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Search results

  1. S

    OTClient Libarty Compilation

    refresh how to add libarty physfs on windows 10 visual 2017
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    OTClient Libarty Compilation

    Hello i have a little problem :D
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    Lua Tfs 1.2 Creaturescripts help

    I give up :C this script had send effect on player and summon + restore heal, mana but work only if player have summon (check summon look type) then give bonus and effect XD
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    Lua Tfs 1.2 Creaturescripts help

    I dont understand you. Im newbie on Lua,Xml etc.
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    Lua Tfs 1.2 Creaturescripts help

    I have script "Aura" but i dosnt know why does not work :S 0 Reactions Scrypts like this: local config = { [2] = {x = { efe= 2, hp= 25, mn= 12, efesum= 2 } }, [31] = {x = { efe= 14, hp= 30...
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    Visual Studio problem Build

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    Visual Studio problem Build

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    Visual Studio problem Build

    I have this problem : can somebody help me on fix this problem ? Before start Virual Studio i start: register_otclient_sdk_env and ./boost_1_63_0/register_otclient_boost_env
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    OtClient + Map Editor

    Hello i looking for OtClient + Map Editor full work because i try many time make but I am not successful :C Only : [Unable to load 'mapeditor' module] Can someone give me link to download full work this client + map ? I would be very grateful
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    Lua needs clarification on Scripts

    Refresh :D
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    Lua needs clarification on Scripts

    Okey Thx for help but exhaust dosnt work :/
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    [TFS 1.2] Pet system

    I have problem with : talkactions/scripts/pet_heal.lua: local soulNeded = PETS.CONFIG.healSoulBase + lostHealth * PETS.CONFIG.healSoulCost on console i see: lua script error : [ Talkaction Interface ] data/talkactions/scripts/pet_heal.lua: onSay...
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    Lua needs clarification on Scripts

    function onThink(creature, interval) when i said loop i mean repeat again 0.5sec I'm wrong? And i use efe and efesum because "effect nr: 12" it's only for test :) local config = { storage = 12, -- ???? i try to explain 1 Item but different atributes and when we equip item "Sword +...
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    Lua needs clarification on Scripts

    for i, v in ipairs(SUMMONS) do this is loop and function onThink(player, interval) this is loop why use 2x ? It is necessary? :)
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    Lua needs clarification on Scripts

    Hello im Newbie on script lua but i try to translate my scripts on tfs 0.3.6pl to tfs 1.2 and i have problem this is my scripts on tfs 0.3.6pl local config = { [1] = {efe= 12,hp= 0.02,mn= 0.01, time= 2,efesum= 12} } function onThink(cid, interval) if(isCreature(cid)) and (not...
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    Compiling big problem with Compilate TFS

    Hello i have big problem :/ when i use Dev Cpp 5.11 pops error ; It has someone link to download the current program ? Please send me :(
  17. S

    This fuctions can only be used while loading the script

    Okey Close Post I solved the problem.
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    This fuctions can only be used while loading the script

    Hi, I have a problem I can not solve it: / local config = { [1] = { 25, 2, 840, 208}, [2] = { 50, 3, 91, 208}, [3] = { 75, 4, 841, 208}, [4] = { 100, 5, 676, 208}, [5] = { 125, 6, 842, 208}, [6] = { 150, 7, 40, 208}, [7] = { 175, 8, 305, 208}, [8] = { 200, 9, 677, 208}, [9] = { 225, 10, 686...
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    Solved Gesior 10.37 Status Server Problem.

    The server status of my server shows that its offline when it's not and that prevents players from joining it, because they think its offline obviously. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"...