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Action Surprise Bag Script


Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Hello, I know that the item surprise bag already has a script, but I decided to improve it, how?

  • You can set any messages to be shown when the bag is opened;
  • You can set in the script how many presents the player can get;
  • If you want to make it possible to get 1, 2 or 3 presents, depending on player's luck, you can do this, also you can set the chance. Example: Get 1 item [50%] ; Get 2 itens [35%] ; Get 3 item [15%];
  • It is possible to create a list with all possible itens that the bag can give;
  • Also, you can increase or decrease the chance of getting any item!
  • In my opinion, script very nice to study also to confugurate!

<action fromid="6570" toid="6571" event="script" value="surpbag.lua"/>

-- [ Script made by Medargo ] --
function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

local presentsa = presentn[math.random(1,#presentn)]                                            -- Do not change!

local msgs = {"TUF TUF", "HO HO HO!", "HAIL", "OTLAND", "CONGRATZ"}                             -- Displayed messages when opening the bag..
local msg_outside = "You have to put the surprise bag in your inventory in order to use it"     -- Displayed messages when bag is not on inventory..
local effs = {29, 30}                                                                           -- Effects sent when opening the bag..

local presentn = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3} --[[ This is the chance of getting 1, 2 or 3 itens, 
                                         more 1s means more chances of getting just
                                         1 item, same for the other numbers, you can
                                         insert any number if you want!            --]]
local presents =  { 
                  {id = 2160, quant = 2}, -- 2 Crystal Coin                                   
                  {id = 2152, quant = 30},-- 30 Platinum coin
                  {id = 2152, quant = 30},-- 30 Platinum coin
                  {id = 2152, quant = 30},-- 30 Platinum coin
                  {id = 2534, quant = 1}, -- 1 Vampire Shield
                  {id = 6132, quant = 1}} -- 1 Pair of Soft Boots
                  -- Please note that you can increase the chance of getting determined item by repeting it on the table (as the 30 Platinum Coins)
--------------------------------------------------- DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING FROM THIS LINE DOWN! ---------------------------------------------------                 
      if getPlayerItemCount(cid, item.itemid) >= 1 then           
                                 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, "You received "..presentsa.." presents..")
                                 doSendMagicEffect(topos, effs[math.random(1,#effs)])
                                 doSendAnimatedText(topos, msgs[math.random(1,#msgs)], 192)
                                 doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item.itemid, 1)
                                 for quant = 1, presentsa do
                                     local rand = math.random(1,#presents)
                                     doPlayerAddItem(cid, presents[rand].id, presents[rand].quant)
                                 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, msg_outside)
                                 doSendMagicEffect(topos, 2)
 return true

Any trouble please report me, that's all, hope it was usefull!
[31/7/2012 23:44:0] [Error - Action Interface]
[31/7/2012 23:44:0] data/actions/scripts/token.lua:eek:nUse
[31/7/2012 23:44:0] Description:
[31/7/2012 23:44:0] data/actions/scripts/token.lua:4: attempt to get length of global 'presentn' (a nil value)
[31/7/2012 23:44:0] stack traceback:
[31/7/2012 23:44:0] data/actions/scripts/token.lua:4: in function <data/actions/scripts/token.lua:2>

-- [ Script made by Medargo ] --
function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)

local presentn = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3} --[[ This is the chance of getting 1, 2 or 3 itens, 
                                         more 1s means more chances of getting just
                                         1 item, same for the other numbers, you can
                                         insert any number if you want!            --]]

local presentsa = presentn[math.random(1,#presentn)] -- Do not change!
local msgs = {"TUF TUF", "HO HO HO!", "HAIL", "OTLAND", "CONGRATZ"} -- Displayed messages when opening the bag..
local msg_outside = "You have to put the surprise bag in your inventory in order to use it" -- Displayed messages when bag is not on inventory..
local effs = {29, 30} -- Effects sent when opening the bag..

local presents = { 
                  {id = 2160, quant = 2}, -- 2 Crystal Coin                                   
                  {id = 2152, quant = 30},-- 30 Platinum coin
                  {id = 2152, quant = 30},-- 30 Platinum coin
                  {id = 2152, quant = 30},-- 30 Platinum coin
                  {id = 2534, quant = 1}, -- 1 Vampire Shield
                  {id = 6132, quant = 1}} -- 1 Pair of Soft Boots
                  -- Please note that you can increase the chance of getting determined item by repeting it on the table (as the 30 Platinum Coins)
--------------------------------------------------- DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING FROM THIS LINE DOWN! ---------------------------------------------------                 
      if getPlayerItemCount(cid, item.itemid) >= 1 then           
                                 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, "You received "..presentsa.." presents..")
                                 doSendMagicEffect(topos, effs[math.random(1,#effs)])
                                 doSendAnimatedText(topos, msgs[math.random(1,#msgs)], 192)
                                 doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item.itemid, 1)
                                 for quant = 1, presentsa do
                                     local rand = math.random(1,#presents)
                                     doPlayerAddItem(cid, presents[rand].id, presents[rand].quant)
                                 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, msg_outside)
                                 doSendMagicEffect(topos, 2)
 return true