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Feature Unpack items/outfits from any client to PNG with OTClient!


Mega Noob&LOL 2012
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
UPDATE 2021:
You can unpack items and outfits on my websites.

(PHP code for outfits generator is included in generated .zip)


This is little C++ code for OTClient to unpack items/outfits. This is code/tutorial for advanced OTS users!
With this code/tutorial you can unpack items/outfits images from your tibia version/your custom client .spr/.otb!

First you need to compile OTClient
(GitHub - edubart/otclient: An alternative tibia client for otserv written in C++11 and Lua, made with a modular system that uses lua scripts for ingame interface and functionality, making otclient flexible and easy to customize (https://github.com/edubart/otclient)) and this is not part of this tutorial.
I compiled it on linux and windows without any problems with this tutorial:
Compiling on Windows · edubart/otclient Wiki (https://github.com/edubart/otclient/wiki/Compiling-on-Windows)

1. In src/client/thingtype.cpp find:
void ThingType::exportImage(std::string fileName)
   (here content of function)
and replace with:
void ThingType::exportImage(std::string fileName, int type)
    /* types:
    0 - normal export
    1 - outfit export, all animation frames
    2 - outfit export, only first animation frame
    3 - items export, first frame of animation
        stdext::throw_exception("cannot export null thingtype");

    if(m_spritesIndex.size() == 0)
        stdext::throw_exception("cannot export thingtype without sprites");
    if(type == 0)
        /* ORGINAL CODE */
        ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(32 * m_size.width() * m_layers * m_numPatternX, 32 * m_size.height() * m_animationPhases * m_numPatternY * m_numPatternZ)));
        for(int z = 0; z < m_numPatternZ; ++z) {
            for(int y = 0; y < m_numPatternY; ++y) {
                for(int x = 0; x < m_numPatternX; ++x) {
                    for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
                        for(int a = 0; a < m_animationPhases; ++a) {
                            for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                                for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                                    image->blit(Point(32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1 + m_size.width() * x + m_size.width() * m_numPatternX * l),
                                                      32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1 + m_size.height() * y + m_size.height() * m_numPatternY * a + m_size.height() * m_numPatternY * m_animationPhases * z)),
                                                g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, x, y, z, a)]));

    else if(type == 1)
        /* OUTFITS ANIM */
        patternX = direction
        patternY = 0/1/2 = addon none/first/second
        patternZ = 0/1 = is sitting on mount no/yes
        layer = 0/1 = biala postac / co jak wypelniac
        for(int z = 0; z < m_numPatternZ; ++z) {
            for(int y = 0; y < m_numPatternY; ++y) {
                for(int x = 0; x < m_numPatternX; ++x) {
                    for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
                        for(int a = 0; a < m_animationPhases; ++a) {
                            ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(32 * m_size.width(), 32 * m_size.height())));
                            for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                                for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                                    image->blit(Point(32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1), 32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1)), g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, x, y, z, a)]));
                            if(l == 1)
    else if(type == 2)
        /* OUTFITS NO ANIM */
        patternX = direction
        patternY = 0/1/2 = addon none/first/second
        patternZ = 0/1 = is sitting on mount no/yes
        layer = 0/1 = biala postac / co jak wypelniac
        for(int z = 0; z < m_numPatternZ; ++z) {
            for(int y = 0; y < m_numPatternY; ++y) {
                for(int x = 0; x < m_numPatternX; ++x) {
                    for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
                        ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(32 * m_size.width(), 32 * m_size.height())));
                        for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                            for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                                image->blit(Point(32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1), 32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1)), g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, x, y, z, 0)]));
                        if(l == 1)
    else if(type == 3)
        /* ITEMS */

        ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(32 * m_size.width(), 32 * m_size.height())));
        for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
            for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                image->blit(Point(32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1), 32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1)),
                    g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, 0, 0, 0, 0)]));
        image->savePNG(stdext::format("items/%s.png", fileName));

1.1 At begining of file add:
#include <framework/core/resourcemanager.h>

2. In src/client/thingtype.h find:
void exportImage(std::string fileName);
and replace with:
void exportImage(std::string fileName, int type = 0);

3. Rebuild project.


Now LUA/client part.


1. Copy Tibia [tibia.com] client Tibia.dat and Tibia.spr to data/things/1076/Tibia.dat and data/things/1076/Tibia.spr
Copy OTS (make sure it's 10.76 OTS!) data/items/items.otb to OTClient data/things/1076/items.otb

3. Run OTClient.exe
4. At top of client window is small black icon that opens 'console'. Click it! :)
5. Tell (paste in console and press ENTER) OTClient where are files and what tibia version it is:
g_game.setClientVersion(1076) g_things.loadDat('things/1076/Tibia.dat') g_things.loadOtb('things/1076/items.otb') g_sprites.loadSpr('things/1076/Tibia.spr')
6. Choose what you want to unpack and paste code (when you paste it in console, it will be all in 1 line, just press ENTER, it will work!):
6.1. OUTFITS, with all animation frames
for i,v in pairs(g_things.getThingTypes(1)) do
    if(v and v:getId() > 0) then
        outfit = g_things.getThingType(v:getId(),1)
        outfit:exportImage(v:getId(), 1)
6.2 OUTFITS, just first frame of animation
for i,v in pairs(g_things.getThingTypes(1)) do
    if(v and v:getId() > 0) then
        outfit = g_things.getThingType(v:getId(),1)
        outfit:exportImage(v:getId(), 2)
6.3 ITEMS, first frame of animation, count = 1
for i,v in pairs(g_things.getThingTypes(0)) do
    if(v and v:getId() > 0) then
        itemOtb = g_things.findItemTypeByClientId(v:getId())
        if(itemOtb and itemOtb:getClientId() > 0) then
            item = g_things.getThingType(itemOtb:getClientId(),0)
            if(item and item:getId() > 0) then
                item:exportImage(itemOtb:getServerId(), 3)
Now client will freez for few seconds/minutes.. client unfreez, but where are my images?

Windows: C:\Users\yourWindowsUserName\otclient\

Linux: /home/yourUserName/.otclient/

Script will create folders:
items, outfits_no_anim, outfits_anim

Files in these folders are in format compatible with outfit generator/Gesior acc. maker images folder.
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Items folder is full of XXXX.png files, XXXX - OTS item ID

Outfit folder name = outfit ID.
Outfit file names are like:
X - frame ID (from 1 up to 8 [not all creatures have 8 frames of animation])
Y - mount: 1 - not on mount, 2 - on mount
Z - addon: 1 - none, 2 - first, 3 - second [there is a special method how to compose these 3 images [none + first + second] into one .png, PHP code is in my forum outfit thread, in .zip]
O - direction (1 - 4)
If you want to convert all item PNG images into GIF images it's simpliest possible PHP code to do it. You just need webserver and 2 folders:
$from = 'items'; // images PNG folder
$to = 'gif'; // empty folder
function png2gif($pngs, $background = array(255, 255, 255), $dest = 'gif')
    // by WebReflection
    foreach($pngs as $png){
        $size = getimagesize($png);
        $img = imagecreatefrompng($png);
        $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width = $size[0], $height = $size[1]);
        imagefill($image, 0, 0, $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, $background[0], $background[1], $background[2]));
        imagecopyresampled($image, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height);
        imagecolortransparent($image, $bgcolor);
        imagegif($image, str_ireplace('.png', '.gif', $dest.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($png)), 100);
png2gif(glob($from . "/*.png"), $background = array(255, 255, 255), $to);

updated PHP code, now change PNG to GIF with transparent backgrounds!
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You can also replace:
outfit:exportImage(v:getId(), 2)
item:exportImage(itemOtb:getServerId(), 3)

outfit:exportImage(v:getId(), 0)
item:exportImage(itemOtb:getServerId(), 0)

To unpack all item/outfit images, frames, layers, stacks etc. to 1 big PNG image.

EXAMPLE (2148 - gold coin, all images in one):
My next script:
unpack map image with OTClient (I will release or sell soon)

These are two 8x8 tiles images composed into one image (grass in house is same as in RME):

example LUA command:

g_map.drawMap('a.png', 67, 113, 7, 8) - position x: 67, y: 113, z: 7, size (width/height): 8 tiles
g_map.drawMap('b.png', 75, 113, 7, 8) - position x: 75, y: 113, z: 7, size (width/height): 8 tiles

Script generates 10x10 tiles images, because some items may use more then 32x32 pixels or may be moved 'up' (like depot box on table; 'up' in tibia means X pixels left and X pixels top), so it has to be cropped by some PHP script later (32 pixels from each side of image).
Then some script must compose all floor images (because when you are on first floor you can see ground level [and other lower floors]).

100 x 8x8 tiles images generate 7-8 seconds on my Intel i7 4.4GHz, so RL map 32000 x 32000 x 15 would generate 141 days using 4 cores, but I already got script to detect empty areas (for RL map minimap generator, it detects not empty areas in 5 minutes), so it should generate in few hours.

1000 x 1000 x 16 floors TFS 1.1 3.6MB map rendered in 8 minutes on one core.

map generation started. We will see, if works or not in few hours.
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I'm planning to release code to generate images like that.. of whole map [8x8 tiles images].. by 2 simple LUA commands.. TOMMOROW (today?)!

LUA code to generate whole map:
prepareClient(1076, '/things/1076/items.otb', '/map.otbm')
// it prints message like:
Tile positions: Min 25, 45, 0 max 555, 699, 15
These positions are just suggestion. If you know better where is first/last tile then you can use other values.
generateMap(25, 45, 0, 555, 699, 15, 16)
Last number (16) is number of threads to use to generate map (YES! MULTICORE OTCLIENT! :) ). In my tests (on my 4 x 4.0, 8 threads CPU, SSD Samsung Evo 500GB) I get :
1 thread - 50 seconds - 10% CPU
4 threads - 25 seconds - 38% CPU
8 threads - 17 seconds - 55% CPU
16 threads - 17 seconds - 60% CPU
It's not scaling very well, because of synchronization at one function (get item image), but I think it's good enough.

[time in stats is for TFS 1.0 'ground floor' generation, 2240 images, 256x256 pixels, 90MB together]

Project will be fork of OTClient (around 20 changes in sources + 2 in LUA).
Gesior Mind unpacking 10.80? It contains 3 new mounts. Animation possible? (Walking characters instead of standing still)

I have a lot of issues compiling OT client on windows (Code blocks and visual basic)
Gesior Mind unpacking 10.80? It contains 3 new mounts. Animation possible? (Walking characters instead of standing still)

I have a lot of issues compiling OT client on windows (Code blocks and visual basic)
Outfits 10.80 unpacked with all animation frames:

Now you just need to generate .gifs with animations :)

Maybe I will have some time tommorow and I will write outfit generator that generates .gif images with all animation frames.
Is there any way to pack them back? I'm looking for a quick method of creating dat/spr for custom items, unfortunately all tools i've seen are windows only
I succesfully exported outfits and items using this tutorial. Is there any way to export mount images? I would like to use it with outfits.php from gesior aac.
Items folder is full of XXXX.png files, XXXX - OTS item ID

Outfit folder name = outfit ID.
Outfit file names are like:
X - frame ID (from 1 up to 8 [not all creatures have 8 frames of animation])
Y - mount: 1 - not on mount, 2 - on mount
Z - addon: 1 - none, 2 - first, 3 - second [there is a special method how to compose these 3 images [none + first + second] into one .png, PHP code is in my forum outfit thread, in .zip]
O - direction (1 - 4)
If you want to convert all item PNG images into GIF images it's simpliest possible PHP code to do it. You just need webserver and 2 folders:
$from = 'items'; // images PNG folder
$to = 'gif'; // empty folder
function png2gif($pngs, $background = array(255, 255, 255), $dest = 'gif')
    // by WebReflection
    foreach($pngs as $png){
        $size = getimagesize($png);
        $img = imagecreatefrompng($png);
        $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width = $size[0], $height = $size[1]);
        imagefill($image, 0, 0, $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, $background[0], $background[1], $background[2]));
        imagecopyresampled($image, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height);
        imagecolortransparent($image, $bgcolor);
        imagegif($image, str_ireplace('.png', '.gif', $dest.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($png)), 100);
png2gif(glob($from . "/*.png"), $background = array(255, 255, 255), $to);

updated PHP code, now change PNG to GIF with transparent backgrounds!
I succesfully exported outfits and items using this tutorial. Is there any way to export mount images? I would like to use it with outfits.php from gesior aac.
Mounts are normal outfits. They should be exported too.
Array of TFS mount IDs and their 'outfit ids':
$mountsTFS = [1 => 368, 2 => 369, 3 => 370, 4 => 371, 5 => 372, 6 => 373, 7 => 374, 8 => 375, 9 => 376, 10 => 377, 11 => 378, 12 => 379, 13 => 387, 14 => 388, 15 => 389, 16 => 390, 17 => 392, 18 => 401, 19 => 402, 20 => 405, 21 => 406, 22 => 421, 23 => 426, 24 => 427, 25 => 437, 26 => 438, 27 => 447, 28 => 450, 29 => 502, 30 => 503, 31 => 506, 32 => 515, 33 => 521, 34 => 522, 35 => 526, 36 => 546, 37 => 547, 38 => 548, 39 => 559, 40 => 571, 41 => 572, 42 => 580, 43 => 606, 44 => 621, 45 => 622, 46 => 624, 47 => 626, 48 => 627, 49 => 628, 50 => 629, 51 => 630, 52 => 631, 53 => 644, 54 => 647, 55 => 648, 56 => 649, 57 => 650, 58 => 651, 59 => 669, 60 => 670, 61 => 671, 62 => 672, 63 => 673, 64 => 674, 65 => 682, 66 => 685, 67 => 686, 68 => 687, 69 => 688, 70 => 689, 71 => 690, 72 => 691, 73 => 692, 74 => 693, 75 => 726, 76 => 727, 77 => 728, 78 => 734, 79 => 735, 80 => 736, 81 => 738, 82 => 739, 83 => 740, 84 => 761, 85 => 762, 86 => 763, 87 => 848, 88 => 849, 89 => 850, 90 => 851];
Different OTSes use different mount IDs in database. I made in my outfits.php code that works with any format:
    protected function outfit($outfit, $addons, $head, $body, $legs, $feet, $mount, $direction = 3, $animation = 1) {
        $outfitPath = "outfitsIdle1092/";

        $mountsTFS = [1 => 368, 2 => 369, 3 => 370, 4 => 371, 5 => 372, 6 => 373, 7 => 374, 8 => 375, 9 => 376, 10 => 377, 11 => 378, 12 => 379, 13 => 387, 14 => 388, 15 => 389, 16 => 390, 17 => 392, 18 => 401, 19 => 402, 20 => 405, 21 => 406, 22 => 421, 23 => 426, 24 => 427, 25 => 437, 26 => 438, 27 => 447, 28 => 450, 29 => 502, 30 => 503, 31 => 506, 32 => 515, 33 => 521, 34 => 522, 35 => 526, 36 => 546, 37 => 547, 38 => 548, 39 => 559, 40 => 571, 41 => 572, 42 => 580, 43 => 606, 44 => 621, 45 => 622, 46 => 624, 47 => 626, 48 => 627, 49 => 628, 50 => 629, 51 => 630, 52 => 631, 53 => 644, 54 => 647, 55 => 648, 56 => 649, 57 => 650, 58 => 651, 59 => 669, 60 => 670, 61 => 671, 62 => 672, 63 => 673, 64 => 674, 65 => 682, 66 => 685, 67 => 686, 68 => 687, 69 => 688, 70 => 689, 71 => 690, 72 => 691, 73 => 692, 74 => 693, 75 => 726, 76 => 727, 77 => 728, 78 => 734, 79 => 735, 80 => 736, 81 => 738, 82 => 739, 83 => 740, 84 => 761, 85 => 762, 86 => 763, 87 => 848, 88 => 849, 89 => 850, 90 => 851];
        if($mount == 0 || $mount >= 65535)
            // old mount system
            $mount_id = ($mount & 0xFFFF);
            $mountState = (($mount & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) ? 2 : 1;
        elseif($mount < 300)
            // tfs 1.x mount system
            $mount_id = $mountsTFS[$mount];
            $mountState = 2;
            $mount_id = $mount;
            $mountState = 2;
Thanks for the explanation, it worked perfectly!
Mounts are normal outfits. They should be exported too.
Array of TFS mount IDs and their 'outfit ids':
$mountsTFS = [1 => 368, 2 => 369, 3 => 370, 4 => 371, 5 => 372, 6 => 373, 7 => 374, 8 => 375, 9 => 376, 10 => 377, 11 => 378, 12 => 379, 13 => 387, 14 => 388, 15 => 389, 16 => 390, 17 => 392, 18 => 401, 19 => 402, 20 => 405, 21 => 406, 22 => 421, 23 => 426, 24 => 427, 25 => 437, 26 => 438, 27 => 447, 28 => 450, 29 => 502, 30 => 503, 31 => 506, 32 => 515, 33 => 521, 34 => 522, 35 => 526, 36 => 546, 37 => 547, 38 => 548, 39 => 559, 40 => 571, 41 => 572, 42 => 580, 43 => 606, 44 => 621, 45 => 622, 46 => 624, 47 => 626, 48 => 627, 49 => 628, 50 => 629, 51 => 630, 52 => 631, 53 => 644, 54 => 647, 55 => 648, 56 => 649, 57 => 650, 58 => 651, 59 => 669, 60 => 670, 61 => 671, 62 => 672, 63 => 673, 64 => 674, 65 => 682, 66 => 685, 67 => 686, 68 => 687, 69 => 688, 70 => 689, 71 => 690, 72 => 691, 73 => 692, 74 => 693, 75 => 726, 76 => 727, 77 => 728, 78 => 734, 79 => 735, 80 => 736, 81 => 738, 82 => 739, 83 => 740, 84 => 761, 85 => 762, 86 => 763, 87 => 848, 88 => 849, 89 => 850, 90 => 851];
Different OTSes use different mount IDs in database. I made in my outfits.php code that works with any format:
    protected function outfit($outfit, $addons, $head, $body, $legs, $feet, $mount, $direction = 3, $animation = 1) {
        $outfitPath = "outfitsIdle1092/";

        $mountsTFS = [1 => 368, 2 => 369, 3 => 370, 4 => 371, 5 => 372, 6 => 373, 7 => 374, 8 => 375, 9 => 376, 10 => 377, 11 => 378, 12 => 379, 13 => 387, 14 => 388, 15 => 389, 16 => 390, 17 => 392, 18 => 401, 19 => 402, 20 => 405, 21 => 406, 22 => 421, 23 => 426, 24 => 427, 25 => 437, 26 => 438, 27 => 447, 28 => 450, 29 => 502, 30 => 503, 31 => 506, 32 => 515, 33 => 521, 34 => 522, 35 => 526, 36 => 546, 37 => 547, 38 => 548, 39 => 559, 40 => 571, 41 => 572, 42 => 580, 43 => 606, 44 => 621, 45 => 622, 46 => 624, 47 => 626, 48 => 627, 49 => 628, 50 => 629, 51 => 630, 52 => 631, 53 => 644, 54 => 647, 55 => 648, 56 => 649, 57 => 650, 58 => 651, 59 => 669, 60 => 670, 61 => 671, 62 => 672, 63 => 673, 64 => 674, 65 => 682, 66 => 685, 67 => 686, 68 => 687, 69 => 688, 70 => 689, 71 => 690, 72 => 691, 73 => 692, 74 => 693, 75 => 726, 76 => 727, 77 => 728, 78 => 734, 79 => 735, 80 => 736, 81 => 738, 82 => 739, 83 => 740, 84 => 761, 85 => 762, 86 => 763, 87 => 848, 88 => 849, 89 => 850, 90 => 851];
        if($mount == 0 || $mount >= 65535)
            // old mount system
            $mount_id = ($mount & 0xFFFF);
            $mountState = (($mount & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) ? 2 : 1;
        elseif($mount < 300)
            // tfs 1.x mount system
            $mount_id = $mountsTFS[$mount];
            $mountState = 2;
            $mount_id = $mount;
            $mountState = 2;
Any chance of getting this compiled? ;)
Hello, is there any chance to get released compiled OTC with those changes made? (To be honest, just lazy AF) xd

Ok Ok, i did it myself, lazyness is not worth.

Having a problem when executing the code for aimated outfits:

Assertion failed: (index < m_spritesIndex.size()), function getSpriteIndex, file /Users/samuelcorzo/Personal/otclient/src/client/thingtype.cpp, line 635.
Abort trap: 6

Bump for @up issue?
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