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Kex dedek

I'd be too ashamed of posting up such a worthless cam. Just shows 5 retards using Follow atack and shooting SD spamming UE.

Nothing special
Seether is the first one who found out that we're rooking our chars.
Nice Mate ;)

I just saw a nice statement of Cassius da noob

21:46 Cknight [146]: When we're going to sleep
21:46 Cknight [146]: You log on wit h5 ugys

I've seen most of your team online at 01:00 at work days and even later.
Nice done m8s, killing me, with 15ppl :D

6 people on your screen when you died.

@ Skyrazor. Obviously you would be ashamed, since you can't even frag a mage that's totally trapped when you're like 5 or 6 kids. BTW, exactly, KIDS. It was fun to find out how you guys don't even know what timezones are. + You log on when we're like 3 or 4 kids online, about to go to sleep and you say we're pussies cause we're on one of our lower level chars + we're in PZ (AFK or not). As i said, the difference between stupidity and bravery is extremely small, yet you manage to fall over to the stupidity side with full power.
6 people on your screen when you died.

@ Skyrazor. Obviously you would be ashamed, since you can't even frag a mage that's totally trapped when you're like 5 or 6 kids. BTW, exactly, KIDS. It was fun to find out how you guys don't even know what timezones are. + You log on when we're like 3 or 4 kids online, about to go to sleep and you say we're pussies cause we're on one of our lower level chars + we're in PZ (AFK or not). As i said, the difference between stupidity and bravery is extremely small, yet you manage to fall over to the stupidity side with full power.

Perhaps it was only 6 just the second I died, but what about the ones blocking all the exits, and bridges? :peace: Anyway was fun, cya!
6 people on your screen when you died.

@ Skyrazor. Obviously you would be ashamed, since you can't even frag a mage that's totally trapped when you're like 5 or 6 kids. BTW, exactly, KIDS. It was fun to find out how you guys don't even know what timezones are. + You log on when we're like 3 or 4 kids online, about to go to sleep and you say we're pussies cause we're on one of our lower level chars + we're in PZ (AFK or not). As i said, the difference between stupidity and bravery is extremely small, yet you manage to fall over to the stupidity side with full power.

You're talking hell of bullshit.
You know that all the sweden kids of your team are having the same timezone and theyre usually longer than 0:00 online and when theres a battle they stay up till 02:00. Ive been in their team for a long time, so dont tell me they dont.
And there are no lifers like Pierce. He's awake till 14:00 my time. Which is 5:00 in his team like we all found out. His timezone is +9 so?
What did we learn?
Please summarize it.
You failed
You're talking hell of bullshit.
You know that all the sweden kids of your team are having the same timezone and theyre usually longer than 0:00 online and when theres a battle they stay up till 02:00. Ive been in their team for a long time, so dont tell me they dont.
And there are no lifers like Pierce. He's awake till 14:00 my time. Which is 5:00 in his team like we all found out. His timezone is +9 so?
What did we learn?
Please summarize it.
You failed

He's not 9 hours ahead idiot. What did I say in my previous post? That you tards don't know jack shit about timezones. He's 9 hours behind you. I prefer to go to sleep 23:00 PM. So how would I know if the swedes in our team stay up til midnight? That'd mean I'd have to stay up til 1 AM myself.

So, what did we learn? You tried making sense, but you failed again as also mentioned in my previous post. Better luck next time. Here you go, all summarized. Good night :)
He's not 9 hours ahead idiot. What did I say in my previous post? That you tards don't know jack shit about timezones. He's 9 hours behind you. I prefer to go to sleep 23:00 PM. So how would I know if the swedes in our team stay up til midnight? That'd mean I'd have to stay up til 1 AM myself.

So, what did we learn? You tried making sense, but you failed again as also mentioned in my previous post. Better luck next time.

Then dont say "we" when you just mean yourself

If you'd have readen my post when I calculated the timezone 14:00 me 5:00 pierce you would have seen that "+9" was just typed wrong.
Havent oyu learned that in the first class?
Reading and understanding
You're talking hell of bullshit.
You know that all the sweden kids of your team are having the same timezone and theyre usually longer than 0:00 online and when theres a battle they stay up till 02:00. Ive been in their team for a long time, so dont tell me they dont.
And there are no lifers like Pierce. He's awake till 14:00 my time. Which is 5:00 in his team like we all found out. His timezone is +9 so?
What did we learn?
Please summarize it.
You failed

julian tbh your team has lots of no lifers lol your just mad cause your loosing now and you turn to the old "omg u hef no life" comeback
Seether is the first one who found out that we're rooking our chars.
Nice Mate ;)

I just saw a nice statement of Cassius da noob

21:46 Cknight [146]: When we're going to sleep
21:46 Cknight [146]: You log on wit h5 ugys

I've seen most of your team online at 01:00 at work days and even later.

And why exactly are you doing that? Rooking your chars that is? I remember Kex saying that you´ll keep on fighting us. Why the sudden moodswing?
And why exactly are you doing that? Rooking your chars that is? I remember Kex saying that you´ll keep on fighting us. Why the sudden moodswing?

Aren't we fighting you?
We are just not getting our levels back. It's basically the same.
Btw im selling my characters for all kind of characters on real tibia. Server doesn't matter aswell it's longer than 70 and on an american.
Also no knights under 120.
Aren't we fighting you?
We are just not getting our levels back. It's basically the same.
Btw im selling my characters for all kind of characters on real tibia. Server doesn't matter aswell it's longer than 70 and on an american.
Also no knights under 120.

lol a 120 knight for a char here? you do realize that it's not 10x exp on rl tibia? :blink:
lol a 120 knight for a char here? you do realize that it's not 10x exp on rl tibia? :blink:

All mien chars mens

5 lvl 250 containing 1 with all addons
6 chars of around 190-230 containing 2 with all addons
and my noob pk chars which not even I can count.
You know I got many noob pk chars but you aren't even close to know all ;)

Me and Daniel could support a own team as big as ours only in giving them chars xD

Alex offered Gotack a 160EK on Thoria and a lvl 60ms as pk char on it. Stupidly gotack refused this offer.. I just asked Alex but he sold it already =/

Well maybe im getting a 100ed on eterenia thats why im not making a thread yet. Im too lazy to buy pacc atm and I got better things to spend my cash on. You knou what but w/e.. still checking ppl's rl tibia chars. I dont even care if itll get hacked back in august bcs I just wanna play in the cold months.. and it looks like it will stay cold till may
Seether is the first one who found out that we're rooking our chars.
Nice Mate ;)

I just saw a nice statement of Cassius da noob

21:46 Cknight [146]: When we're going to sleep
21:46 Cknight [146]: You log on with 5 guys

I've seen most of your team online at 01:00 at work days and even later.

"Most of our team" considers Ryan, Pierce, Street, Anthony... that are having a quiet afternoon when it's 01:00 for you. With what i said on Cknight, i meant that you only dare to fight when you know we're not going to due to some certain reasons.
"Most of our team" considers Ryan, Pierce, Street, Anthony... that are having a quiet afternoon when it's 01:00 for you. With what i said on Cknight, i meant that you only dare to fight when you know we're not going to due to some certain reasons.

lol Patrcik was posting on forum at 01:00
retard you just talk bullshit and u know it
lol Patrcik was posting on forum at 01:00
retard you just talk bullshit and u know it

lol what's wrong with that? are you seriously checking the time stamps of my forum posts?????
what's your comeback gonna be? "you are up whole night menz u haeve no lajf!!" I bet you spend way more time at the computer than I do eventough your oh so busy life