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TFS 1.4.2 onMoveItem does not react?


999x era
Premium User
Dec 14, 2017
Reaction score
For some reason item can still be moved, idk why.
It worked perfect on TFS 1.5 while TFS 1.4.2 react weird.
Maybe you guys can see the problem here :D

local ids = {9999, 6000}

local ec = EventCallback

ec.onMoveItem = function(self, item, count, fromPosition, toPosition, fromCylinder, toCylinder)
    if table.contains(ids, item:getActionId()) and toPosition.x ~= CONTAINER_POSITION then
        self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'This item can not be moved.')

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You probably want to check if all of those commits Build software better, together (https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aotland%2Fforgottenserver+eventcallback&type=commits) are also applied to 1.4.2, if not then this could be the case why this works on master but not on older versions
According to that list there were no changes to eventcallback since 1.4.2 to 1.5, except changes in lua files that were really just syntactical sugar where sarah changed some things like so

if EventCallback.onChangeMount then
        if not EventCallback.onChangeMount(self, outfit.lookMount) then

////changed to

local onChangeMount = EventCallback.onChangeMount
    if onChangeMount then
        if not onChangeMount(self, outfit.lookMount) then

/// and so on and so forth.

Other than those lua changes, nothing else on the list has been done since 1.4.2.
I feel like the original poster (not the one on this thread), over looked the registration error (having ec:register() inside function), and every other error as well have all been explained already... I don't think there is an issue with 1.4.2 itself, or its source code, however I could be wrong. If someone posts here and says that I am wrong, that they the event is definitely broken in vanilla 1.4.2 I will dig deeper until I have found a solution, but for now, I chalk it all up as user error.
According to that list there were no changes to eventcallback since 1.4.2 to 1.5, except changes in lua files that were really just syntactical sugar where sarah changed some things like so

if EventCallback.onChangeMount then
        if not EventCallback.onChangeMount(self, outfit.lookMount) then

////changed to

local onChangeMount = EventCallback.onChangeMount
    if onChangeMount then
        if not onChangeMount(self, outfit.lookMount) then

/// and so on and so forth.

Other than those lua changes, nothing else on the list has been done since 1.4.2.
I feel like the original poster (not the one on this thread), over looked the registration error (having ec:register() inside function), and every other error as well have all been explained already... I don't think there is an issue with 1.4.2 itself, or its source code, however I could be wrong. If someone posts here and says that I am wrong, that they the event is definitely broken in vanilla 1.4.2 I will dig deeper until I have found a solution, but for now, I chalk it all up as user error.
fwiw, I had problems with it as well.

I think I had to add incrementing numbers, so it would work on all the different scripts, otherwise weirdshit™ would happen.

ec:register(3) -- different number in each script
The last callback registered holds the return value. That means if you have 10 callbacks, on 9 of these callbacks the return value wouldn't matter except for the the last one (callback id: 10), obviously the order matters.
The last callback registered holds the return value. That means if you have 10 callbacks, on 9 of these callbacks the return value wouldn't matter except for the the last one (callback id: 10), obviously the order matters.
Am I reading this wrong, or are you saying that with my above method.. no matter what I return in the first 9 scripts, it'd still trigger the 10th script?

ah w/e. xD
I don't have it in me to test that theory. lmao
According to that list there were no changes to eventcallback since 1.4.2 to 1.5, except changes in lua files that were really just syntactical sugar where sarah changed some things like so

if EventCallback.onChangeMount then
        if not EventCallback.onChangeMount(self, outfit.lookMount) then

////changed to

local onChangeMount = EventCallback.onChangeMount
    if onChangeMount then
        if not onChangeMount(self, outfit.lookMount) then

/// and so on and so forth.

Other than those lua changes, nothing else on the list has been done since 1.4.2.
I feel like the original poster (not the one on this thread), over looked the registration error (having ec:register() inside function), and every other error as well have all been explained already... I don't think there is an issue with 1.4.2 itself, or its source code, however I could be wrong. If someone posts here and says that I am wrong, that they the event is definitely broken in vanilla 1.4.2 I will dig deeper until I have found a solution, but for now, I chalk it all up as user error.

local ids = {9999, 6000}

local ec = EventCallback

ec.onMoveItem = function(self, item, count, fromPosition, toPosition, fromCylinder, toCylinder)
    print("Item move event triggered!") -- Print a message to indicate the event is triggered
    print("Item ID:", item:getId()) -- Print the item ID for debugging
    print("Destination position:", toPosition.x, toPosition.y, toPosition.z) -- Print the destination position for debugging
    if table.contains(ids, item:getActionId()) and toPosition.x ~= CONTAINER_POSITION then
        print("Item cannot be moved:", item:getId()) -- Print an error message for debugging
        self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'This item can not be moved.')
    print("Item moved successfully!") -- Print a message indicating the item is successfully moved


With these print statements added, you'll be able to track each step of the item movement process and check important information such as the item ID and destination position, along with messages indicating success or potential errors. This should help you debug the code more effectively.
It's more like a fact xD

Here is the fix though (didn't look at the code until now)

Just adding EVENT_CALLBACK_ONMOVEITEM should fix the issue, the same applies for TFS 1.4.2
haha. the tfs 1.4.2 is remarkably different from this code.

But nice to know I wasn't crazy.
It always felt wonky.
Am I reading this wrong, or are you saying that with my above method.. no matter what I return in the first 9 scripts, it'd still trigger the 10th script?

ah w/e. xD
I don't have it in me to test that theory. lmao
All scripts matter... the one with the lowest index is executed first and the one with the highest index will be the last to be executed, but when any event returns a cancellation value such as false or a value other than a RETURNVALUE_NOERROR, the other ascending events will not be executed

This way of ordering events is very good for several things, for example...
the onDropLoot events, or onGainExperience, ect...
local blockedIDs = {9999, 6000} local ec = EventCallback ec.onMoveItem = function(self, item, count, fromPosition, toPosition, fromCylinder, toCylinder) if table.contains(blockedIDs, item:getActionId()) then self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'This item cannot be moved.') return RETURNVALUE_NOTPOSSIBLE end return RETURNVALUE_NOERROR end ec:register(-11)

fwiw, I had problems with it as well.

I think I had to add incrementing numbers, so it would work on all the different scripts, otherwise weirdshit™ would happen.

ec:register(3) -- different number in each script

Puting 1 as example instead of -1 or -2 or anything else worked :D
local ids = {9999, 6000}

local ec = EventCallback

ec.onMoveItem = function(self, item, count, fromPosition, toPosition, fromCylinder, toCylinder)
    print("Item move event triggered!") -- Print a message to indicate the event is triggered
    print("Item ID:", item:getId()) -- Print the item ID for debugging
    print("Destination position:", toPosition.x, toPosition.y, toPosition.z) -- Print the destination position for debugging
    if table.contains(ids, item:getActionId()) and toPosition.x ~= CONTAINER_POSITION then
        print("Item cannot be moved:", item:getId()) -- Print an error message for debugging
        self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'This item can not be moved.')
    print("Item moved successfully!") -- Print a message indicating the item is successfully moved


With these print statements added, you'll be able to track each step of the item movement process and check important information such as the item ID and destination position, along with messages indicating success or potential errors. This should help you debug the code more effectively.
Thanks.... I guess.
See, I wasn't the one who had a problem with the script, nor with debugging. I am more than familiar enough with lua to have figured out to add prints (had I been running the script). I just assumed the people posting the script were also smart enough to use prints (because the script already clearly included prints), but if you were truly trying to be helpful, like I said, thanks... I guess.

Puting 1 as example instead of -1 or -2 or anything else worked :D
See! I knew it! I knew the "weird behaviour" was attributed to using a negative number... negative numbers don't work the way people think they do.

I don't see any need in a "fix" if the way it was made was intentional, like sarah said:

This way of ordering events is very good for several things, for example...
the onDropLoot events, or onGainExperience, ect...
but I am however confused as to why people were saying it worked on 1.5 but not on 1.4.2... how can this be, I don't see any changes to the codebase...
There is no need to fix anything, except for the onMoveItem callback (due return values being numbers instead of booleans)
There is also no "weird behaviour" regarding to negative numbers when registering an event, you just need to understand how the order works.

When Marko999x registered a positive number instead of a negative, he forced his script to be executed after the default onMoveItem callback (index 0) and definitely as the last one, thats the only reason why it worked. If you don't set any number by default will be 0 and the order will depend in the way files were loaded or in the table.sort method from Lua.

Now, that being said, by fixing the onMoveItem the order shouldn't matter anymore. As soon as the callback system finds other value than RETURNVALUE_NOERROR it should block the item movement and stop the callback queue, same behaviour as the others callback types.
There is no need to fix anything, except for the onMoveItem callback (due return values being numbers instead of booleans)
There is also no "weird behaviour" regarding to negative numbers when registering an event, you just need to understand how the order works.

When Marko999x registered a positive number instead of a negative, he forced his script to be executed after the default onMoveItem callback (index 0) and definitely as the last one, thats the only reason why it worked. If you don't set any number by default will be 0 and the order will depend in the way files were loaded or in the table.sort method from Lua.

Now, that being said, by fixing the onMoveItem the order shouldn't matter anymore. As soon as the callback system finds other value than RETURNVALUE_NOERROR it should block the item movement and stop the callback queue, same behaviour as the others callback types.
That's incorrect to my experience.

If I have 4 scripts, that have ec:register() , then only the first one found would be executed.
All the other one's would not run.

That's incorrect to my experience.

If I have 4 scripts, that have ec:register() , then only the first one found would be executed.
All the other one's would not run.

Not true at all. Callbacks are pushed into an array as objects, not as a key <register index>.

Same behaviour on TFS 1.4.2
Thanks.... I guess.
See, I wasn't the one who had a problem with the script, nor with debugging. I am more than familiar enough with lua to have figured out to add prints (had I been running the script). I just assumed the people posting the script were also smart enough to use prints (because the script already clearly included prints), but if you were truly trying to be helpful, like I said, thanks... I guess.

See! I knew it! I knew the "weird behaviour" was attributed to using a negative number... negative numbers don't work the way people think they do.

I don't see any need in a "fix" if the way it was made was intentional, like sarah said:

but I am however confused as to why people were saying it worked on 1.5 but not on 1.4.2... how can this be, I don't see any changes to the codebase...
The normal thing is to use integer numbers, but it is possible to use numbers with decimals, it is strange but yes, lua allows it and there is no need to prohibit this
Negative numbers are also allowed, including special numbers like lowest infinity and highest infinity math.huge and -math.huge
If you do not pass any arguments to the register function, the default will be 0.
If two events have the same index, Lua will order them arbitrarily and there is no control over it.

Maybe more information about EventCallback should be added to the OTLand for TFS book.

Note, I had not read that @Roddet had already mentioned some points that I mentioned <3
I swear everytime I test this function it acts differently. lol

Sometimes the scripts don't execute. Sometimes they all execute. Sometimes they execute correctly, but don't function.

If I return false, the other scripts don't execute, but it also doesn't stop the item from moving.
If I return NOT_POSSIBLE, every script runs, and it acts like a return true.

somethings borked. idk what, and it seems like you guys are saying it's fixed, so I don't really care. xD
The normal thing is to use integer numbers, but it is possible to use numbers with decimals, it is strange but yes, lua allows it and there is no need to prohibit this
Negative numbers are also allowed, including special numbers like lowest infinity and highest infinity math.huge and -math.huge
If you do not pass any arguments to the register function, the default will be 0.
If two events have the same index, Lua will order them arbitrarily and there is no control over it.

Maybe more information about EventCallback should be added to the OTLand for TFS book.

Note, I had not read that @Roddet had already mentioned some points that I mentioned <3
Yes but its like you and roddet said, it defaults the index to 0. So for an average user, this isn't apparent, and it also makes it troublesome when mixing positives and negatives. I think it's just good practice to not use negative values here.... why would you need to? I mean its not like someone has thousands of events for one eventcallback... and even if they did, you already stated yourself that decimals are allowed. I would think it much cleaner to use decimals than negative values..

I think we should be discouraging the use of negative values for things like this, for sure.
Post automatically merged:

I swear everytime I test this function it acts differently. lol

Sometimes the scripts don't execute. Sometimes they all execute. Sometimes they execute correctly, but don't function.

If I return false, the other scripts don't execute, but it also doesn't stop the item from moving.
If I return NOT_POSSIBLE, every script runs, and it acts like a return true.

somethings borked. idk what, and it seems like you guys are saying it's fixed, so I don't really care. xD
In 1.4.2 it's not "fixed" it needs this commit

Seems the issue was in lua the entire time, as roddet was saying before.

I think for black tek I will use the version luanluciano added to the nekiro downgrade, as it is much more readable, and also fixes the issue. if you want to find that commit it is here

I just found something we could attribute the weird behavior on the system
The system uses pairs as the iterator to iterate through an array, it should be ipairs to fully guaranteed the order of execution.

If I return NOT_POSSIBLE, every script runs, and it acts like a return true.
Even if you apply the fix I mentioned? For the onMoveItem