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Search results

  1. ScumbagRyan

    [Switzerland][7.72] Oldera REALMAP HIGHRATES - reset 24-11-2012! (SATURDAY 15:00 CET)

    ***** please dont give my picture to the feds, i pay pizzzaa moneyzz ; <
  2. ScumbagRyan

    [GERMANY][7.72]Last World-RESET/RL-Map/Anti-Cheat Client/Dedicated-NO LAG/HIGH-Rate

    donations will only be enabled 48h after opening of oldera so np
  3. ScumbagRyan

    [Sweden | 7.72] Antica - START TODAY 18:00 CET

    will ddos every hours to get people go to oldera for donation moneyzzzzz
  4. ScumbagRyan

    [Sweden | 7.72] Antica - START TODAY 18:00 CET

    serv ddos tonight, need moneyzz