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Search results

  1. S

    Kex dedek

    Nice cam! Was fun :thumbup:
  2. S

    Kex dedek

    Perhaps it was only 6 just the second I died, but what about the ones blocking all the exits, and bridges? :peace: Anyway was fun, cya!
  3. S

    Kex dedek

    Nice done m8s, killing me, with 15ppl :D
  4. S

    @ Celaver

    Si senior?
  5. S

    @ Celaver

    It was just a question, since u ignored me ingame I couldnt get my answer, could I? That's why I took help by forums, still you avoid to answer the question! Funny! :p Wonder who's the 15 year old virgin? :$
  6. S

    @ Celaver

    Wtf m8? :$ 02:01 Kex [292]: i heard ur a virgin? 02:01 Kex [292]: true? 02:01 Tenturus [277]: yeah right 02:01 Tenturus [277]: no 02:01 Tenturus [277]: ignored 02:01 Tenturus [277]: bye 02:01 Tenturus [277]: noob Why IGNORE MAN!??! It was just a question!
  7. S


    He did? LOL! :o
  8. S

    Picture in RL

  9. S

    Flippad Freeze

    I made dedek :S
  10. S

    Yalahar Battle

    Ye it was fun, what else to do when they wont fight us in OB?
  11. S

    oH JaAaAaaAaaAaaAAaaA

    Damn, you guys are really pro! Gz
  12. S

    Selling Accounts

    Buy all!