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[TFS 1.1] Lua map generator (beta)

Is there any way to make it compatible with Otserv 0.6.3 (8.60) ?
I got it to generate some tiles, but always a big crap with no borders
Got a bunch of Item not found when created, of course cause it uses some items that do not exist in 8.6.
Curious thing is that even if I remove every Id that not exist in 8.6 it keeps getting me those Item not found messages.
I managed to translate the tile:getGround():getId() to getThingFromPos(pos), what would be the function to replace tile:getGround()?
Got a bunch of Item not found when created, of course cause it uses some items that do not exist in 8.6.
Curious thing is that even if I remove every Id that not exist in 8.6 it keeps getting me those Item not found messages.
I managed to translate the tile:getGround():getId() to getThingFromPos(pos), what would be the function to replace tile:getGround()?
same function I guess, just with stackpos 0
{x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, stackpos = 0}
test before asking, otherwise you will never learn
I got no errors at all with these classes, but it only creates dirt and water tiles.
Any help would be appreciated.
Creature = {}
Player = {}
Monster = {}
Npc = {}
Game = {}
Condition = {}
Combat = {}
Position = {}
Tile = {}

function createClass(class, inheritance)
   setmetatable(class, {
   __index = inheritance and inheritance or nil,
   __call =
   function(self, cid)
     if not cid then
       self = {__index = class}
       setmetatable(self, self)
       return self
     local cid = type(cid) == "number" and cid or type(cid) == "string" and getPlayerByNameWildcard(cid)
     if cid then
       if not self[cid] then
         self[cid] = {__index = class}
         setmetatable(self[cid], self[cid])
         self[cid].cid = cid
         return self[cid]
         return self[cid]
       return nil

function createClass2(class, inheritance)
   setmetatable(class, {
   __index = inheritance and inheritance or nil,
   __call =
   function(self, pos)
     if not pos then
       self = {__index = class}
       setmetatable(self, self)
       return self
     local pos = type(pos) == "table" and getThingFromPos(pos)
     if pos then
       if not self[pos] then
         self[pos] = {__index = class}
         setmetatable(self[pos], self[pos])
         self[pos].type = pos.type
         self[pos].itemid = pos.itemid
         self[pos].actionid = pos.actionid
         self[pos].pos = getThingPos(pos.uid)
         return self[pos]
         return self[pos]
       return nil

function createClass3(class, inheritance)
   setmetatable(class, {
   __index = inheritance and inheritance or nil,
   __call =
   function(self, pos)
     if not pos then
       self = {__index = class}
       setmetatable(self, self)
       return self
     local pos = type(pos) == "table" and pos
     if pos then
       if not self[pos] then
         self[pos] = {__index = class}
         setmetatable(self[pos], self[pos])
         self[pos].x = pos.x
         self[pos].y = pos.y
         self[pos].z = pos.z
         self[pos].stackpos = pos.stackpos
         return self[pos]
         return self[pos]
       return nil

createClass(Player, Creature)
createClass(Monster, Creature)
createClass(Npc, Creature)

-- access metatable functions from creature
function Creature:getPlayer() return Player(self.cid) end
function Creature:getMonster() return Monster(self.cid) end
function Creature:getNpc() return Npc(self.cid) end

-- Creature
-- Creature get functions
function Creature:getId() return self.cid end
function Creature:getName() return getCreatureName(self.cid) end
function Creature:getHealth() return getCreatureHealth(self.cid) end
function Creature:getMaxHealth() return getCreatureMaxHealth(self.cid) end
function Creature:getMana() return getCreatureMana(self.cid) end
function Creature:getMaxMana() return getCreatureMaxMana(self.cid) end
function Creature:getStorageValue(id) return getCreatureStorageValue(self.cid, id) end
function Creature:getHiddenHealth() return getCreatureHideHealth(self.cid) end
function Creature:getSpeakType() return getCreatureSpeakType(self.cid) end
function Creature:getLookDirection() return getCreatureLookDirection(self.cid) end

-- Creature set functions
function Creature:setMaxHealth(health) return setCreatureMaxHealth(self.cid, health) end
function Creature:setMaxMana(mana) return setCreatureMaxMana(self.cid, mana) end
function Creature:setStorageValue(storage, value) return setCreatureStorageValue(self.cid, storage, value) end
function Creature:setHiddenHealth(hide) doCreatureSetHideHealth(self.cid, hide) end
function Creature:setSpeakType(type) doCreatureSetSpeakType(self.cid, type) end

-- Creature misc. functions
function Creature:teleportTo(newpos, pushmove) doTeleportThing(self.cid, newpos, pushmove or false) end
function Creature:addHealth(health, hitEffect, hitColor, force) doCreatureAddHealth(self.cid, health, hitEffect, hitColor, force) end
function Creature:addMana(mana) doCreatureAddMana(self.cid, mana) end
function Creature:say(text, type, ghost, cid, pos) doCreatureSay(self.cid, text, type or SPEAK_SAY, ghost or false, cid or 0, pos) end
function Creature:addCondition(condition) doAddCondition(self.cid, condition) end
function Creature:removeCondition(onlyPersistent, type, subId) if onlyPersistent then doRemoveConditions(self.cid, onlyPersistent) else doRemoveCondition(self.cid, type, subId) end end
function Creature:moveCreature(direction) doMoveCreature(self.cid, direction) end
function Creature:isCreature() return isCreature(self.cid) end
function Creature:isPlayer() return isPlayer(self.cid) end
function Creature:isMonster() return isMonster(self.cid) end
function Creature:isNpc() return isNpc(self.cid) end
function Creature:remove(forceLogout) doRemoveCreature(self.cid, forceLogout or true) end

-- Player
-- Player get functions
function Player:getLevel() return getPlayerLevel(self.cid) end
function Player:getExperience() return getPlayerExperience(self.cid) end
function Player:getMagicLevel(ignoreBuffs) return getPlayerMagLevel(self.cid, ignoreBuffs) end
function Player:getManaSpent() return getPlayerSpentMana(self.cid) end
function Player:getFood() return getPlayerFood(self.cid) end
function Player:getAccess() return getPlayerAccess(self.cid) end
function Player:getGhostAccess() return getPlayerGhostAccess(self.cid) end
function Player:getSkillLevel(skillid) return getPlayerSkillLevel(self.cid, skillid) end
function Player:getSkillTries(skillid) return getPlayerSkillTries(self.cid, skillid) end
function Player:getTown() return getPlayerTown(self.cid) end
function Player:getVocation() return getPlayerVocation(self.cid) end
function Player:getBaseVocation() local vocation = self:getVocation(); return vocation > 4 and vocation - 4 or vocation end
function Player:getIp() return getPlayerIp(self.cid) end
function Player:getRequiredMana(magicLevel) return getPlayerRequiredMana(self.cid, magicLevel) end
function Player:getRequiredSkillTries(skillId, skillLevel) return getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(self.cid, skillId, skillLevel) end
function Player:getItemCount(itemid, subType) return getPlayerItemCount(self.cid, itemid, subType or -1) end
function Player:getMoney() return getPlayerMoney(self.cid) end
function Player:getSoul() return getPlayerSoul(self.cid) end
function Player:getCap() return getPlayerFreeCap(self.cid) end
function Player:getLight() return getPlayerLight(self.cid) end
function Player:getSlotItem(slot) return getPlayerSlotItem(self.cid, slot) end

-- Player set functions
function Player:setMaxCap(cap) doPlayerSetMaxCapacity(self.cid, cap) end
function Player:setTown(townid) doPlayerSetTown(self.cid, townid) end
function Player:setVocation(vocation) doPlayerSetVocation(self.cid, vocation) end

-- Player send functions
function Player:sendCancelMsg(text) doPlayerSendCancel(self.cid, text) end
function Player:sendDefaultCancelMsg(ReturnValue) doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(self.cid, ReturnValue) end
function Player:sendTextMessage(MessageClasses, message) doPlayerSendTextMessage(self.cid, MessageClasses, message) end
function Player:sendChannelMessage(author, message, SpeakClasses, channel) doPlayerSendChannelMessage(self.cid, author, message, SpeakClasses, channel) end
function Player:sendToChannel(targetId, SpeakClasses, message, channel, time) doPlayerSendToChannel(self.cid, targetId, SpeakClasses, message, channel, time) end
function Player:addMoney(money) doPlayerAddMoney(self.cid, money) end
function Player:removeMoney(money) doPlayerRemoveMoney(self.cid, money) end
function Player:transferMoney(target, money) doPlayerTransferMoneyTo(self.cid, target, money) end
function Player:showTextDialog(itemid, text) doShowTextDialog(self.cid, itemid, text) end
function Player:addSkillTries(skillid, n, useMultiplier) doPlayerAddSkillTry(self.cid, skillid, n, useMultiplier or false) end

-- Player misc. functions
function Player:feed(food) doPlayerFeed(self.cid, food) end
function Player:addSpentMana(amount, useMultiplier) doPlayerAddSpentMana(self.cid, amount, useMultiplier) end
function Player:addSoul(soul) doPlayerAddSoul(self.cid, soul) end
function Player:addItem(itemid, count, canDropOnMap, subtype) return doPlayerAddItem(self.cid, itemid, count, canDropOnMap, subtype) end
function Player:addItemEx(uid, canDropOnMap) return doPlayerAddItemEx(self.cid, uid, canDropOnMap or false) end
function Player:addExperience(amount) doPlayerAddExperience(self.cid, amount) end
function Player:savePlayer(shallow) doPlayerSave(self.cid, shallow or false) end
function Player:isPzLocked() return isPlayerPzLocked(self.cid) end

-- Game
function Game.getStorageValue(key) return getGlobalStorageValue(key) end
function Game.setStorageValue(key, value) setGlobalStorageValue(key, value) end
function Game.getChannelUsers(channelId) return getChannelUsers(channelId) end
function Game.setWorldType(type) return setWorldType(type) end
function Game.getWorldType() return getWorldType() end
function Game.getSpectators(centerPos, rangex, rangey, multifloor) return getSpecators(centerPos, rangex, rangey, multifloor or false) end
function Game.getPlayers() return getPlayersOnline() end
function Game.getExperienceStage(level) return getExperienceStage(level) end
function Game.getGameState() return getGameState() end
function Game.setGameState(state) return doSetGameState(state) end
function Game.startRaid(raid) return doExecuteRaid(raid) end
function Game.createItem(itemId, count, position) return doCreateItem(itemId, count, position) end
function Game.createTile(itemId, position) return doCreateItem(itemId, 1, position) end
function Game.createMonster(name, pos, extend, force, displayError) return doCreateMonster(name, pos, extend or false, force or false, displayError or true) end
function Game.createNpc(name, pos, displayError) return doCreateNpc(name, pos, displayError or true) end

-- Condition

-- Combat

-- Position
function Position:new(pos)
    return {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}

function Position:iterateArea(topos, func)
    for z = self.z, topos.z do
    for y = self.y, topos.y do
    for x = self.x, topos.x do
        func({x = x, y = y, z = z})

-- Tile

--[[function Tile(pos)
    return getThingFromPos(pos)

function Tile:getGround()
    return getThingFromPos(self.pos)

function Tile:getItemById(id)
    return getTileItemById(self.pos,id)

function Tile:getTileInfo(pos)
    return getTileInfo(pos and pos or self:getPosition())

Nvm, got it to work...
Does it adds furniture like the other one of evorpg?
Last edited:
Sometimes in the year i login to see if there is something good. Most of times, nope.

This one... holy shit! <3

im impressed.


Have you tought about creating some kind of instances? Like using the same map area, but multiple players cannot see or interact with each other.

Will be an kind of revolution to OTservers. Creating map areas proceduraly. Each area only exist for one player or others in party. Creating an stuff PoE (path of exile) like. Players only meet at city.

I am willing to work again in ots to try this c:
I am willing to work again in ots to try this c:

You are alive :O
Thank you for your contribution to otland. Your scripts taught me a lot.

I could design a system which would duplicate a certain area, but it would be a waste of resources.
I believe there is a better way to achieve this with source edits.

Anyway, I'm working on more advanced generator than this one (see link in my signature).
If someone implement working instances system I could make my generator support them easily.
Wow! Totally amazing!

I have a question: It can create random caves without ground tiles? For example you designate an area range and it creates a random cave with random monsters.

Totally amazing! Great job!
Wow! Totally amazing!

I have a question: It can create random caves without ground tiles? For example you designate an area range and it creates a random cave with random monsters.

Totally amazing! Great job!

Working on it in the new version (no ETA at this time).
Sometimes in the year i login to see if there is something good. Most of times, nope.

This one... holy shit! <3

im impressed.


Have you tought about creating some kind of instances? Like using the same map area, but multiple players cannot see or interact with each other.

Will be an kind of revolution to OTservers. Creating map areas proceduraly. Each area only exist for one player or others in party. Creating an stuff PoE (path of exile) like. Players only meet at city.

I am willing to work again in ots to try this c:

Oh Mock, btw, thanks for your contribution in OTSERVER evolution.
This feature will be nice, but this system will not consume too much memory/CPU?

Man, any doubt or helpneed feel free to post here, we will be glad to help.
Thanks for this amazing feature.