• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Search results

  1. D

    My friends cannot login

    ok thnx, im looking for the bridge mode for my speedtouch 510 v4.0
  2. D

    My friends cannot login

    Dont use NAT? How? I opend the ports in NAT to? Firewall is open know, but router firewall? I dont know if i have that il look that up. why DHCP?
  3. D

    My friends cannot login

    thnx, i have an speedtouch 510 v4 I have opened the port 7171 and 7172 with udp and tcp. I didnt know you have to open the ports in your firwall or router firewall? il try that thnx, The other problem is that i had an 8.1 server that worked fine! But it was an XML.
  4. D

    My friends cannot login

    Hello all, I have recently made a 8.54 server. I downloaded XAMPP made an account on phpmyadmin, read tutorials and i even made a GOD char for myself, I can login on the server, but other people cant. Know i looked for the answer and i found that you have to open port 7172, so i opened 7172...