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My friends cannot login


New Member
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hello all,

I have recently made a 8.54 server. I downloaded XAMPP made an account on phpmyadmin, read tutorials and i even made a GOD char for myself, I can login on the server, but other people cant.
Know i looked for the answer and i found that you have to open port 7172, so i opened 7172, i used portchecker and they say 7172 is open, so i think every1 can log in? Config.lua has been adjusted so i dont know what the problem is :S!!! I have tried everything i could think of, I searched for other people on forums who had the same problem but i couldn't find an solution. So i hoped you could help me?

What i did so far.
-made phpmyadmin account and combined it to my server.
-Downloaded XAMPP
-Opened the port 7171, and 7172
-config.lua has been adjusted.
Is your Router bridgeing or Routing?
What Router model?
-Don't use LAN
-Don't use NAT
-Don't use Router firewall
-Open ports 7171, 7172, 80 both tcp and udp, allow all connections from anywhere
-Open ports in your computer Firewall and Router firewall (Router firewall can block connections, My zyxel for example: I opened ports in it and canyouseeme? tells that my ports aren't opened,
So I had to set my router to bridgeing...
-Do you use No-Ip?
-Disable DHCP in your router

And maybe Disable all...Joke. Try those.
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thnx, i have an speedtouch 510 v4

I have opened the port 7171 and 7172 with udp and tcp.
I didnt know you have to open the ports in your firwall or router firewall? il try that thnx,

The other problem is that i had an 8.1 server that worked fine! But it was an XML.
Dont use NAT? How? I opend the ports in NAT to?
Firewall is open know, but router firewall? I dont know if i have that il look that up. why DHCP?
Look trust me.
Go to your ruter
Open Ports 7171 7172 80 - With global ip
If is newest - make a save &reboot <-- if is new ruter and if u have it.
Disable windows firewall and u will finish.

Yep but for exmaple my router doesn't work if I portforward those ports.
I had to set it bridgeing instead of routing (Bridgeing = No NAT, no LAN, Disabled DHCP, no Router Firewall & Status "Bridgeing", try to search in google: YOUR ROUTERMODEL bridgeing or w/e)
Question... do you have an anti-virus program (like norton/F-secure)?
If you have, be sure that it doesn't have their firewall on OR you just open the ports in there :p

I had that problem before :p
why my friends can not enter to my server? i opened the ports 7171 and 7172 and I dont have a website for my server...
I run the server and i can get in with my local ip but my friends can´t enter with the global ip ... why? and i opened the ports in my router and my firewall.. ):

MY router model: AIRLINK 101 pz help u.u
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