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TIBIACOM acc. maker by Gesior for TFS!

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Mega Noob&LOL 2012
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Last update: 24 February 2008, 02:15
Layout: tibia.com (in next version 2 new layouts)
Screens of version 0.1.4 of acc. maker:
-admin panel

-account management

NEW! version(v 0.2.0):
-new guild system
-new houses list
-new install page
-new work with md5 and sha1 passwords
-account manager - create character, change password, change e-mail, register account (rec-key), delete character, change public information, change char comment/hide character
-create account (custom or random acc. number - configurable, verification image)
-server status ("server offline" or "xx players online") - auto update every 10 second
-create character :) select vocations and limit of players per account in config, diffrent skills and items for each vocation, unlimited number of vocations/allow diffrent names of vocations (e.g. "Wizzard", "Ninja"), set diffrent outfits for male/female - all configurable in admin panel and on OTS!
-load from server config (config.lua): database information [host,user,password,database,sqlite file name,type (mysql/sqlite)] and server [name, ip, port, md5passwords]
-fast instalation, easy configuration (new install page, admin panel!)
-news system
-character search
-last kills
-who is online list
-spells [load from spells.xml - ots data, configurable]
-admin panel - you can configure acc. maker on site! No more configuration files to edit!
-monsters - list + page for each monster with info [load from directory monster - ots data, configurable]

-this version work only with MySQL database

1. Copy all files to your directory with OTS site (e.g. "C:/xampp/htdocs/")
2. Open and continue instalation.
3. If something doesn't work post information about bug/question in this thread.

TODO v0.3:
-fix bugs with SQLite (actually acc. maker doesn't save informations in SQLite table 'players'.. i don't know why)
-lost account interface
-full guild system
-"player" section in admin panel, where you will can search players/accounts by account number or nick of player from account and than modify any info about player/account
-fix all reported bugs
-tutor panel to verify names (selected [by admin] players will see "Verify name" panel with list of unverified names of players with "level > xx" [configured by admin], tutor can press "Accept" or "Illegal", if name is illegal gm/tutor contact with player and ask him about his new name and change name on site)

1. After login with good password I see error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch() on a non-object in C:\xampp165\htdocs\pot\OTS_Account.php on line 366
Answer:You don't have needed columns in database. First open "install.php"
2. Where is .sql file?
Answer:Use normal TFS database (it may be MySQL or SQLite database)
FIRST open "install.php" page in web explorer and go to step "2" it will show msgs like "added column xxx to table xxx", "added table xxx" - if u did all fine in step "1". You can open page few times. It will not show any errors, only add few new tickers with text "It's your first ticker...".

3. I use SQLite and when I open site or press "Step 2" in "install.php" I see error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'could not find driver' in C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_DB_SQLite.php:54 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_DB_SQLite.php(54): PDO->__construct('sqlite:C:/Docum...') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS.php(453): OTS_DB_SQLite->__construct(Array) #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php(18): POT->connect(2, Array) #3 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_DB_SQLite.php on line 54
Answer:In PHP "PDO-SQLite" is set "off" default ("PDO-MySQL" is "on"). You must find file "php.ini" in your PC. If you use XAMPP (PHP start with Apache [web server] automaticly), it will be in folder "../xampp/apache/bin" else it will be in "../php".
In this file find line:

and change to:
Restart web server/PHP and all should work fine.
Last update(0.1.4A >> 0.2.0):
-added guild system
-added houses list
-added much easier installation
-modified work with plain, sha1 and md5 passwords
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Nice! But weren't you helping Avarian with his?
Keep up the good work :thumbup:
Sucks, copyright, also a great work by cipsoft.

Dude make your own if youre gonna look good, that is not your work.
You just right click copied the whole page.
Nice! But weren't you helping Avarian with his?
Yes, but Avarians acc. maker is just one big sql injection :/
Its easier to make new acc. maker than fix bugs (50% of code? :> )in Avarians acc. maker and I think more people like real tibia layout than "Swelia".
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Imho (as Samuro already said) its just stealing CIP ideas and work, which are under copyrights.
Anyway, keep up the work.
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I'm just agreeing with the guy's who've said that there are copyrights that we shouldn't break. There paid for people to design it and script and now you're stealing it. It's not fair in my opinion...

OTS community should show that they can DO BETTER then 'they' not the same copying their works.
You can change graphics in layout (../accmaker/images) and colors in basic.css/initialize.js. You can also make new layout to my acc. maker :) My code generate only few variables ($page_views, $main_content, $subtopic, $logged), functions ("show_news()", "logo_monster()", "title_of_page()", "server_status()") and include "$config_layout.php". Its hard to make same table with other HTML code. It's not a pure copy of tibia.com :rolleyes:
You can put generated code in any other layout e.g. "Swelia"
Actually version of layout is in layout.rar
I think 99.999% of OTS players use "Tibia.exe" - official client from cipsoft or MODIFIED (by OTS author!) client. They also broke license, but none write anything about it -.-


I've dowloaded it with layout, but I modified menu (deleted "shop" and other options) and now it doesn't work fine.
Scripts ready:
*change password
*change e-mail
I think You should try changing (line 125):
    self.name = "news=1&abouttibia=0&gameguides=0&library=0&community=0&forum=0&account=0&support=0&shops=0&";
to something like this:
    self.name = "news=1&library=0&community=0&account=0&";

As You can see, You may decide which menu's should be open after load by changin 0 to 1 and so :p

EDIT: Its of course initialize.js :)
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Hey man just wanted to wish you good luck with the project :)

Wont say anything about the obvious copyright issues :p

By the way did you ever finish that kick ass house auction script you were working on?
Hey man just wanted to wish you good luck with the project :)

Wont say anything about the obvious copyright issues :p

By the way did you ever finish that kick ass house auction script you were working on?
House system is ready. I had ots (with your acc. maker - ots hacked :/ ) and tested house system. 1-5 sec after auction end player get rights to house if have enought money(i'll change it, player will get house after login, if dont have enought money - new auction, player banned from auction system for "xx" time). House-auction system need LUA script(in creatureevents/login.lua). I'll post other scripts (house-auction system, pacc/items for SMS and other[?]) in .zip files after version 0.5 of acc. maker
Thanks for report! I've changed:
$newchar_name = ucwords(trim($_POST['newcharname']));
//and if string is not empty:
function check_name($name)
  $temp = strspn("$name", "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM ");
  if ($temp != strlen($name)) {
  return false;
  $ok = "/[a-zA-Z ]{1,25}/";
  return (preg_match($ok, $name))? true: false;
$newchar_name = ucwords(strtolower(trim($_POST['newcharname'])));
//check name function if string is not empty
and now:
The character Drff Ccddsde has been created.
Name can contain only chars:
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM (space)
and must have 1-25 chars.
//fixed reported bug about "names" of new chars
//added script to check number of players on server (without page refresh) - when you press "server status" ("xx Players Online" or "Offline"), auto update server status still work every 10 seconds
//fixed configuration bug when you move acc. maker to other directory like from "C:/ ... /htdocs" to "C:/ ... /htdocs/accmakerpage/" <-- server status wasn't work
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