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Action [TFS 0.3.6-0.4] Item Seller v1.0

God Mythera

Veteran OT User
Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
United States
Hello and im here to release a script that i edited, the script already exists but im adding 100% items sellable in this script! So here we go...

<action itemid="9737" script="magicalorb.lua"/>

The item i am using looks like this:

local items = {
   [2195] = 35000, -- [boots of haste] = PriceOfItem
   [2136] = 35000, -- [demonbone amulet] = PriceOfItem
   [2487] = 14500, -- [crown armor] = PriceOfItem
   [2519] = 10300, -- [crown shield] = PriceOfItem
   [2491] = 3500, -- [crown helmet] = PriceOfItem
   [2488] = 14500, -- [crown legs] = PriceOfItem
   [2492] = 45000, -- [dragon scale mail] = PriceOfItem
   [7897] = 13000, -- [glacier robe] = PriceOfItem
   [2466] = 23500, -- [golden armor] = PriceOfItem
   [8873] = 5500, -- [hibicus robe] = PriceOfItem
   [3968] = 2000, -- [leopard armor] = PriceOfItem
   [7898] = 13500, -- [lightning robe] = PriceOfItem
   [7899] = 14000, -- [magma robe] = PriceOfItem
   [7463] = 8000, -- [mammoth fur cape] = PriceOfItem
   [8891] = 18000, -- [paladin armor] = PriceOfItem
   [6095] = 1500, -- [pirate shirt] = PriceOfItem
   [8889] = 22000, -- [skullcracker armor] = PriceOfItem
   [7884] = 14500, -- [terra mantle] = PriceOfItem
   [7896] = 13500, -- [glacier kilt] = PriceOfItem
   [7895] = 13500, -- [lightning legs] = PriceOfItem
   [7894] = 13500, -- [magma legs] = PriceOfItem
   [7464] = 1350, -- [mammoth fur shorts] = PriceOfItem
   [5918] = 600, -- [pirate knee breeches] = PriceOfItem
   [7885] = 13500, -- [terra legs] = PriceOfItem
   [2541] = 260, -- [bone shield] = PriceOfItem
   [2535] = 8000, -- [castle shield] = PriceOfItem
   [2521] = 1100, -- [dark shield] = PriceOfItem
   [2520] = 33000, -- [demon shield] = PriceOfItem
   [2536] = 1250, -- [medusa shield] = PriceOfItem
   [7460] = 2500, -- [norse shield] = PriceOfItem
   [2540] = 3500, -- [scarab shield] = PriceOfItem
   [6131] = 350, -- [tortoise shield] = PriceOfItem
   [3972] = 10500, -- [beholder helmet] = PriceOfItem
   [2462] = 1700, -- [devil helmet] = PriceOfItem
   [7902] = 3300, -- [glacier mask] = PriceOfItem
   [7461] = 600, -- [krimhorn helmet] = PriceOfItem
   [7901] = 3500, -- [lightning headband] = PriceOfItem
   [7900] = 3500, -- [magma monocle] = PriceOfItem
   [6096] = 1700, -- [pirate hat] = PriceOfItem
   [7462] = 1000, -- [devil helmet] = PriceOfItem
   [5741] = 45000, -- [skull helmet] = PriceOfItem
   [7903] = 3500, -- [terra hood] = PriceOfItem
   [3982] = 2000, -- [crocodile boots] = PriceOfItem
   [7457] = 3000, -- [fur boots] = PriceOfItem
   [7892] = 3500, -- [glacier shoes] = PriceOfItem
   [7893] = 3500, -- [lightning boots] = PriceOfItem
   [7891] = 3500, -- [magma boots] = PriceOfItem
   [2641] = 3000, -- [patched boots] = PriceOfItem
   [5462] = 4500, -- [pirate boots] = PriceOfItem
   [2645] = 33000, -- [steel boots] = PriceOfItem
   [7886] = 3500, -- [terra boots] = PriceOfItem
   [7414] = 23500, -- [abyss hammer] = PriceOfItem
   [7426] = 1100, -- [amber staff] = PriceOfItem
   [7404] = 23000, -- [assassin dagger] = PriceOfItem
   [3962] = 2500, -- [beastslayer axe] = PriceOfItem
   [7403] = 45000, -- [berserker] = PriceOfItem
   [7379] = 2500, -- [brutetamer's staff ] = PriceOfItem
   [7427] = 12000, -- [chaos mace] = PriceOfItem
   [7415] = 33500, -- [cranial basher] = PriceOfItem
   [7449] = 1100, -- [crystal sword] = PriceOfItem
   [2439] = 450, -- [daramanian mace] = PriceOfItem
   [2440] = 2200, -- [daramanian axe] = PriceOfItem
   [7382] = 41000, -- [demonrage sword] = PriceOfItem
   [7387] = 4500, -- [diamond sceptre] = PriceOfItem
   [7402] = 18000, -- [dragon slayer] = PriceOfItem
   [7430] = 5500, -- [dragonbone staff] = PriceOfItem
   [7409] = 13500, -- [imaginary staff] = PriceOfItem
   [2438] = 11500, -- [epee] = PriceOfItem
   [7432] = 2200, -- [furry club] = PriceOfItem
   [2427] = 14500, -- [guardian halberd] = PriceOfItem
   [2444] = 33500, -- [hammer of wrath] = PriceOfItem
   [2452] = 56500, -- [heavy mace] = PriceOfItem
   [2442] = 300, -- [heavy machete] = PriceOfItem
   [7389] = 33500, -- [heroic axe] = PriceOfItem
   [7422] = 30000, -- [jade hammer] = PriceOfItem
   [7424] = 8000, -- [lunar staff] = PriceOfItem
   [7381] = 800, -- [mammoth whopper] = PriceOfItem
   [7386] = 15500, -- [mercenary sword] = PriceOfItem
   [7384] = 33500, -- [mystic blade] = PriceOfItem
   [2426] = 3000, -- [naginata] = PriceOfItem
   [7418] = 40000, -- [nightmare blade] = PriceOfItem
   [7456] = 13000, -- [noble axe] = PriceOfItem
   [7383] = 30000, -- [relic sword] = PriceOfItem
   [6553] = 50000, -- [ruthless axe] = PriceOfItem
   [7437] = 10000, -- [sapphire hammer] = PriceOfItem
   [2402] = 1200, -- [silver dagger] = PriceOfItem
   [7452] = 8000, -- [spiked squelcher] = PriceOfItem
   [7425] = 1000, -- [taurus mace] = PriceOfItem
   [7388] = 33500, -- [vile axe] = PriceOfItem
   [2454] = 15500, -- [war axe] = PriceOfItem
   [7408] = 2500, -- [wyvern fang] = PriceOfItem

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)

     local x = items[itemEx.itemid]
     if x then
         doRemoveItem(itemEx.uid, 1)
         doPlayerAddMoney(cid, x)
         local info = getItemRWInfo(itemEx.itemid)
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You have sold your item!")
        doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_FIREWORK_YELLOW)
         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't sell this item.")
         doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_POFF)
     return true

If any items are missing or any item is misspelled reply to this thread ^^

Credit: Unknown (if you know who created it pm me and i will tag that person)
It's possible to sell all loots of the item click?
Example: after click on the mpa selling all counts the player having in bps
It's possible to sell all loots of the item click?
Example: after click on the mpa selling all counts the player having in bps
local items = {
    [2537] = {value = 4800},
    [2377] = {value = 480},
    [2663] = {value = 600},
    [2472] = {value = 90000},
    [2475] = {value = 7200},
    [2519] = {value = 8000},
    [2497] = {value = 6000},
    [2523] = {value = 180000},
    [2494] = {value = 108000},
    [2400] = {value = 144000},
    [2491] = {value = 2500},
    [2421] = {value = 108000},
    [2646] = {value = 240000},
    [2477] = {value = 5000},
    [2656] = {value = 10000},
    [2498] = {value = 30000},
    [2647] = {value = 600},
    [2534] = {value = 15000},
    [7402] = {value = 15000},
    [2466] = {value = 20000},
    [2465] = {value = 240},
    [2408] = {value = 120000},
    [2518] = {value = 1800},
    [2500] = {value = 3000},
    [2470] = {value = 30000},
    [2645] = {value = 30000},
    [2434] = {value = 2000},
    [2463] = {value = 480},
    [2536] = {value = 9000},
    [2387] = {value = 240},
    [2396] = {value = 1000},
    [2381] = {value = 450},
    [2528] = {value = 8000},
    [2409] = {value = 1800},
    [2414] = {value = 9000},
    [2427] = {value = 11000},
    [2407] = {value = 7200},
    [2383] = {value = 960},
    [2392] = {value = 4000},
    [2488] = {value = 12000},
    [2525] = {value = 250},
    [2423] = {value = 1000},
    [2462] = {value = 4800},
    [2520] = {value = 30000},
    [2390] = {value = 180000},
    [2417] = {value = 500},
    [2436] = {value = 6000},
    [5741] = {value = 40000},
    [2378] = {value = 500},
    [2487] = {value = 12000},
    [2476] = {value = 5000},
    [8891] = {value = 15000},
    [2195] = {value = 30000},
    [2391] = {value = 7200},
    [8889] = {value = 18000},
    [2432] = {value = 8000},
    [2431] = {value = 108000},
    [2492] = {value = 40000},
    [2515] = {value = 2000},
    [2430] = {value = 2000},
    [2393] = {value = 17000},
    [7419] = {value = 10000},
    [2522] = {value = 120000},
    [2514] = {value = 50000},
    [7418] = {value = 35000}

 function onUse(cid, item, frompos, itemEx, topos)
    if (itemEx.itemid == item.itemid) then
        local str = ""
        for i, k in pairs(items) do
            str = str ..getItemNameById(i):gsub("%a", string.upper, 1).. ": ".. k.value .. "\n"
        doShowTextDialog(cid, 6533, "Item Name: Price\n-----------------------------\n".. str)
        return true

    local i = items[itemEx.itemid]
    local l = getPlayerItemCount(cid, itemEx.itemid)
    if (i) then
        doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, itemEx.itemid, l)
        doPlayerAddMoney(cid, i.value * l)
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Você vendeu ".. l .." ".. getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid) .." por ".. i.value * l .." gold coins.")
        doSendMagicEffect(frompos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Não foi possível vender esse item, use a spellwand nela mesma para ver a lista de items disponíveis.")
        doSendMagicEffect(frompos, CONST_ME_POFF)
    return true