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[USA] [7.4 / Custom] Realesta - Arcanis [October 27th at 20:00 CEST] A New World!

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People complain about promo scroll for 3 euro thinking removing it will cause lack of P2W, if mastercard player wants to buy sth he will do it anyway, through official shop if possible or through player auctions (cc, chars etc) all what matters is which wallet will be filled, in my opinion is better to pay 3 euros for server owner to motivate him to do more work, all I want is not let people trade items from official shop.
look at medivias prophecy economy, its the biggest p2w server, because nobody can make mc farm so ppl do everthing manualy but some ppl spend money and you can do nothing, if u have ideas how to make a perfect server you should contact with hosters and ask them for open server on your rules.

prophecy economy was pretty nice during first month later ppl figured out how to bot without getting automatic ban we did our best to hunt down cavebotters but on 2x rate it was too hard 1 day and ppl had new 20lvl knights botting every mino/rot spawn all we could do was stealing their lootbag and killing them with 8lvl paladin but later they had bunch of 70-80lvl knights and 60 ms/rp to protect their farm and gathering main chars to frag bot 60-80lvl bot chars wasnt worth cuz we ran out of frags

One thing is buying/selling cc made by manual players other thing is selling runes/cash from massive farms atleast buying promo from npc for 20k remove some cash at early game from server+ force players to play smart and earn some money ingame but with 4 mc + 6x = 4.5bp gfb/hour thats 24 times faster than regular 1x server buying 1kk by some retarded skeleton nifz wont make any difference

But yeaaa make another boring server with 10 runemakers or unlimited runes so ppl can rush 150-200lvls during first month on low rate and then cry on forum about boring gfb/ue wars wish to see again spectrum fights over mint or kazo mines and ppl hunting with monks when getting t ring from quest with full team decide about next ob or sneak
ehhh for me realesta isnt my ideal server from dreams I got vision of my own server but I cant do this for this moment maybe in future i will but not now. I just want to have some fun, for me pvp is the most important. I dont want waste my time for watiing for my mistic igla ots i just accept servers like they are. I dont like medivia so I ddint playe there I didnt talk shit about this server i just ingore it, its not for me.

You are smart guy I know that you have good ideas but u must understand that you cant tell Ruthless how his server should looks. Maybe he has diffrent vision of server than your... Maybe this edition will be fail because you are right but its too late to talk about this.

kwestia kurwa gustu i tyle
prophecy economy was pretty nice during first month later ppl figured out how to bot without getting automatic ban we did our best to hunt down cavebotters but on 2x rate it was too hard 1 day and ppl had new 20lvl knights botting every mino/rot spawn all we could do was stealing their lootbag and killing them with 8lvl paladin but later they had bunch of 70-80lvl knights and 60 ms/rp to protect their farm and gathering main chars to frag bot 60-80lvl bot chars wasnt worth cuz we ran out of frags

One thing is buying/selling cc made by manual players other thing is selling runes/cash from massive farms atleast buying promo from npc for 20k remove some cash at early game from server+ force players to play smart and earn some money ingame but with 4 mc + 6x = 4.5bp gfb/hour thats 24 times faster than regular 1x server buying 1kk by some retarded skeleton nifz wont make any difference

But yeaaa make another boring server with 10 runemakers or unlimited runes so ppl can rush 150-200lvls during first month on low rate and then cry on forum about boring gfb/ue wars wish to see again spectrum fights over mint or kazo mines and ppl hunting with monks when getting t ring from quest with full team decide about next ob or sneak

I don't really think it's gonna be possible to make level 150-200 in one month on this server, i'm gonna take it as a figure of speech. If medivia is such a needle ot with super slow exp, then how did Fille get level 200 in 3 months? I could use the same argument and say that it's orshabomba ots with infinite runes as long as you have infinite euros. It always works this way on lowrates, and it will never change as long as venezuela has 8124917294155555555461584% inflation and there are players who are able to play 18+ hours a day.
Thats why i made post about this promo scroll its up to him if he remove it or not and we all know that nevereta wont be failture but also it wont be long-term server just another boosted by streamer wydmuszka ots
Thats why i made post about this promo scroll its up to him if he remove it or not and we all know that nevereta wont be failture but also it wont be long-term server just another boosted by streamer wydmuszka ots

Will be a medium term server 🧐
I don't really think it's gonna be possible to make level 150-200 in one month on this server, i'm gonna take it as a figure of speech. If medivia is such a needle ot with super slow exp, then how did Fille get level 200 in 3 months? I could use the same argument and say that it's orshabomba ots with infinite runes as long as you have infinite euros. It always works this way on lowrates, and it will never change as long as venezuela has 8124917294155555555461584% inflation and there are players who are able to play 18+ hours a day.

exp rate is only one factor manual players couldnt flood market with enough cash for ppl to run and spam runes like madman also letting ppl freely runemake on 4mc + raise regeneration wont help server in long term
exp rate is only one factor manual players couldnt flood market with enough cash for ppl to run and spam runes like madman also letting ppl freely runemake on 4mc + raise regeneration wont help server in long term

Actually i view this server as a fusion between hardcore and casual gameplay. It has slow exp stage, low lootrate, combined with quite big regenetation rate for a lowrate server, which allows you to have some hardcore fights where deaths matter and it isn't as easy to bounce back if you die a lot. It allows you to take high level if you put time and effort, but not forcing you to play 18+ hr a day to have a proper character for a war. And i think that most of people like that on this server. Ruth, as an owner, knows best what his playerbase wants. If they wanted a super hardcore server like Medivia, then he would probably do it. But, looking at myself, i wouldn't even want to play on a super hardcore server, since i'd get discouraged most of the time due to the massive amount of tedious tasks i'd have to do in order to have a proper character and a lot of cash to keep fighting during war. And this applies for most of his playerbase, the other people who like doing tedious things play Medivia. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it's just a difference in what the playerbase wants.
But what "proper" war character means? Do u guys know u dont need 100lvls or even 50lvls to enjoy fight? Also argument about ppl playing 18h and u only 5h is invalid ppl still gonna outlevel u but fighting 30-40lv against 60-70lv is easier than 100lvl vs 140-150 trust me
But what "proper" war character means? Do u guys know u dont need 100lvls or even 50lvls to enjoy fight? Also argument about ppl playing 18h and u only 5h is invalid ppl still gonna outlevel u but fighting 30-40lv against 60-70lv is easier than 100lvl vs 140-150 trust me

For sure it is harder to fight 100 vs 150 than it is 40 vs 60.. By "proper" war character i mean "higher or equal than the average level participating in a war". And it also depends on your preferences. If you want to stay in carlin hotel with level 20's for a few hours a day, that's absolutely fine with me, although I wouldnt find it enjoyable because i prefer sneaking, close battles, open battles, city battles, and so on. And since our enemies will continue to exp, then we won't put ourselves at a disadvantage. That's all there is to it.

First of All you are supporting DDoSers, Scammers, liars and very shady guys.

By downolading the client you are joining their botnet. The same that happened on previous editions but in a less obvious way will happen here.

The same way they spoofed their server (they were banned on Otservlist) they will spoof this time.

The same way they spoofed Punio stream. It will happen on this edition BUT in a less obvious way. Nothing changed. It's the same people.

@Dragoholikus is on a 2019 account. @Florent is on a 2019 account. Guess why. Because they are banned on their main accs for scamming, etc.

This server has no future at all. It died before it even started.

The streamer who supports it. Only does it for money. When another server will pay him, he will stop sponsoring this.

The "war teams" that will join here are basically getting paid for it. They will get runes and money in a low rate so they can "show off" their skills they been training for 5+ years. If you are not one of them. If you are not getting paid. You will have a hard time playing here.

Nobody shown any interest on this server. Everyone who is talking here are people who is getting paid. Recreant, kijek, assassinho, tamtam... All of them are getting paid in a way to say this server is good.

But guess what? This server isn't good.
This server is basically made for money. With the "I work for the community..." argument nobody smart buys.
Nobody works 70h weekly for free. 12h/daily if he rest atleast one day... for free. Nobody.

If he Hosts a "war server" for free is basically more computers on their botnet.

He ALLOW 4 MCs. 4! Are you guys blind or what.

You can even buy promotion with real cash on a low rate.

It's a low rate 7.4 with 8.x addons. Are you kidding your playerbase or what.

You can BUY houses with real cash, dices... not even Cipsoft is that p2w NOW.

To add more ingredients to the FORMULA.
This server will be FULL of botters. Realesta war server was FULL of riftbot. Even the people who is getting paid now to say their "opinion" were botting there. Kijek, cukie~, uzi... were the first ones to be banned for botting there. I still remember when they got IP banned. They fkn had to tell their friends to "say sorry" on forums for them. Guess who is getting paid for "not catching bots"? RUTH. A guy that "works 12h a day" can't waste 5 mins to ban botters on a 10 players online server... c'mon...

Punio will have unlimited cash and runes? Yes. But he will just hide it better.
Will you join a botnet by downloading the client? Yes. Just in a less obvious way.
The server and stream will be spoofed? Yes. Just in a less obvious way.
( They even make their playerbase to "legally" spoof for them.
4 MCs on a lowrate LOL Best way for you guys to have more computers on. Best way for you to buy their "store promotion".

There are great low rates there. Medivia and Real Tibia the best ones.

There is no point to play in this corrupted hole.

This is a small example of what they are doing on other servers to have players here. (Not even 1 week ago).

Take care COMMUNITY and be smart. Don't play here. Play anything before this.

/A guy who is not getting paid to express his opinion nor would accept it.

daj cos

eng translate : very good ots, recommended
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I understand ur point for me fighting ob and rushing lvl on every server is tedious and boring sneaking and making traps is funny u never know what happen and u dont have to listen or play with retarded wannabe players you just kill them like rats

ahh and putting ur enemies in pz is much more rewarding this way dominik paying out to venesuelans and mastercard warrior nifz asking them for protection cuz hes hunted by bunch of 50lvls fuckin gold 10/10
Server worth playing, the server stays for a few months, if you do not get bugs again cloning items.

It is known that with such an SMS shop it will not be a very long-term server like medivia, but it will be a good medium-term server.

It is also known that it will be a very pay2win server.

Great for runefarmes who for cash in the game buy promotion scrolls from rich swedish players on trade for all runemakers and easy later make high lvls in short time.

It is known that the pvp balance will not be because players with many runemakers will have a huge advantage of lvls and you will have to fight 5 vs 1, because it makes no sense to fight 1vs1 lvl 60 vs lvls 100+

Fights here 1 vs 1 have sense when players have similar levels, in other cases, such fights are pointless when one guy has an advantage of 20 or 40+ lvls.

Despite the lack of pvp balance on the server is worth playing and play here, because if neveresta starts then realesta war will be empty and there will be no one to fight there, also players who play only realesta war should also come here.
I understand ur point for me fighting ob and rushing lvl on every server is tedious and boring sneaking and making traps is funny u never know what happen and u dont have to listen or play with retarded wannabe players you just kill them like rats

As I said, it all depends on a person. For me this server is perfect - has the best OTClient on oldschool tibia, has sick engine, and is a fusion of hardcore and casual gameplay. I played on Medivia for some time, got hooked to the server for a week or two, then i got burned out and stopped playing because i just didnt want to log in when i thought about the amount of time i have to spend to complete tasks like minotaurs, dwarf guards, dragons etc. Neveresta is an easier server, and that is its purpose - to make players want to play and not get burned out due to difficulty of a server.
I am giving everything i have on kasteria (25kk, 200ek, some other shits) for premium points here, interested ppl pm me :)

Ps Am I right @ruth ? When i activate pacc on realesta, then i make char on the same account but on neveresta i have premium on both characters?
People are shocked that other people are making things for money, server for money, what the hell is wrong with you?! "Let me play for free, I'm poor malaka, all meat I had in my mouth was trucker's cock near the road. Hiding socks in my ass during shoping in HM, selling them on black market, not proud of it, just doing things to survive"