish they could ban you for making these threads.

I wonder how many times will you say it again? Stop spamming forum with posts like "Stop making threads like this faggot". You don't want to read it and reply? Don't open this thread. You penis.
Option #1:
Split Shadowcores in servers like real tibia does: Basically this option talks about creating a shadowcores V.2.0 with the same stats as the normal one, the main reason for doing this is the big amount of people that plays in the server, knowing that the capacity of a "normal" tibia server is about 950 players, shadowcores exceed that capacity for almost 800 players.

Option #2:
Create a new server with the same map options as shadowcores but change the rates of the exp (im not going to specify the rates) so people do not abuse of being high level and there's more competition.
Option #3:
Create a new server with the same map options as shadowcores but change the rates of the exp (im not going to specify the rates) so people do not abuse of being high level and there's more competition, also add stamina system so people that bot would not do it the 24 hours of the day, the 7 days of the week, the 54 weeks of the year.
Option #4:
People complain about lunarforce and the pvp options it has, so another proposal is to change the pvp type of lunarforce to standard pvp like shadowcores considering that lunarforce has an average of 85~ players online and changing the pvp will also increase the amount of people; As I already mentioned with the same rates and keeping the stamina system.
Option #5:
Increase the amount of respawns or the respawn rates; On the other hand create new respawns this will help improving the amount of monsters that appear on certain area but personally i consider that it will corrupt the "idea" of the staff to have a 100% like-tibia server.

Thats what i think about ur ideas :S